My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
11.11.2014 um 16:07
name: Princess Swaggy McSwaggington
gender: Male
race: alicorn on the cob
lives in: Swagville
Bio: Swaggy McSwaggington was born into a really swag family, he is Silver Spoon's uncle. He lived a life of luxury one day a timelord named Gandolf the Gay told him he was a princess. He moved to Swagatropolis which is a hidden city only known about by the alicorn princesses where he was raised by Princess Incestia who was also his sister and his wife. Swaggy McSwagington studies the magic of free wifi (which is way more important than friendship) and evolved into an alicorn princess after learning how to create wifi. He has 100 daughters, 217 of which are not his own. His cutie mark is dolphins because dolphins killed his real parents at a young age and he swore revenge. He wears magic earrings that make him super kawaii but only work when he wears a silly hat.
Seite 1900, BITCHES!