Videos: Goblin auf Video?

Creepy Gnome Terrorises Town
Erinnert mich irgendwie an die Gnom-Videos aus Argentinien ... was wurde eigentlich aus denen? ;)
Beitrag von Nevrion - am 24.09.2014

DUENDE REAL! en Santa fe-Argentina 2014
Was haltet ihr von diesem Video? dem Video steht folgender Kommentar:Pretty Bearvor 1 Woche (bearbeitet) Actually I believe it. About three or four years ago I saw a similiar thing that looked like that in my bedroom watching me as I pretended to be sleeping. I sleep with the lights on cause Im scared of the dark. I did that cause I felt like something was attacking me in the dark. I saw it it had a goblin type face gnome size and it was kind of greyish. It freaked me out because it was on my ...
Beitrag von sunswine - am 24.09.2014