Allmy Psychiatrie
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Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:21@Dr.Serotonin Sahne schlagen ohne Mixer schlagen ist anstrengend :( So viel Handarbeit nur um was steif zu machen :/
Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:21Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:23@iceflip
Dafür musste ich heute Dinge machen, die ich nicht gerne mache.....
Was für Kommentare? Nicht mein Humor.... :troll:
Dafür musste ich heute Dinge machen, die ich nicht gerne mache.....
Was für Kommentare? Nicht mein Humor.... :troll:
Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:24Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:26Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:26Wir mögen ja auch pina coladas
Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:27Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:27Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:29Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:29Allmy Psychiatrie
22.05.2017 um 16:29I was tired of my lady
We'd been together to long
Like a warn out recording of a favorite song
So while she lay there sleeping
I read the paper in bed
And in the personal columns
There was this letter I read
If you like pina colada's
And gettin' caught in the rain
If your not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the cape
I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape
I didn't think about my lady
inRead invented by Teads
I know that sounds kinda mean
But me and my old lady
Had fallen into the same old dull routine
So I wrote to the paper
Took out a personal ad
And though I'm nobody's poet
I thought it wasn't half bad
Yes I like pina colada's
And gettin' caught in the rain
I'm not much into health food
I am into champagne
I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon
And cut through all this red tape
At a bar called o'malley's
Where we'll plan our escape
So I waited with high hopes
And she walked in the place
I knew her smile in an instant
I knew the curve of her face
It was my own lovely lady
And she said oh its you
Then we laughed for a moment
And I said I never knew that you like pina colada's
And gettin' caught in the rain
And the feel of the ocean
And the taste of champagne
If you like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the cape
You're the lady I've looked for
Come with me and escape
If you like pina colada
And gettin' caught in the rain
If your not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the cape
I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape
Yes I like pina colada's
Gettin' caught in the rain
I'm not much into health food
I am into champagne
I got to meet you by tomorrow noon
We'd been together to long
Like a warn out recording of a favorite song
So while she lay there sleeping
I read the paper in bed
And in the personal columns
There was this letter I read
If you like pina colada's
And gettin' caught in the rain
If your not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the cape
I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape
I didn't think about my lady
inRead invented by Teads
I know that sounds kinda mean
But me and my old lady
Had fallen into the same old dull routine
So I wrote to the paper
Took out a personal ad
And though I'm nobody's poet
I thought it wasn't half bad
Yes I like pina colada's
And gettin' caught in the rain
I'm not much into health food
I am into champagne
I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon
And cut through all this red tape
At a bar called o'malley's
Where we'll plan our escape
So I waited with high hopes
And she walked in the place
I knew her smile in an instant
I knew the curve of her face
It was my own lovely lady
And she said oh its you
Then we laughed for a moment
And I said I never knew that you like pina colada's
And gettin' caught in the rain
And the feel of the ocean
And the taste of champagne
If you like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the cape
You're the lady I've looked for
Come with me and escape
If you like pina colada
And gettin' caught in the rain
If your not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the cape
I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape
Yes I like pina colada's
Gettin' caught in the rain
I'm not much into health food
I am into champagne
I got to meet you by tomorrow noon
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