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Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

66 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: UFO, Kornkreise ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

15.07.2006 um 17:29
uuuhhh man warum sollen aliens landen. ihr sagt die wollem hier ncht landen weil wirzu
dumm und böse sind (menschen) dann sagt ihr dass sie doch landen überlegt euch malwas
ihr sagt ja. und warum sollen die denn immer im feld landen. is doch alles nurgelaber


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

15.07.2006 um 17:35
Naja, nicht unbedingt. Feststeht, dass es Kornkreise gibt und dass niemand genau weiß,wie sie entstehen.

Ob sie nun in direktem Zusammenhang mit Außerirdischenoder 3 Punkten am Himmel stehen, ist eine andere Sache.

Ich frag mich nur,da es doch bis jetzt angeblich 6Jahre in Folge passierte, dass in dem Feld Kornkreiseenstehen, wieso man nicht einfach mal zur betreffenden Zeit eine (Infrarot-)Kameraaufgestellt hat... -.-

Ergibt doch keinen Sinn so


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

16.07.2006 um 17:04
Also sechs Jahre in FOlge? Wer sagt denn, dass es nicht die "Forscher" sind,d ie selberdie Kreise ins Korn stampfen? Ich mein die hüpfen da nachts über die Felder aber keinerbemerkt irgendwas und Plop sind da Kornkreise? Für wie blöd halten die uns? Ich denkedass ist ein rießen Fake, wo alle mitmachen. Is doch toll. man kommt ins fernsehen, allehalten einen für wichtig und es gibt auch noch eine Etschädigung, weil ja da ganze Konvon bösen, bösen Aliens zerknickt wurde. Es stinkt nach Sommerloch. Noch 4, 5 tage, danntaucht Nessie wieder auf.


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

16.07.2006 um 21:24
@ L.S.
ich geb dir da ma recht, es sogar wirklich leute die dies als hobby haben habich gelesen dort haben diese aber auch gesagt das man gefakte und "echte" als profiunterscheiden kann also glauben oder nicht glauben das ist hier die frage.


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

16.07.2006 um 22:42
sagt mal leute habt ihr auch irgendwie angst oder sonst welche bedenken?....ich meine diekönnten doch furchtbar böse sein.....oder wie erklärt ihr euch die tatsache das sie nichtgesehen werden wollen?....ich meine warum kommen sie meistens nur dann wenns dunkelist?...der der was zu verbergen hat ist mir nicht geheuer!!!euch?


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

19.07.2006 um 14:13
uhhhh neeeeeiiiiiin sie wollen uns umbringen. lauf dunkel lauf. sie kriegendichneeeeinnn. aber keine angst ich beschütze dich. die böööööösen aliens tun dir nicht weh.
ach und die wollen nicht gesehen werden weil ..... naja.... wenn du sie schonmalgesehen hättest wüsstest du warum. nun sie sind...... potthässlich, sie haben rosaplüschfell große schleimige ohren und oh nein ich kann nicht weiter erzählen sie sindhier. jetzt in meinem haus. ohwe. aber keine angst ich lass mich nicht missbrauchen.tschüs.


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

19.07.2006 um 14:16

schonmal was von sinnvollem posten gehört?


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

19.07.2006 um 17:26
loool...jetzt wo er von seinen angereifenden aliens mittels einer hochsensiblenalien-analsonde gesperrt wurde, kann er über die sinnhaftigkeit seiner postings(natürlich geistig hoch beflügelt) nachdenken.


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

13.08.2006 um 21:21

gerade seit 21:10 Uhr:

Doku über Kornkreise auf DiscoveryChannel von 2002.


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

14.08.2006 um 01:12
und wie war die doku so?


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

14.08.2006 um 21:47
Die Doku dauerte etwa ne Stunde, aber nur die Hälfte war meiner Meinung
nachinformatief, in der anderen wurde das Thema nicht gerade ernst
behandelt und etwasins Lächerliche gezogen.

Ich wusste vorher schon von dem Video in dem man dieseLichtkugeln über einen Feld sieht u. dabei ein Kornkreis entsteht, gesehen hatte ich esaber bis
gestern nicht. Sieht schon seltsam aus.

