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Arranged / Forced Marriage

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reed ehemaliges Mitglied

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Arranged / Forced Marriage

31.03.2006 um 22:24
ok.. but i do.

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud

reed ehemaliges Mitglied

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Arranged / Forced Marriage

31.03.2006 um 22:25
and these people were not poor at all.. these kids belong to some of the richestfamilies!

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud


Arranged / Forced Marriage

31.03.2006 um 22:33
and why did they arrange the marriage? Religion, culture?

Die Zukunft wirst du nie erleben, denn in dem Moment da du meinst die Zukunft zu erleben ist diese bereits lebhafte Gegenwart um sich dann in unnahbare Vergangenheit zu wandeln.
Mit unserem Leben bezahlen wir, dass wir leben.

reed ehemaliges Mitglied

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Arranged / Forced Marriage

31.03.2006 um 22:35
culture maybe.. but the main reason was to keep the money in the family.

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud


Arranged / Forced Marriage

31.03.2006 um 22:49
I see... well, I'm glad I can choose the man I want to live with the rest of my life :)

Die Zukunft wirst du nie erleben, denn in dem Moment da du meinst die Zukunft zu erleben ist diese bereits lebhafte Gegenwart um sich dann in unnahbare Vergangenheit zu wandeln.
Mit unserem Leben bezahlen wir, dass wir leben.

reed ehemaliges Mitglied

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Arranged / Forced Marriage

31.03.2006 um 22:51
yea.. me too.. that's the liberty we can enjoy!

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud


Arranged / Forced Marriage

04.04.2006 um 15:24
be in love with someone is a wonderful thing, must be a dreadful loss, when you neverexperience it.

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...


Arranged / Forced Marriage

05.04.2006 um 09:27
Arranged / Forced Marriage

Why parents force a marriage?
What are thedisadantages and advantages?
ARE there any advantages??


Religion, Culture, or just a living in the past -

Maybe the only way forpoor people, to save the children

Maybe the don´t know it better

Maybethey onla want the best for the family


Hm, look at thesetimes

Religion against Culture

Culture against Culture

Peopleagainst people

Woman aginst their parents

It is not easy for all ofthem..

Die Leichtigkeit des Seins wird beeinflusst durch die Bürde des Vergangenen und das Joch des Zukünftigen...


Arranged / Forced Marriage

29.04.2006 um 07:24
Arranged/forced, though I disagree, is a part of culturals around the world. I do believethat it is wrong and that marriage is about love, not about money or anything else.


Arranged / Forced Marriage

29.04.2006 um 10:15

On the on hand, it can be said your view is accurate, but on theother hand, don't you think, some people do not have the personal freedom to decide whomto wed? Poverty or as previously mentioned cultural reasons are forcing numerous peopleto marry somebody they in fact don't be in love with.


Arranged / Forced Marriage

23.06.2006 um 13:32
A Chinese told me, that in traditional China marriages between parents have beenarranged, to make sure, that the marriage will be between "good" people.
Because, ifthe "quality" of the parents is good, of course the children will also be good. So Firstthe parents met, and then if they the the parents of the other are ok, then maybe thechildren can also met before they are married.
about this i don´t have a specialopionen, actually i don´t care about...

But i think it´s an illusion to think,that u will fall in love with somebody and love him for the rest of your life....ofcourse it´s a nice idea, and of course there are some people in the world where it islike this, but they are exceptions....there are for sure not less marriages that arearranged and these are also "good" marriages...


Arranged / Forced Marriage

24.06.2006 um 14:16
But i think it´s an illusion to think, that u will fall in love with somebody and lovehim for the rest of your life....of course it´s a nice idea, and of course there are somepeople in the world where it is like this, but they are exceptions....there are for surenot less marriages that are arranged and these are also "good" marriages...


I do not agree with you, dude.
There are so many different types of love, I thinkit is doable to love someone for the your entire life; you just have to find the rightperson, ne.
But if you are not able to overpower you haughtiness, than I agree withyou. Then you will, in no way, ever find somebody who likes to live with you for the restof your life.

