My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
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My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 21:59@desparil
Ok, but you get my point. Firefighters use heat vision as well to search for remaining heat sources which could reignite the fire.
Ok, but you get my point. Firefighters use heat vision as well to search for remaining heat sources which could reignite the fire.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:00@El_Gato
Du wärst auf jedenfall der erste dem ich den Prototyp von meinem IR Auge einpflanzen würde.
Du wärst auf jedenfall der erste dem ich den Prototyp von meinem IR Auge einpflanzen würde.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:00@NyancatOpal
Yeah, they sun themselves to raise their core temperatures during the day, but you don't need IR vision during the day. :P:
Not saying it's useless, only that there are legitimate reasons that the majority of night vision equipment works on light amplification rather than IR vision.
Yeah, they sun themselves to raise their core temperatures during the day, but you don't need IR vision during the day. :P:
Not saying it's useless, only that there are legitimate reasons that the majority of night vision equipment works on light amplification rather than IR vision.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:02My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:02@desparil
No, I mean the croco is in the afternoon or night a little bit warmer than the ground, cause it saves the heat of the day. (for an hour or so)
No, I mean the croco is in the afternoon or night a little bit warmer than the ground, cause it saves the heat of the day. (for an hour or so)
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:06@NyancatOpal
Yeah, I know, that's just thermodynamics. Heat doesn't conduct instantly. If you want to get really technical, though, you have to account for other factors - the croc might have buried itself in the mud or be partially underwater, a snake might be hiding in the grass, etc. - there might be things blocking their heat.
Naja ich gehe jedenfalls aus.
Yeah, I know, that's just thermodynamics. Heat doesn't conduct instantly. If you want to get really technical, though, you have to account for other factors - the croc might have buried itself in the mud or be partially underwater, a snake might be hiding in the grass, etc. - there might be things blocking their heat.
Naja ich gehe jedenfalls aus.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:10@Oberknecht17
@Schnitzeldroid (Video: Youtube Kacke - Die Passion D'Avis')
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:26My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:26warum denn das ?
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:26My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:29Oh man, was soll ich machen ? An meinem neuen Bild kann ich erst in einem Monat weiterarbeiten weil ein Detail noch in Auftrag ist.
Ich hätt mal wieder lust ein kleines Filmchen zu schneiden. Blos was ?
Ich hätt mal wieder lust ein kleines Filmchen zu schneiden. Blos was ?
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:50My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.02.2015 um 22:50My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
22.02.2015 um 00:31@Ayanna

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My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
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