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My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

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My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:04
Da wir gerade beim Thema Harry Potter und dadurch auch nahe beim Thema Magie sind:

http://www.avatarenergymaster.com/ (Archiv-Version vom 27.10.2014)



My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:05

Dark magic has always fascinated me the most. By far. Darkness means power.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:09
Eh, I'm not a fan of the brute force approach. Just killing or cursing everyone takes a lot of effort, and then everyone knows who you are, so it can really come back to bite you in the ass later. I'd rather have some awesome potions, a time turner, all that sort of thing. I'd have to kill someone at some point in order to make horcruxes, but there's no need to be crass about it.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:15

Horcruxes? And I thought I'm the evil one here. :P:
I have never said I would just focus on dark magic; potions, transfiguartion and all that will surely come in handy too. And I would learn how to become an animagus.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:22
Also, I wouldn't put them in ridiculous caverns and vaults and stuff. I'd use very mundane-looking objects and then deposit them in out-of-the-way places where no one would ever look. Like just fly over the Amazon rain forest and drop one in a random spot, toss one somewhere in the Chernobyl Exclusionary Zone, etc.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:24

Isn't one horcrux enough? I for one would vitrify it in concrete and dump it into the mariana trench.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:29
I thought of underwater, but I'm not sure how the reviving works exactly. If it's like a lich in D&D, which the whole concept borrows heavily from, then the process would have to happen physically close to the phylactery/horcrux. In the Harry Potter case, it looks like you have to "piggyback" on someone else's body, at least until you get a chance to chow down on a unicorn, so it also has to be somewhere that people will go - either your own followers, like in the case of Quirrel, or hapless fools like in the (attempted) case of Ginny and the Chamber of Secrets.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:32

I would just make one in order to become immortal. I wouldn't do it like Voldemort who killed likely thousands and thousands of wizards and muggles alike.
In fact, I would just lean back then and enjoy eternal life. I would randomly pick hot muggle women and cast the imperius curse upon them.

If you know what I mean.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:35
One would probably be enough, yeah, I don't know if there's an exact progression of "you must kill this many people before you're capable of creating your next horcrux" or not... suffice to say, I'd make as many as I was able to without requiring a total bloodbath. That would just be my backup, anyway, first line of defense would be making a philosopher's stone.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:39

There is no such restriction. In the HP-universe killing splits your soul and then you can add the fragments to some object to create a horcrux. If you kill three people, you'll be able to create three horcruxes. Simple as that.
And yeah, creating a philosophers stone would be a nice thing to do. But I would NEVER EVER do a unicorn any harm, for obvious reasons. :trollbier:


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:39
I'd be inclined to also sit back and enjoy eternal life as well, but personally, becoming a magical rapist wouldn't be my top choice of activities.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:40

Well, it would just be a pastime, nothing more. And why shouldn't I use the imperius curse to my advantage?


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:41
There's advantage, and then there's just being an asshole. Two different things.

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My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:42
Zitat von desparildesparil schrieb:and then there's just being an asshole
You're one to talk, you would take numerous lifes to create horcruxes. :P:


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:45
If I killed a baby who was otherwise destined to become the oldest person in the world, I might cut short something like 120 years of life. That's an extreme case. Nothing's to say I couldn't just kill some old person who was already close to death. Regardless of the exact number, though, that's trading a finite number of years of life for an infinite extension to my own life. That's hugely advantageous and a great bargain, to boot.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:47

It would still be selfish. Oh, and I also would brew up a huge amout of polyjuice potion and transform myself into a woman. You know, to enjoy the pleasures of a female body. :trollking:


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:54
I didn't say it's not self-interested. I just said that it's justified from a utilitarian standpoint; Utility Gained (eternal life) minus Utility Lost (one life) is a positive value, whereas your proposed scenario has a negative value for Utility Gained (10 minutes of fun) minus Utility Lost (lifetime of trauma). That's how I'm distinguishing between "selfish because it's advantageous" and "selfish to the point of being a dick." The latter kind of selfishness isn't sustainable in the long term, which is the same reason the European colonial empires collapsed and the US economy crashed in the 1930s and 2000s.

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My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:56
würde nach Slytherin kommen


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 18:56
Zitat von desparildesparil schrieb:minus Utility Lost (lifetime of trauma)
Nope, no trauma at all. There are amnesia-spells.


My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0

06.11.2014 um 19:08

Oh, and I would obviously learn how to teleport. Brooms are overrated. :D
