El_Gato schrieb:I didn't say that pegasi or earth ponies are entirely powerless. Pegasi for example could turn the weather into a quite fearsome weapon.
Let's come up with a scenario. A civil war between unicorns and pegasi. The pegasi would naturally hold aerial superiority and like I said, they could turn weather into a weapon. But unicorns would have quite an effective defense against that - shields. A single gifted unicorn like Shining Armor could raise a powerful shield, not the weak, pathetic one we have seen in A Canterlot Wedding. He couldn't do that because he was under control by Chrysalis and therefore weak. She drew so much love from him that she was even able to defeat Celestia.
Anyway, my point is that a Shining Armor not influenced by some bug queen could raise a very powerful shield and if necessary, he could be supported by other unicorns which would provide their magical power to amplify aforementioned shield. I imagine that pegasi would have a lot of trouble bringing that down.
And other on combat specialized unicorns could go out and blast them outta the sky with friggin' magic laser beams.
The whole problem with a civil war or a war between the different races in general would be pretty complicated since none of the three races alone are self-sufficient and would not be able to survive without one another. Such a large-scale war wouldn't be of interest for anyone really.
Pegasi could probably form weather-barriers that are impenetrable by (pony) magic but this is highly speculative anyway^^
Anyway, I was more thinking about a single specimen stirring up some trouble or something like that and not a civil war
El_Gato schrieb:Yes, energy. Let me give you an example. A soviet astronomer came up with classifications of civilizations based on their usage of energy. Basically, the more energy a civilization can use, the more power it wields. So you could say that energy is power. And since unicorns can actively manipulate the magical energy in Equestria, it makes them much more powerful than the other two tribes.
In the Equestria portrayed to us, all 3 races seem to be more or less on the same level concerning their powers. Every race has specific strengths and weaknesses. If you'd look at the Equestrian empire like an (cometitve) game with it "classes" you would consider it balanced, I think.
Besides I was just including energy in a very abstract concept here suggesting the possibility of manipulating it or even producing magic (as a non-unicorn - that neologism^^). Equestria has shown that there are at least two-three options to mess with magic or render it completely unusable by unicorns; one being the poison joke, the other being the anti-magic barrier put up at the Euqestrian games. The third being Tirek who was able to absorb their magic - if you want to count that.
Therefore, it is implied that the possibility exists to annihilate the magic powers of unicorns.
El_Gato schrieb:Maybe, but we haven't seen a powerful villain who couldn't cast spells yet. And I highly doubt that we'll ever see one.
Which is a little bit sad in my opinion but reasonable/understandable since magic plays a major part in the show. There is a vast amount of possibilities for that nontheless. I'll stay patient just like the good ol' Nyancat with his seaponies
El_Gato schrieb:Well then, in my humble opinion the ability to cast spells is superior to flying because flying is only one abilty. Casting multiple spells, however, is like a magical swiss army knife. It is versatile, whereas flying is not.
And flying is just a means of getting from point A to B. As we have seen numerous times, Rarity can manipulate several objects at once with little effort. Levitation is powerful because it increases the reach of any given unicorn dramatically. Starlight was able to get hold of her stolen cutie marks from a great distance just before they hit the ground and be released.
Like I said, it's pretty much pointless arguing over this since it comes down to personal preference. I don't consider levitation of several objects to be that important whilst flying can also serve as a passion followed by a strife to become better/the best at it, like Dashie.
Ultimately, it is hard to judge because neither of us knows how it is to have either ability which makes it difficult to evaluate them
:P:Anyway, I'll go to sleep soon after this so if you take your time to answer (even if it's simply for the sake of having the last word in this discussion which I know we both love, being both stubborn
:troll: ), I will answer tomorrow if there is still anything left to further discuss which I don't really think ^w^