My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
22.09.2015 um 16:10Naysts Alptram

I'm intrigued. What assumptions?LucyDolphin schrieb:First, I don't think I can assume you to be 100% like the "average" ENTJ, thus, making my assumptions on you vague, at best.
Which are...?LucyDolphin schrieb:There are other qualities about ENTJ's in general I'm not too fond of.
That includes me, I presume?LucyDolphin schrieb:I can't stand the arrogance and intolerance towards different opinions/ideas.
And no, that is not a contradiction because in most cases I know what's best; but unfortunately people sometimes just won't listen to me and later, they'll regret it. I just tell them to do what I know it's best because I care. Otherwise I'd say "Your problem. Deal with it". That is what makes a good leader. Or rather, what a good leader is supposed to be since many people are just so stubborn and don't want to take my advice. I could write a fucking book about it, really...LucyDolphin schrieb:Not being egoistic and wanting to have everything your way seems like a contradiction.