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Can you bend Spoons?

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Can you bend Spoons?

31.03.2006 um 13:43
You all surely know Uri Geller..
Was anyone life at the show from Uri? Or did youtried at home to bend a Spoon awhile watching his show?
I know that many peopleoutthere had this experience..come out and tell us..

Zwischen Reden~~~~und~~~~Tun liegt das Meer doch der Weg ist das Ziel


Can you bend Spoons?

31.03.2006 um 14:09
For people, just like me, who didn't know Uri Geller before, here is an interestingarticle with some basic informations.


Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...


Can you bend Spoons?

31.03.2006 um 14:59
Can you bend Spoons?

no, I can't.

and I don't think that uri geller canit.

because i think that this guy use chemicals who reaction whit the rub of hisfingers. and so the spoon had bend.

not more and not less.

i don'tthink that this guy had magigkraft or what ever.

Wache: “Eure Pferde sind Kokosnüsse.“
Arthus: „Was?“
Wache: „Euer Diener nimmt 2 Kokosnusshälften und schlägt sie gegeneinander.“
Arthus : „Wir sind in der Energiekrise! Was soll ich machen, wenn die Mohren kein Öl mehr liefern!“


Can you bend Spoons?

31.03.2006 um 15:21
i honestly dont wanted to ask german people and skeptikal like you dude..wo ist denn dadas ausrufezeichen und so..

Zwischen Reden~~~~und~~~~Tun liegt das Meer doch der Weg ist das Ziel


Can you bend Spoons?

31.03.2006 um 15:29
No German please..

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...


Can you bend Spoons?

31.03.2006 um 20:39
You have to eat a delicate soup, a the spoon will bend.
Commercials give us theanswer but no one will
follow.Strange! :D

"Wo alle verurteilen, muss man prüfen und wo alle loben, auch."
Definitely Maybe :}


Can you bend Spoons?

31.03.2006 um 20:53
lol..i dont know what you mean ; ) every time i eat a knorrsoup my spoon is gotmisteriously bending like this: THATS Strange ;D

Zwischen Reden~~~~und~~~~Tun liegt das Meer doch der Weg ist das Ziel


Can you bend Spoons?

31.03.2006 um 20:58
Jo, got the same Probs.
Sitting by Lunch, eating my Tomatosoup
from Knorr, and asecond later th spoon twisted
around my neck, its strange an.. iam afraid :D

"Wo alle verurteilen, muss man prüfen und wo alle loben, auch."
Definitely Maybe :}

reed ehemaliges Mitglied

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Can you bend Spoons?

31.03.2006 um 21:06
yea.. mind over matter... that's what it is!! :)

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud


Can you bend Spoons?

01.04.2006 um 01:32
that means: no more Knorritsch only Maggi *g*

Zwischen Reden~~~~und~~~~Tun liegt das Meer doch der Weg ist das Ziel


Can you bend Spoons?

01.04.2006 um 21:06
Ok, this thread is Off-Topic, it will be moved to the Off-Topic ;-)

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...


Can you bend Spoons?

01.04.2006 um 22:29
I can bend spoons with my fingers

HA,HA,HA, du hast gerade Spam gelesen :D



Can you bend Spoons?

03.05.2006 um 22:33
Why should I do this? Can't we use spoons for other things?


Can you bend Spoons?

05.05.2006 um 16:07
Yeah, I can bend Spoons, if I use a Gas-Flame.


Can you bend Spoons?

05.05.2006 um 17:51

I can bend spoons with my fingers

lol i just wanted to write shitlike this and saw that I did allready ^^


Can you bend Spoons?

22.11.2006 um 14:52
just one question.

why do uri geller always bend spoons? i mean why don´t hebend a fork or a knife? it´s from the same material and if he is really having thisability it won´t be a challenge for him.


Can you bend Spoons?

04.12.2006 um 21:21
Urigella ist just too gay to bend knives.
I mean he gotta his ass kicked,ifhe would battle Copperfield.
