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Icon For Hire - Hollow (Musikvideo)
21.10.2019 um 05:14Ohrwurm der Woche mit Tiefgang...
I know I'm not my thoughts
But my thoughts don't know that yet
Sometimes I try to sneak up
On the voice inside my head
I try to meditate, cause they told me it'll help
But the last thing I need is more time alone inside myself
I know I'm not unique, we all got broken brains
Culture recently decided being crazy is okay
And now we all can talk about it on our social feeds
Having a rough day?
Hashtag mental health awareness week
I know that's progress
We don't have to hide no more
But it leaves me wondering why we ain't said this stuff before
Like were we always all crazy and we all just kept quiet?
Are we on the same page with what we're identifying?
And if crazy's the new normal then it's not that crazy, is it?
Cause the word by definition means it sits outside the system
And how can we tell difference between sick and tryna' fit in?
If everybody's crazy, then who's supposed to fix it?

Icon For Hire - Hollow (Official Music Video)
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