Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
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Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 19:51@CriticalRush
bewerten ist ein teil des problems ;)

bewerten ist ein teil des problems ;)

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Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 19:53das sind Puzzle Questions von irgend ne buddha (@sarevok in englich bist due echt gut, oder?)
SpoilerQuestion 1 – What is the sharpest sword?
Gautama said, “A word spoken in wrath ( क्रोध) is the sharpest sword”.
Question 2 – What is the deadliest poison?
Buddha said, “Greed is the deadliest poison”.
Question 3 – What is the fiercest fire?
He said, “Passion is the fiercest fire”.
Question 4 – What is the darkest night?
Gautama said, “Ignorance is the darkest night”.
Question 5 – Who gains the greatest benefit?
Gautama answered, “He is the greatest gainer who to others”.
Question 6 – Who loses most?
Gautama said, “He loses most who greedily receives without gratitude”.
Question 7 – Which armour is invulnerable?
Buddha said, “Patience is an invulnerable (अभेद्य) armour”.
Question 8 – What is the best weapon?
He said, “Wisdom is the best weapon”.
Question 9 – Who is the most dangerous thief?
Gautama said, “An evil thought is the most dangerous thief”.
Question 10 – What is the most precious treasure?
He said, “Virtue is the most precious treasure”.
MUST READ: How to handle insult spiritually? Inspiring Story from the life of Buddha
Question 11 – Who is most successful in taking away by violence not only on earth but also in heaven?
SpoilerQuestion 12 – What is the securest treasure-trove?
Gautama replied, “Immortality is its securest treasure-trove”.
Question 13 – What is attractive?
He said, “Good is attractive”.
Question 14 – What is disgusting?
He told the celestial god that, “Evil is disgusting”.
Question 15 – What is the most horrible pain?
He answered, “A bad conscience (sense of right and wrong) (अन्तश्चेतना) is the most tormenting pain”.
Question 16 – What is the greatest enjoyment?
Gautama said, “Deliverance (liberation or मुक्ति) is the height of bliss”.
Question 17 – What causes ruin in the world?
Buddha said, “Ignorance causes the ruin of the world”.
Question 18 – What breaks off friendships?
Gautama answered, “Envy and selfishness break off friendships”.
Question 19 – What is the most violent fever?
He answered, “Hatred is the most violent fever”.
Question 20 – Who is the best physician?
He said, “The Buddha is the best physician”.
MUST READ: How to overcome the death of your loved one? Teaching from the life of Buddha
Question 21 – What is it fire can neither burn, nor moisture corrode, nor wind crush down, but is able to reform the whole world?
Gautama Buddha told the celestial god, “Neither fire, nor moisture, nor wind can destroy the blessing of a good deed, and blessings reform the whole world”.
After hearing these answers, the deva was filled with delight and bow down before Buddha in reverence and then disappeared.
SpoilerQuestion 1 – What is the sharpest sword?
Gautama said, “A word spoken in wrath ( क्रोध) is the sharpest sword”.
Question 2 – What is the deadliest poison?
Buddha said, “Greed is the deadliest poison”.
Question 3 – What is the fiercest fire?
He said, “Passion is the fiercest fire”.
Question 4 – What is the darkest night?
Gautama said, “Ignorance is the darkest night”.
Question 5 – Who gains the greatest benefit?
Gautama answered, “He is the greatest gainer who to others”.
Question 6 – Who loses most?
Gautama said, “He loses most who greedily receives without gratitude”.
Question 7 – Which armour is invulnerable?
Buddha said, “Patience is an invulnerable (अभेद्य) armour”.
Question 8 – What is the best weapon?
He said, “Wisdom is the best weapon”.
Question 9 – Who is the most dangerous thief?
Gautama said, “An evil thought is the most dangerous thief”.
Question 10 – What is the most precious treasure?
He said, “Virtue is the most precious treasure”.
MUST READ: How to handle insult spiritually? Inspiring Story from the life of Buddha
Question 11 – Who is most successful in taking away by violence not only on earth but also in heaven?
SpoilerQuestion 12 – What is the securest treasure-trove?
Gautama replied, “Immortality is its securest treasure-trove”.
Question 13 – What is attractive?
He said, “Good is attractive”.
Question 14 – What is disgusting?
He told the celestial god that, “Evil is disgusting”.
Question 15 – What is the most horrible pain?
He answered, “A bad conscience (sense of right and wrong) (अन्तश्चेतना) is the most tormenting pain”.
Question 16 – What is the greatest enjoyment?
Gautama said, “Deliverance (liberation or मुक्ति) is the height of bliss”.
Question 17 – What causes ruin in the world?
Buddha said, “Ignorance causes the ruin of the world”.
Question 18 – What breaks off friendships?
Gautama answered, “Envy and selfishness break off friendships”.
Question 19 – What is the most violent fever?
He answered, “Hatred is the most violent fever”.
Question 20 – Who is the best physician?
He said, “The Buddha is the best physician”.
MUST READ: How to overcome the death of your loved one? Teaching from the life of Buddha
Question 21 – What is it fire can neither burn, nor moisture corrode, nor wind crush down, but is able to reform the whole world?
Gautama Buddha told the celestial god, “Neither fire, nor moisture, nor wind can destroy the blessing of a good deed, and blessings reform the whole world”.
After hearing these answers, the deva was filled with delight and bow down before Buddha in reverence and then disappeared.
Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 19:55Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 19:59Kennt heut zu Tage keiner mehr Drake, Major Lazer, Lil Wyne, stefflon don, Kayne etc?
Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:01ist voll bla, ich mach nur selten solche musik an, aber nur zum cool sein.
kenne ich nicht, es gibt besseres ;D
kenne ich nicht, es gibt besseres ;D
Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:01Oh natürlich Queens
Beyonce, Niki Minaj, Rexa, Becky G und die all
Beyonce, Niki Minaj, Rexa, Becky G und die all
Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:02Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:04Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:05Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:12CriticalRush schrieb:ich gebe mich aber mit coolen leuten ab
Wann ist Polterabend?BossMeng schrieb:Hm Danke für dieses Kompliment :Y: ;)
Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:12alles profis hier, ich werd mal was zocken
Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:14Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:17polter abend :D
hier in dem frucht memory wird angezeitgt wie das gedächtnis in vergleich zu anderen ist :D
https://www.50plus.ch/gesundheit/gehirnjogging/memory-spiel-ii.html (Archiv-Version vom 14.08.2018)
hier in dem frucht memory wird angezeitgt wie das gedächtnis in vergleich zu anderen ist :D
https://www.50plus.ch/gesundheit/gehirnjogging/memory-spiel-ii.html (Archiv-Version vom 14.08.2018)
Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:17Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:18komm @BossMeng spiel mit, kann man auch nix schmutzig machen und die animationen sind smoof,
du hängst doch mit mir ab ? :troll:
du hängst doch mit mir ab ? :troll:
Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:19Nur wenn Du Gras hast - das zum rauchen, nicht das was man mähtCriticalRush schrieb:komm @BossMeng spiel mit, kann man auch nix schmutzig machen und die animationen sind smoof,
du hängst doch mit mir ab ?
Spoiler(dann ist ja eh egal was kommt)
Was geht euch gerade durch den Kopf?
02.04.2019 um 20:20das gibts heir nicht :D
voll der, voll der
voll der, voll der