Zwei Dinge sind jedoch zuerwähnen:

> Ein Hubschrauberpilot berichtete von Problemen beim Fliegen über dem
Kornkreis, es kam fast zum Absturz, und das passierte angeblich schon öfter.
Dieserklärten Wissenschaftler mit einer Art Feld oder Kraft über den Kreisen.

> Zumanderen, berichtete eine Dame dass ihre Digital Kamera mit der sie
einen Kreis vomHubschrauber aus filmte, je tiefer sie flogen je schlechter
wurde das Bild auf ihremDisplay und angeblich sah sie es kurz auch nur in
schwarz weiss.

Der Resthat mich nicht so sehr beeindruckt.


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

15.08.2006 um 02:43
Das wichtigste bei dem Bericht ist doch; "Das wieder von UFO's berichtet wurde und zwarin den - Tagesthemen! -"

Und diese schauen viele Leute, das ist das wichtige,UFO Propaganda!


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

15.08.2006 um 08:17
So, hier mal was wissenschaftliches zu Kornkreisen (die so wahrscheinlich kein Studentmit Schnur und Pflock gemacht hat:

Die Fotos dazu findet Ihr unterhttp://www.bltresearch.com/plantab.html


The physical changes (listed below) documented in crop circle plants by Michiganbiophysicist W.C. Levengood have been determined by evaluating hundreds of sample plants-- both downed and standing -- taken from inside the overall perimeter of each formationagainst hundreds of control plants taken at varying distances outside each formation, inseveral directions. More than 250 individual crop formations from multiple countries,over a 10-year period were examined in-depth. Although many of the formations studiedwere relatively "simple" in overall design and/or relatively "small" in overall size(primarily because of BLT's financial and/or personnel limitations, particularly inEurope), many larger and more "complex" formations -- those whose overall design includedintricate geometric shapes with multiple design elements of varying sizes -- arerepresented here.

Many of the formations occurred in European countries and, inthose cases, the plants were dried-down in open air for 4-6 weeks prior to shipping tothe U.S. Some of the U.S. and Canadian formations were shipped while still green. Thephysical changes found in these crop circle plants, outlined below, have all beendetermined to be statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence:

1. Onthe microscopic level, abnormal enlargement of cell wall pits in bract tissue (a thinmembrane which surrounds the seed- head and through which nutrients pass to thedeveloping seed) were found. This examination utilizes the optical microscope and isquite time-consuming and, although useful in the early, exploratory stages of theresearch, was replaced when equally reliable criteria were subsequently discovered.

2. Enlarged (both laterally and longitudinally) plant stem nodes (the fibrous"knuckle-like protuberances found along the plant stem, technically called pulvini).Although these stem nodes are often both laterally enlarged ("fatter") and longitudinallyenlarged ("stretched"), it was determined that the node elongation (stretching) was apermanent effect related to the formation energies, and this is the parameter now used.

3a. Marked bending of the plant stem nodes which occurs at the apical (1st nodebeneath the seed-head), penultimate (2nd node beneath the seed-head) or even the 3rdand/or 4th nodes down the plant stem. Usually this bending, when significant, is in the45 - 90° angle range and it is not to be confused with two natural plant-recoveryprocesses, phototropism (the plant's natural tendency to reorient itself toward the sun)and gravitropism (the plant's natural resonse to gravity). Depending upon thegrowth-stage of the plant at the time it is downed (whether it is young or old) and thespecies of crop involved, these natural recovery processes - phototropism andgravitropism - begin to take effect within days. Therefore node bending can only beunderstood as significant when it is known how old the affected crop was at the time thecrop circle occurred and, particularly, how many days have elapsed since then. [Youngbarley, for instance, begins recovery to the up-right position almost immediately andwill show significant node bending within a week; young wheat tends to recover slightlymore slowly. And mature crop may not reorient itself at all, depending on the amount ofvigor inherent in the plants.] But when crop circles are known to have formed during aspecific time period and are found within 24-48 hrs., and significant node bending (40°+) is observed, this is an effect that can be attributed to the causative energy system.In some cases canola (rape-seed) plants have been observed to be bent at a full 180°.

