Simplizissimus subversiver Spielplatz
22.08.2020 um 01:46No semmer da!
Ja genau ... wenn sich alle scheiße benehmen, ist es das Beste sich genauso zu verhalten :shot:Fierna schrieb:Ich melde nur noch und schreibe nicht...ich werd doch auch nur gemeldet oO
Punk's not dead, it just deserves to die
When it becomes another stale cartoon
A closed minded, self-centered social club
Ideas don't matter, it's who you know
If the music's gotten boring, it's because of the people
Who want everyone to sound the same
Who drive the bright people out of our so-called scene
'Til all that's left is just a meaningless fad
[Fast Verse 1]
Hardcore formulas are dogshit
Change and caring are what's real
Is this a state of mind
Or is it just another label?
The joy and hope of an alternative
Has become its own cliche
A hairstyle's not a lifestyle
Imagine Sid Vicious at 35
Liebe, es geht, sie ist so anders,Simplizissimus schrieb:Achso, Liebe auf den ersten Blick ... verstehe verstehe :note: