18.03.2009 um 00:37Ich sags ja die Reptiloiden sind schuld
Have you ever heard the song, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap?;jsessionid=9678C209C48EE6AAC5CE629755381A85.app05_06?topicId=6864506509&sid=1
Do you have any idea how many people have misinterrupted those lyrics?
Here are some examples of what people are CLEARLY hearing while listening to the song:
Dirty jeans and dungarees...
Dirty Deeds and the Thunder Chief!...
Dirty deeds don't come cheap...
Samdonorey would be correct in that the human brain tries to make sense of what it hears. When I first listened to the sound effect is just sounded like whispers in a made up mumbo jumbo language so it sounds all spooky like people whispering softly.
With the words on the screen guiding you I'm pretty sure you would "hear" what they are telling you it is saying.
Sometimes a meaningless sound effect is just a meaningless sound effect.