3b. Bending at the base of the plant stem is a totally separate condition whichis thought by many people to indicate that any formation in which it is found is"genuine" (not mechanically flattened). This type of bending is found at the very bottomof the stem, where it comes out of the earth, and is often quite pronounced. Althoughthis particular parameter has not been scientifically evaluated, it is known thatmechanical flattening (with planks, boards or human feet) of many plants (particularlycanola, above) will snap or break the plant stems, rather than bend them. As the summerprogresses and the cereal crops - in which a majority of the crop formations occur - drydown, the plants become less and less elastic, making bending at the stem base in thesecrops perhaps more significant later on in the season.

4. Expulsion cavities(holes blown out at the plant stem nodes), usually found in the 2nd node beneath theseed-head, but in recent years discovered also in the 3rd and 4th nodes all the way downthe plant stem. A darkening of the stem node, particularly when expulsion cavities arepresent, is usually the result of the growth of an opportunistic fungus (Ustilagotritici) which quickly forms on the exudate released from inside the plant stem.


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

15.08.2006 um 08:17
Teil 2:____________________________________________________________

5. Stunted,malformed seeds and germination effects. There are four basic changes to the seeds andgermination capability in crop circle plants documented so far. These radically differentreproductive effects depend upon the species of crop involved, the growth phase of theplants at the time the crop circle occurs, and the composition and intensity level of theenergy system involved (which appears to differ slightly within each event as well asfrom event to event):

(a) If the crop circle occurs prior to anthesis (theflowering of the plant) and the development of the seed, the somatic (non-reproductive)tissue of the plant will continue to develop normally -- but seed development ceases oris impaired. Normally-formed glumes have been found which are totally devoid of seeds.

(b) When crop circles occur at a slightly later growth stage, in young cropwhere the seed is still forming, the developing embryo fails to grow normally. Theseseeds will be visually stunted (smaller), will weigh less than their controls, and willexhibit reduced or repressed germination. Here, the reproductive capacity of the planthas been compromised.

(c) When crop circles occur in more mature plants, wherethe embryo is fully formed or nearly so, the seeds will again be visually stunted andwill weigh less than normal, but the effects on reproduction vary. One effect observedhas been an alteration in normal growth-habit of the developing seedlings: in specieswhich have a normal variability of growth at particular stages, this variability has beenlost -- with the result being that all of the germinating seeds exhibit synchronizedgrowth.

(d) Finally, when crop circles occur in mature plants with fully formedseeds, these seeds often exhibit a statistically significant massive increase in growthrate and vigor, with growth-rate up to five times the rate of the control seeds. Further,these seedlings can tolerate extreme stress (lack of water and/or light) for considerableperiods of time without apparent harm. The plant aberrations described above are thoughtto be caused by exposure of the plants to a complex atmospheric plasma energy systemwhich is emitting heat (probably microwaves) in association with unusual electricalpulses and strong magnetic fields. The microwave component heats up the internal moisturein the plant stems (even mature crop nearing harvest contains some moisture), turning itto steam. In younger crop, where the external fibers are more elastic, the steam seepsout at the nodes by stretching these fibers; in older crop, where the external fibers aretougher and less elastic, the build-up of steam explodes out from the nodes, creating theholes subsequently found. The final effects on the individual plants depend upon a numberfactors, including the complexity and intensity level of the microwave component (whichvaries in each event and from location to location within any given crop circle), themodifying influence of the electrical pulses also involved, as well as the species,variety and age of the plants involved.

6. Beer-Lambert Principle. A clearindicator of the electromagnetic nature of the energies which cause node-length change incrop circles is the discovery that, in some formations, node-length change decreases fromthe center of the circle out to its edges in a very precise manner. In fact, thesenode-length changes were found to agree with a well-known law in physics -- theBeer-Lambert Principle -- which describes the absorption of EM energy by matter. In thesecases the node-length increase was greatest at the center of the circle, decreasing as afunction of sampling distance away from the center and toward the perimeter.

