My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
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My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:27
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:32My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:33My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:36My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:36@Sensei_Gamma
Und hör auf die App zu nutzen. Die ist Käse, und damit mein ich nicht Gouda Mittelalt sondern richtig ranzigen Gammelkäse denn nicht mal ein Franzose mehr essen möchte.
Und hör auf die App zu nutzen. Die ist Käse, und damit mein ich nicht Gouda Mittelalt sondern richtig ranzigen Gammelkäse denn nicht mal ein Franzose mehr essen möchte.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:37My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:39Anyway..
Hab mal auf so ne E-Mail geantwortet die ich bekommen habe, war unter Spam-Mail..
ISt sowas echt? Wenn ja dann.. igitt. xD
SpoilerMy Dearest One,
I am very happy for your reply to my e-mail despite your busy schedules.
How is your night over there in your country, I believe you had a good night rest and that the atmosphere over there in your country is very nice today? Mine is a little bit warm over here inside Dakar Senegal.
My name is Gloria William. I am 22 years old but age doesn't matter in a real relationship, so I am comfortable with your age, my hobbies are reading, traveling, listening to good riddles, also my likes are obedient, honest, sincerity, truth and my dislikes are lie, dishonest, envy and betrayal.
I am from Liberia in West Africa, 5.3ft tall, fear in complexion single, (never married ) and presently, I am residing here in Dakar as a result of the shooting and bombing that was happen in my country. My late Father Dr William Van, was chairman managing director (WILLIAM INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LTD),in Monrovia the capital of my country,and a successful top business man in my country, He was unfortunately assassinated together with my lovely mother by the wicked rebels in the midst of the civil war and political unrest in my country.
It is only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to this country Senegal by the help of UN army where i am living now in the missionary, headed by a Reverend Father,Rev Samuel Martin, i used his office computer to send you this email and i only enter his office when he is less busy in his office.
I have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in the banks which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $5.5million USD. And i have contacted the bank so that i can have the money at least to start a new life for myself but they requested that i should have a foreign partner as my representative due to my living status here in refugee camp.
As a refugee here i don't have any right or privileged to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country,and i want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place, So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
I kept this secret from people in the camp here, the only person that knows about it is Rev Samuel Martin who is in charge of our Missionary here in the camp because he is like a father to me. So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you, i like honest and understanding person and a man of vision, truth and hardworking, our main language is English is my favorite because i also speaks it fluently. I will send you the bank's details in my next mail but for trust and confidence firstly i will like you to send me in your reply your details such as your full name,your country and address, your age and occupation so that i can send to the bank and let them know you.
Meanwhile i will like you to call me through the reverend's telephone number so we can talk more, The Reverend's phone number is
( 221-77-300-5744 ) or ( 00221-77-300-5744 ) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel to come and answer your call, Attached here is my photo.I will also like to see your own picture
I want to inform you that after this transfer in your account,you will help me to prepare my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
I humbly waiting for your mail from you.Kisses and continue dream about me.
Yours in love,
Miss Gloria William
Hab mal auf so ne E-Mail geantwortet die ich bekommen habe, war unter Spam-Mail..
ISt sowas echt? Wenn ja dann.. igitt. xD
SpoilerMy Dearest One,
I am very happy for your reply to my e-mail despite your busy schedules.
How is your night over there in your country, I believe you had a good night rest and that the atmosphere over there in your country is very nice today? Mine is a little bit warm over here inside Dakar Senegal.
My name is Gloria William. I am 22 years old but age doesn't matter in a real relationship, so I am comfortable with your age, my hobbies are reading, traveling, listening to good riddles, also my likes are obedient, honest, sincerity, truth and my dislikes are lie, dishonest, envy and betrayal.
I am from Liberia in West Africa, 5.3ft tall, fear in complexion single, (never married ) and presently, I am residing here in Dakar as a result of the shooting and bombing that was happen in my country. My late Father Dr William Van, was chairman managing director (WILLIAM INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LTD),in Monrovia the capital of my country,and a successful top business man in my country, He was unfortunately assassinated together with my lovely mother by the wicked rebels in the midst of the civil war and political unrest in my country.
It is only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to this country Senegal by the help of UN army where i am living now in the missionary, headed by a Reverend Father,Rev Samuel Martin, i used his office computer to send you this email and i only enter his office when he is less busy in his office.
I have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in the banks which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $5.5million USD. And i have contacted the bank so that i can have the money at least to start a new life for myself but they requested that i should have a foreign partner as my representative due to my living status here in refugee camp.
As a refugee here i don't have any right or privileged to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country,and i want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place, So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
I kept this secret from people in the camp here, the only person that knows about it is Rev Samuel Martin who is in charge of our Missionary here in the camp because he is like a father to me. So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you, i like honest and understanding person and a man of vision, truth and hardworking, our main language is English is my favorite because i also speaks it fluently. I will send you the bank's details in my next mail but for trust and confidence firstly i will like you to send me in your reply your details such as your full name,your country and address, your age and occupation so that i can send to the bank and let them know you.
Meanwhile i will like you to call me through the reverend's telephone number so we can talk more, The Reverend's phone number is
( 221-77-300-5744 ) or ( 00221-77-300-5744 ) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel to come and answer your call, Attached here is my photo.I will also like to see your own picture
I want to inform you that after this transfer in your account,you will help me to prepare my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
I humbly waiting for your mail from you.Kisses and continue dream about me.
Yours in love,
Miss Gloria William
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:41Bitte Zerco nur noch "Ritenzerco" nennen, denn er hat viele Rituale, die er immer einhalten muss! Ansonsten wird er aggressiv und man muss einen Exorzismus durchführen.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:41
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:42@El_Gato
Es gibt Leute die so schreiben XD
Naja, fällt mir jetzt ja auch auf, ich schreib da sowieso nicht zurück.. Außerdem sieht die hässlich aus.. wenn das ne die ist
Es gibt Leute die so schreiben XD
Naja, fällt mir jetzt ja auch auf, ich schreib da sowieso nicht zurück.. Außerdem sieht die hässlich aus.. wenn das ne die ist
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:42.-.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:43Das, was ich schon immer gesucht habe! Ein Sklave, der alles für mich erledigt! Klingt gut! Danke Middy!Middy schrieb:I am from Liberia in West Africa, 5.3ft tall, fear in complexion single, (never married ) and presently, I am residing here in Dakar as a result of the shooting and bombing that was happen in my country. My late Father Dr William Van, was chairman managing director (WILLIAM INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LTD),in Monrovia the capital of my country,and a successful top business man in my country, He was unfortunately assassinated together with my lovely mother by the wicked rebels in the midst of the civil war and political unrest in my country.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:43Ich frag mich ja wie die mir ne E-Mail schreiben kann, die kommt doch aus Afrika!?
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
14.12.2015 um 20:43Jemand Langeweile & Lust meine 1. Amazon Rezension zu lesen xD ?
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