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About the new category: Allmystery in English

106 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Allmystery ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

About the new category: Allmystery in English

05.10.2013 um 12:51

My English is very bad. I must mix the Text and the Rest vom Forum is in german. :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

08.10.2013 um 05:06
AN602, This is better than no English at all. :p Until I learn enough German, I will at least be able to post here. ^^ I am highly grateful for this.

sator ehemaliges Mitglied

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About the new category: Allmystery in English

08.10.2013 um 09:58
then how about an allmystery subforum for those who want to communicate in japanaese? >_>


About the new category: Allmystery in English

08.10.2013 um 10:58

Indeed. Well, you can thank dns, he's the admin here. :)


Err... How about no?

sator ehemaliges Mitglied

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About the new category: Allmystery in English

08.10.2013 um 11:16

thought i heard sth...


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 21:22
i am fluent in both german and english :)

looking forward to give some input here


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:07

Feel free to do so!


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:11
@Commonsense: believe it or not, i'm here for more than 4 years now, but i just stumbled over the english section :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:15

Well, since this section was re-opened just a few months ago, you wouldn't have had a chance to recognize it earlier.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:17
@Commonsense: that's fine then, hopefully, we will have some interesting discussions, maybe i can get some people from ireland to have a look around here ;)


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:18

If you get 'em to leave the pub, that is...


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:20
@Commonsense: or the bookie's :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:23

Or a U2 concert...or any band, that performs "whisky in a jar" :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:25
@Commonsense: and if not, just show them the next late night off licence, and they are happy like a pig in shite :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:29

Next you'll tell me, that they love their sheep...

Seriously, this section needs a lttle more attention and input, so go ahead.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:31
@Commonsense: they do love their sheep, especially with mint sauce :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:36

Not only that way, I hear.

There are some stories...a scot once told me, that you have to leave the pub a little earlier, in order to get one of the good looking. Then, talking of technique, you either wear rubber boots, where you can stick their legs in, or you face them towards a cliff, to make them go backwards....



About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:39
@Commonsense: well...there is the ones from dublin, who are a bit more cultivated, and there is people from the countryside, who...erm...have a very personal relationship to their live stock :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:41

Let's hope, they don't go for chicken...


About the new category: Allmystery in English

29.11.2013 um 23:43
@Commonsense: not that i'm aware of, but there is some very remote parts of the country...very remote boglands indeed ;)