Inanother case, involving a simple circle in southern Holland, a bright "pinkish-purple"football-shaped light was seen to hover low over a field. It then elongagated into adisc-shaped light, subsequently discharging an energy (described by the witness as "likethe Shuttle") down toward the crop surface, at which time the plants flattened into acircle. This circle was carefully sampled along three diameters and, in the laboratory,it was found that the node-length changes on both sides of each sampled diameterprecisely mirrored each other -- but each diameter's node-length changes differed fromthose found along the other two diameters. Exactly how this effect could have beenproduced is not understood.

7. Laboratory Replication of Crop Circle PlantChanges. Apical node (the first node beneath the seed-head) elongation and expulsioncavities (holes blown out at the lower plant-stem nodes) have been induced in normalplants in the laboratory by placing them in a commercial microwave oven for between 20-30seconds. It is microwave radiation, here, that is heating up the moisture inside theplant stem which--as it turns to steam and expands--either stretches the more elasticfibers at the top of the plant, or blows holes in the tougher nodes farther down theplant stem.

The more positive plant changes--enhanced growth rate, increasedyield & increased stress tolerance--observed in the laboratory in seedlings grown fromcropcircle plants which were mature when the crop circles occured, have also beenreplicated in the laboratory. In 1998 W.C. Levengood and John Burke obtained a patent(Patent #5740627) on equipment they developed which delivers unusual electrical pulses tonormal seed. Called the MIR process and carrying the registered Trademark "Stressguard,"this equipment creates organized electron-ion avalanches which then form organizedplasmas, to which seeds are exposed.

Corn, tomato, carrot and many other seedswill, after exposure to the MIR "Stressguard" process, show increased seedlinggrowth-rate and accelerated maturity, increased yield (25-35%), and a substantialimprovement in ability to withstand typical plant "stressors" (lack of water and/orsunlight). Numerous field trials with a wide variety of seed have substantiated theseresults and a commercial application is being sought.

The ability to replicatein the laboratory many of the changes documented in cropcircle plants is a strongindicator that the energies utilized in the lab are also involved as causative mechanismsin the field. In the field the major question is where are these plasma systemsoriginating, and why?

An important final note regarding these changes to cropcircle plants is the fact that non-geometrically-downed crop -- usually called "lodging"by farmers and attributed to over-fertilization of the field and/or subsequent weatherdamage -- has sometimes been found to show these same changes. (See Non-Geometric CropFormations.) This more randomly-downed, or chaotically-downed crop is often observed inthe same fields in which "geometric" crop circles occur, but is also found in fieldswhere no geometric crop circle exists. In some cases it is thought that thischaotically-downed crop is due to weather damage alone. However, testing has revealedthat in many instances the same energetic situation involved in the geometric events isalso involved in these non-geometrically downed areas. A control study carried out in1997 did not reveal any of the typical plant anomalies in 100% over-fertilized wheatgrown for commercial harvest.


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

15.08.2006 um 18:02

aber ich meine die letzten zwei Beiträge gehören in "AllmysteryEnglisch".

peer ehemaliges Mitglied

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Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

15.08.2006 um 19:38
kann man hier auch Fotos posten? Wenn ja, ich habe den ersten dreidimensionalen Kornkreisauf Platte. Er zeigt wohl New York.



Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

15.08.2006 um 19:46
Ja kann man.
Wie auf Platte, verstehe ich nicht?


Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

16.08.2006 um 09:44
@ cohiba:

Wenn Du etwas wissenschaftlich untersuchen willst, musst Duzwangsläufig englische Texte berücksichtigen.

Die Berichte oben stammen vom BLTTeam und die gibt es nicht in deutsch. Ich habe auch leider keine Zeit sie erst zuübersetzen.

Doors ehemaliges Mitglied

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Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

17.08.2006 um 14:41
Kornkreis, der:
Gesellige Runde von Alkoholkonsumenten, die Spirituosen auf Weizen-oder Roggenbasis bevorzugen. Vgl.: Doppelkornkreis, Apfelkornkreis. Übermässiger Genußkann zu Kornkreis-Laufstörungen oder UFO-Sichtungen führen.



Kornkreise in den Tagesthemen 13.7

17.08.2006 um 15:38
