Sorry between friends
30.03.2006 um 17:23
Ok, back to topi ;o)
And now, maybe everyone is willed to use English?
Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...
Sorry between friends
31.03.2006 um 22:08
"How do you translate a "Hö" into English, my dear friends?"
like: 'huh'
Sorry, Kikuchi, but that question was not answered yet :P
Now back to topic:
Why should there not be a "sorry" between friends?
Especially between friends there should be understanding and "sorry"!
If a friendcan't accept a "sorry" from you... well, then he is not a real friend...
Just keep inmind... no one is perfect!
Die Zukunft wirst du nie erleben, denn in dem Moment da du meinst die Zukunft zu erleben ist diese bereits lebhafte Gegenwart um sich dann in unnahbare Vergangenheit zu wandeln.
Mit unserem Leben bezahlen wir, dass wir leben.
Sorry between friends
01.04.2006 um 00:08
what kind of friend is this, if i can´t or should not say sorry?
A friend is aperson who understands me and if it´s so, i can say all, or nothing and otherwise, it´snot a friend...
Die Leichtigkeit des Seins wird beeinflusst durch die Bürde des Vergangenen und das Joch des Zukünftigen...
Sorry between friends
02.04.2006 um 17:27
right you are!
Of all the communities available to us there is not one I would want to devote myself to, except for the society of the true searchers, which has very few living members at any time.
Sorry between friends
25.05.2006 um 01:44
why not say sorry?
well, sometimes i do not say "thank you". To some really closefriends i feel a "thank you"just sounds so superficial, that this word seems just notenough to express the gratitude than a sincere smile.