Alles über Michael Jackson
07.03.2010 um 00:16@CosmicQueen
kann man nur hoffen, dass sie keine voreiligen Schlüsse daraus ziehen, denn Kinder sind einfach Kinder, die spielen alles mögliche und haben ihren Spaß, so soll es ja auch sein ...
das hat Randy getwittert > der Account ist Verified = verifiziert
# Oops – Did I say ‘her’… ? 1:31 PM Mar 4th via web
# A private issue, handled internally. The 1 in the house that calld TMZ&DCFS is on a mission 2 exploit us & separate the kids 4 her evil gain 1:29 PM Mar 4th via web
# Quick note, TMZ caught me off guard as I was leaving a meeting. I never called them & I'm not their inside source. That will b revealed soon 1:22 PM Mar 4th via web
# Was handled correctly, no harm done. Allegations 90% false, fabricated by evildoers covertly trying 2 separate my family from the inside out 12:31 PM Mar 4th via web
# As I said, I must unite my family, evident by this most recent issue @ my family home. 12:25 PM Mar 4th via web
# All the kids r safe. My nephew is a GREAT kid. Sad that the media has to pick on a 13 year old for their own gain. 11:36 AM Mar 4th via mobile web
Auf jeden Fall waren Mitarbeiter vom Jugendamt sehr schnell bei Katherine ....CosmicQueen schrieb:@FaIrIeFlOwEr
Weiß ich nicht ob das wirklich so schnell geht, es ist doch normal in dem Alter das die Kinder mal eben solche "Streiche" spielen, was meinst du was wir als Kinder so alles getrieben haben, da kam auch nicht sofort das Jugendamt und hat uns von unserer Mutter weggeholt. Da muss, glaube ich, schon was viel schlimmeres passieren damit die wirklich was in der Hand haben.
kann man nur hoffen, dass sie keine voreiligen Schlüsse daraus ziehen, denn Kinder sind einfach Kinder, die spielen alles mögliche und haben ihren Spaß, so soll es ja auch sein ...
das hat Randy getwittert > der Account ist Verified = verifiziert
# Oops – Did I say ‘her’… ? 1:31 PM Mar 4th via web
# A private issue, handled internally. The 1 in the house that calld TMZ&DCFS is on a mission 2 exploit us & separate the kids 4 her evil gain 1:29 PM Mar 4th via web
# Quick note, TMZ caught me off guard as I was leaving a meeting. I never called them & I'm not their inside source. That will b revealed soon 1:22 PM Mar 4th via web
# Was handled correctly, no harm done. Allegations 90% false, fabricated by evildoers covertly trying 2 separate my family from the inside out 12:31 PM Mar 4th via web
# As I said, I must unite my family, evident by this most recent issue @ my family home. 12:25 PM Mar 4th via web
# All the kids r safe. My nephew is a GREAT kid. Sad that the media has to pick on a 13 year old for their own gain. 11:36 AM Mar 4th via mobile web