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About the new category: Allmystery in English

106 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Allmystery ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 12:07



About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 12:39
In my Opinion a very good idea. So we could attract people from other countries - for example England :D for visiting this awesome website :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 14:06
nais! I really like the idea, now i can ?improve? my english skills. I am not so good in english. The most problem is the grammar, but this here is a nice training.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 14:09
I think this category deserves that the posts are being counted. Like, this is definitely NOT some silly
spam-category, if you ask me.

However, I am really grateful for this english section, for it is one of the most beautiful languages of all time. :)


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 14:33
Ahhh cummon. Theres no fooolin need fera english category. Wa ye neighd thit


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 14:33
German is not my native language, english is not my native language. But my german is better than my english. That's why I want to speak more in english than in german. I hope that we will have a lot of fun in this english version. :)


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 14:36

So... What is your native language? :ask:


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 14:36
i can speak english very well... but... ich find die wörter nich so schnell... :(


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 14:37
I think its a good idea to create this new category in the forum. Zhis is gonna be funny as hell :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 14:38
I am Croatian. ;)


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 14:38
i will do my very best...


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:10
The only problem I see with this category is that the topics will probably range from Mystery and Science, to Small Talk and Off Topic, which will make it hard to keep track of things.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:11

That's one of the reasons I'm calling for a proper english forum, like Allmystery used to have one.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:25
But i think it wont be necessary to start up a full new forum, because not so many users will join and not so many topics will be discussed.

The idea of english Allmy will be evoluting, and we will see where it leads. If the Chef sees the necissity to make a change, he will do it.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:26
Yes. For the first time we have to read the title of every topic.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:37
Let´s see when we get some foreigners outside of germany in here. The moderation and the technical aspect of the site is advanced so maybe that will interest them.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:46
Seems to be a good idea.

The last time I had english in school is ten years ago...


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:49
Hmm the postings in this category do not count in the profil....but there could be "serious" topics as well? :D


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:51

Yes, I was also not sure about whether to count the posts or not. I mean there will be a Smallalk-Thread for sure...


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:51
But then you would have to seperate the category in "serious topics" and "comedy topics" or something... that would be a lot of work.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:51

Will be? There already is a smalltalk-thread.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:52
I wouldnt count them.
Or, you count em seperately:
Posts: 39



About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:53

Yeah, I am planning something like that. A counter which counts every category separately. That would be a good solution for all the counter problems.


About the new category: Allmystery in English

03.10.2013 um 15:54

What about the overall-counter? I don't think it's such a good idea to count every bloody category for itself, if I understood you correctly.
