Leben auf dem Mars! (Offiziell)
30.11.2009 um 19:33grad gefunden und ich finde es sieht komisch aus
The new research focused on investigating alternate proposals for the creation of materials thought to be signs of ancient life found in the meteorite. The new study argues that ancient life remains the most plausible explanation for the materials and structures found in the meteorite.Früheres Leben (Auf dem Mars)ist die plausibelste Erklärung für das
Ach, diejenigen die kein aufmerksamkeits Problem haben sehen gleichmoric schrieb:Du brauchst nichts nachzutragen, weil du keinen offiziellen Link gepostet hattest.
Es ist Dein Niveau, auf dem ich antworte, die Art und Weise spieltmoric schrieb:Kann sein, dass ich jetzt ein wenig stänker, aber du bist auch nicht gerade der Ausbund an Diplomatie... hat doch schon keiner mehr Lust, mit dir überhaupt irgendwas zu bereden... und ich schalte mich hier jetzt auch aus...
when they are considered collectively, particularly in view of their spatial association, we conclude that they are evidence for primitive life on Mars.”
wenn man alles betrachtet, können wir auf einfaches Leben
auf dem Mars schliessen.
Früheres Leben (Auf dem Mars) ist die plausibelste Erklärung...maxtron schrieb:The new study argues that ancient life remains the most plausible explanation for the materials and structures found in the meteorite.
The Lunar and Planetary Institute is a research institute that provides support services to NASA and the planetary science community, and conducts planetary science research under the leadership of staff scientists, visiting researchers, and postdoctoral fellows.
maxtron schrieb am 28.11.2009:we conclude that they are evidence for primitive life on Mars.”
Showing that the carbonate globules formed when liquid water was abundant makes it more plausible that they might contain traces of life.
McKay and his co-workers describe three kinds of features in ALH 84001 that they interpret as evidence for ancient martian life. These features are all in (and near) the carbonate mineral globules, which McKay and co-workers believe to have formed on Mars from liquid water. In the carbonate globules of ALH 84001, McKay and his co-workers found microscopic shapes that resemble living and fossil bacteria on Earth; microscopic mineral grains like some produced by living and fossil bacteria on Earth; and organic chemical compounds that resemble the decay products of bacteria on Earth.
so they conclude that the bacteria-shaped structures in ALH 84001 are not Earth bacteria.
From this, they infer that the PAHs in ALH 84001 are too abundant to have come from pre-industrial Earth sources, and so must be extraterrestrial.
Their paper presents evidence that, on its surface, is consistent with ancient life on Mars; McKay and co-workers believe that the evidence is more consistent with life on Mars than any other explanation or explanations. Almost all of their conclusions can be disputed and will likely be disputed.http://www.lpi.usra.edu/lpi/meteorites/life.html
In this new study, the JSC research team reassessed the leading alternative non-biologic hypothesis that heating or shock decomposition produced the magnetites. The authors argue that their new results do not support the heating hypothesis for the formation of the magnetites. They conclude that the biogenic explanation is a more viable hypothesis for the origin of the magnetites.Sie kommen zu dem Schluss das die biochemische Erklärung
The new study argues that ancient life remains the most plausible explanation for the materials and structures found in the meteorite.Es ist eine Erklärung. Tut mir leid, aber es steht nicht geschrieben, dass es die einzige ist. Wie ich schon aus dem Link der NASA zitiert hab, sind Marsbakterien EINE der Möglichkeiten für diese Spuren/Formen...
Früheres Leben (Auf dem Mars) ist die plausibelste Erklärung...