Verbaler Schlagabtausch Kravinik - Kaksi Sandor auf FB
26.07.2015 um 10:22Where are Dirk Laureyssens last postings?
I mean this ones:
In a recent livestream "teaching" workshop, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, found it important to attack me for stealing plasma technology and blamed me to be unethical. You can see this attack on , in the first 15 minutes. Mr. Keshe forces me to give an honest and clear reply. So I will open HIS book, maybe sometimes in a cynical and sarcastic way, yes, but Keshe - in his almighty - begs for that, ... and there is stuff enough in the saga
Valeri Kravinik
Extend your vacation in Bad Häring, and relax. It's the first top post. :)
Valeri Kravinik
Or just scroll down and read the posts one by one.
Valeri Kravinik
Press Ctrl+F and enter our keywords in your search....
Valeri Kravinik
A PC-DOKTOR is not able to use search on a Facebook page???
Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen
Kakasi Sándor For your convenience:
23. Juli um 09:24 · Gefällt mir · 1
Kakasi Sándor Is this your personal reason for hate?
dabei seit 2012
Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht? 12.12.2012 um 11:54
habe-fertig schrieb:
Tust du dir diesen Schmonzes eigneltich ständig an?
Ich könnte das nicht. Mal kurz reinlesen - okay. Aber prinzipiell muss ich mir diesen Schwachsinn möglichst weit vom Leib halten, sonst verlier ich den Glauben an die menschliche Restintellenz (sic) (Restintelligenz) vollends.
Im Fall Cashe habe ich recht persönliche und emotionelle Gründe, und zwar wegen seiner Therapie - Versprechungen, da vor Jahren einer meiner besten Freunde, der gegen meinen dringenden Rat auf medizinische Behandlung zu Gunsten von Quacksalberei verzichtet hat, ziemlich elend gestorben ist.
Darüber hinaus hat es natürlich einen gewissen Unterhaltungswert, die Facebook - Gruppe seiner Anhänger aufzumischen:(...)
End of Quote
23. Juli um 11:24 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Translation:
Short Visit
Registered since 2012
Keshe Foundation - fraud and no end in sight? 12.12.2012 at 11:54
@ habe-fertig
habe-fertig wrote: Will you do this actual balderdash constantly?
I could not do it. Short time purely read - okay. But in principle, I have to keep this nonsense as far as possible from the body, otherwise I lose faith in the human intelligence rest completely.
In the case Cashe I'm right personal and emotional reasons, and because of its therapy promises since, has died quite miserable years ago one of my best friends, who has renounced to my urgent advice on health care in favor of quackery.
Moreover, it naturally has a certain entertainment value, the Facebook - shake up group of his followers...
End of translation
23. Juli um 11:24 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Robert Stankowic, I am sorry for your sufferings and hearing loss.
I wish you find peace in your soul, and get your health restored.
Your grandchild would need a joyful, wise grandfather, to show him the beauties of life, and guide him to have a happy and joyful life.
23. Juli um 09:52 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Try to change your emotions, and you will find that you are changing the world.
23. Juli um 09:54 · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Wow Mr. Holmes - it took you only a short time to find out, that my nick is not my real identity and because you have no arguments at all you try to use that to protect your "messiah" and "galactic ambassador".
Sorry for you, you failed. And btw. you are dead wrong where you assume that I hate Keshe. He is simply not important enough for that. I just try to prevent gullible and innocent people from falling for this con artist and his followers and lose money and perhaps even health.
And I will continue with that, no matter what you try „smile“-Emoticon
24. Juli um 07:27 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor It's hilarious that you post under many fake identities, while you have a real name and identity, too. You can't hide behind your finger. Under whatever name you would post or comment, your every statement bears the fingerprints of your character. Why ...Mehr anzeigen
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:03 · Gefällt mir · 2
Kakasi Sándor Yes, we are aware of your kid's play of conjurers, and we are aware of who is who there, and here on the Facebook.
Not because I would be "Mr. Holmes", but because you can't stop bragging to get the applauses of your admirers.
