My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
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My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 17:53@LucyDolphin
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Oh, I know what that means. It means she's an egoistic, self-centered bitch who needs to spend some time in a reeducation camp of Starlight Glimmer. To Our Town!

A few nights of reeducation, a few well-chosen words and she'll be a new mare. Oh, and I would recommend hard labor for the benefit of losing some weight.

Oh, I know what that means. It means she's an egoistic, self-centered bitch who needs to spend some time in a reeducation camp of Starlight Glimmer. To Our Town!

A few nights of reeducation, a few well-chosen words and she'll be a new mare. Oh, and I would recommend hard labor for the benefit of losing some weight.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 17:55@El_Gato
Ja ja, Abnehmen hätte was, dass das Vieh überhaupt noch stehen kann. So fette Pferde/Ponies gibt's doch gar nicht xD
Like every unicorn? :troll:El_Gato schrieb:egoistic, self-centered bitch
Ja ja, Abnehmen hätte was, dass das Vieh überhaupt noch stehen kann. So fette Pferde/Ponies gibt's doch gar nicht xD
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 17:56You can't be serious... The Element of Generosity is wielded by a - you guessed it - unicorn.LucyDolphin schrieb:Like every unicorn?
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 17:58

My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 17:58Wie die Beine das aushalten frage ich mich wirklich...
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 17:59@Oberknecht17
Like Rarity has no flaws like everypony else.
A trollbeer is the most you could come up with in response to my argument. Admit it, you were at a loss of words if Hudomi hadn't provided you with these memes. :P:
Like Rarity has no flaws like everypony else.
A trollbeer is the most you could come up with in response to my argument. Admit it, you were at a loss of words if Hudomi hadn't provided you with these memes. :P:
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 18:01@El_Gato
A :trollbier: was the only thing I could type pretty easily while lying on my bed , the keyboard next to my head.
A :trollbier: was the only thing I could type pretty easily while lying on my bed , the keyboard next to my head.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 18:02My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 18:03
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 18:03My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 18:13Ich glaube dieses Wesen stammt aus einer anderen Dimension. Discord hat mal wieder eine Dimension geöffnet in der es nur fettleibige Ponys gibt.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
13.09.2015 um 18:14Ha, wir haben jetzt ein Abzeichen:

Ich bin im seapony Fanclub. Wir sind 8 Mitglieder.

Ich bin im seapony Fanclub. Wir sind 8 Mitglieder.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
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