Thomas Bearden hat die Skalarwellentheorie postituliert,diese ist falsch,da
Beardenselbst für die Regierung arbeitet,muß das als Desinformation gewertet
werden,das istdie einzige Schlußfolgerung die man ziehen kann,und nicht
eine naive Idee von derGeldmacherei.Siehe hierzu:
Ich habe mich ja schon gefragt was der Mann dort aufden Ufo Dokus zu suchenhat.

Interstellar Space Travel - Beyond the Speed of Light
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Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt. (Video: New Energy Series 1: Tom Bearden)
The Tesla Prophecy and Suppressed Science
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Zur Information,Bearden arbeitet fürs Us-Militär und ist,welch ein Zufall,Mitglied desDisclosure Projects."President and ChiefExecutive Officer, CTEC, Inc. Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army (Retired). Fellow Emeritus,Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study. Director of Association of DistinguishedAmerican Scientists. Course work completed for doctorate; thesis being submitted. MSNuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. BS Mathematics, Northeast LouisianaUniversity with minor in Electronic Engineering. Graduate of Command & General StaffCollege, U.S. Army. Graduate of Guided Missile Staff Officer's Course, U.S. Army(equivalent to MS in Aerospace Engineering). Graduate courses in statistics,electromagnetics. Numerous missile, radar, electronic warfare, andcounter-countermeasures courses."
Jemand vom Fach also,bloß seine Theorien sindpseudowisseschaftlich und empirisch nicht belegbar.Siehe hierzu: (Archiv-Version vom 05.10.2006)"Good joke! Which is not a joke. It is a very sad issue. Tolearn about how disinformation works also in science some studies of the history of TomBearden, AIAS and Myron Evans are needed. In spite of all the nonsense published by Evansand documented so well at Gerhard Bruhn site, especially see "Myron W. Evans' GrandUnified Field Theory (GUFT)". Scientific community is protesting, but the "powers" areapparently helping Evans to propagate his nonsense. Here is what I wrote today to Prof.Gerhard Bruhn:
"Dear Gerhard. I can only applaud you. I am "only a physicist".Yet I am doing, in my way, all I can to to find the truth. In science, and beyond. Thatis why I am involved also in "alternative news service". Read for instance the article"Meeting Doctor Doom" in our yesterday's edition: Follow the link to the originalarticle. It's really terrible. Evans is one piece, there are other pieces. Attached is myrecent email to Dr E.M. of Springer, who inquired about my own adventures. I am quotingDavid Ruelle there, who wrote, in particular, that ""Reasonable-looking papers areaccepted, obviously bad papers are rejected, and good papers that are a bit original andout of the norm tend to be rejected too." We know that Ruelle was somewhat optimistic:obviously bad papers are not always rejected - as the case of Evans seems to show. Or,perhaps, they are not so "obviously" bad. The badness is well hidden there and, as youknow, I tend to think that this may be deliberate. I can't believe that Evans is notaware of his errors."
A skeptical look at the MEG claims of ThomasBearden: Disdain of GarbagePhysics: Verbindung zwischen Bearden und derÖl-Industrie: (Archiv-Version vom 12.08.2007)"Remember it is Col. Thomas Bearden. He is a clear disinformationagent. I've studied his background thoroughly. He is trained in classical western physicsbut makes his readers follow the white rabbit to bad conclusions. "Following the whiterabbit" is a term used by the information warfare and strategic deception divisions. His"free energy" machine is actually a scalar wave detector. 75 watts of field energy gothrough each human being. But because it is in the field (i.e. nearly completelydestructive wave fronts at a very small angle) most of the energy isn't absorbed. Beardenclaims he has a patent on his "free energy" machine but I couldn't find it. He talksabout mind control and freezing people with scalar weapons. He follows the text bookdisinformation agent script slangly referred to as "The Method" to hide the best keptsecrets in plain view."
Den Skalarwellenunsinn wurde hier in Deutschland auch vonKonstantin Meyl
propagiert,auch ein Zufall?Also,und jetzt ganz mal nüchternbetrachtet,mal Butter bei den Fischen,warum propagiert jemand seid nunmehr als 15 Jahrenauf verschiedenen Ufo/Freieenergie Dokus Theorien über neue Energietechnologien dieNonsens ist,warum wird diesem Mann kein Haar gekrümmt,warum kann er seine Theorien in denamerikanischen Medien problemlos veröffentlichen,warum ist er Mitglied des DisclosureProjekts,dessen Resultat heute nach 6 Jahren immer noch gleich Null ist,was steckt alsodahinter wenn jemand für das US-Militär/Regierung arbeitet und allen anschein nachFalschinformation verbreitet??
Interressant war das alle meine kritischenKommentare auf youtube bezüglich Bearden gelöscht wurden,ist natürlich auch nur einZufall.