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Man in the Moon is eating Harzer Cheese

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Man in the Moon is eating Harzer Cheese

19.01.2023 um 10:53
Dear ChatGtp write a song about the 'Man in the Moon is eating Harzer Cheese'.
Verse 1:
Man in the Moon up high,
Eating Harzer Cheese in the sky.
Making faces with every bite,
Enjoying his cheese day and night.

Man in the Moon, oh how he dines,
On Harzer Cheese, his heart entwines.
With every slice, his heart sings,
Man in the Moon and his cheesy flings.

Verse 2:
Moonlight shining on his face,
As he savors the Harzer taste.
Curds and whey, a perfect blend,
Man in the Moon's cheesy friend.

Man in the Moon, oh how he dines,
On Harzer Cheese, his heart entwines.
With every slice, his heart sings,
Man in the Moon and his cheesy flings.

From Earth below, we look up high,
And see the Man in the Moon, up in the sky.
With his Harzer Cheese, he's never alone,
The Man in the Moon and his cheesy home.

Man in the Moon, oh how he dines,
On Harzer Cheese, his heart entwines.
With every slice, his heart sings,
Man in the Moon and his cheesy flings.

So if you ever look up high,
And see the Man in the Moon in the sky,
Remember he's up there, happy and content,
Eating his Harzer Cheese, with every bite spent.


Man in the Moon is eating Harzer Cheese

19.01.2023 um 12:47
:') Wundervoll