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:04 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Not because I would be "Mr. Holmes", but because you can't stop bragging to get the applauses of your admirers.
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:05 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor In fact, you identified yourself.
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:06 · Gefällt mir · 1
Kakasi Sándor Valeri Kravinik: "you are dead wrong where you assume that I hate Keshe. He is simply not important enough for that. "
Have you already forgotten your own words of 12.12.2012, when you explained your personal emotional reasons?...Mehr anzeigen
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:17 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor We don't have to guess your purpose. You are exposing it yourself:
"Der Zweck für mich ist es, dem Verrückten den Geldhahn kleiner zu drehen und ihn und seine engsten Anhänger immer wieder zu irritieren und wenn möglich, zu verunsichern, was bei Keshe...Mehr anzeigen
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:42 · Gefällt mir
Jon Oberg Kakasi ??
24. Juli um 10:28 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor uatu? Have you posted your self-portrait? „grin“-Emoticon
24. Juli um 10:33 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir · 2
Valeri Kravinik Thanks for entertaining us „grin“-Emoticon
24. Juli um 23:24 · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Sandor - whatever you try - you lose before you even begin „grin“-Emoticon
24. Juli um 23:26 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Gute Nacht und süße Träume!
24. Juli um 23:55 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor
Mozart " Eine kleine Nachtmusik" I. Allegro
Les Dissonances - David Grimal www.les-...
24. Juli um 23:57 · Gefällt mir · 1
Keith Metz Pure Genius, Mozart
Gestern um 02:13 · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Kakasi Sándor: Thanks, I enjoyed the very good performance.
Btw.: Yuor conclusion abot my hearing is dead wrong „smile“-Emoticon
Gestern um 06:55 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor I am glad to know about your hearing issue has been solved successfully with the cholesteatoma and tympanoplasty operation you have had seven months ago.
Gestern um 08:54 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Valeri Kravinik "Sandor - whatever you try - you lose before you even begin"
You are in confusion. I am not playing any games with you. And you are not at least a villain in this story.
Gestern um 09:09 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik I'm not in the least interested in being a villain, I am just interested in reality in this case „smile“-Emoticon
Gestern um 09:28 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Valeri Kravinik: " I'm not in the least interested in being a villain, I am just interested in reality in this case „smile“-Emoticon"
Reality is that you are using several fake names to play your games intended to irritate and confuse people, who never harmed you.
You wrote in German language the following affirmation:
"My purpose is to diminish the money supply of this madman, and to irritate him and (his) closes followers, and whenever possible to play mind games occasionally to lead idiotic panic-actions. See the CO2 gans and Keshe's self-execution (the 'arsenic - poisoning')"
That is the reality according to your own words. Game over.
It's time that you find yourself a better game, instead of playing mind games, and dare to use your real identity instead of the many fake ones.
Quote (translated in English, see the original German version in the screenshot below):
(They found out my Facebook identity and banned me! I can't even see their pages anymore)
That's normal for me. With my number of alter egos I can meanwhile start
a village. "
End of quote.
For those, who are not clear about what I am talking,
Robert Stankowic (D.O.B. Feb 16 1944, lives in Poydorf, Austria) uses following fake names to post comments with intention to be irritating followers of the Keshe Foundation, and create fear, uncertainty and doubt:
Valeri Kravinik
Martin Singer
Bernhard Gladmüller
Kevin Lembauer
Robert Schwering
Jean-Pierre Mürrli
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
7 Std. · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Do a better research „grin“-Emoticon
And btw.: the post above yours is the reason. If you don't like this sue me. I will happily appear in court with all the documents i've collected over the years and Keshes "explanations" won't help him the least.
Do not hesitate - do it „grin“-Emoticon
13 Std. · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Btw.: I just have heard that Keshe has again troubles - now in Bari. I'll watch and comment „smile“-Emoticon
13 Std. · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Here goes - look at minute 39 in knowledge seekers workshop 71 - they kicked his ass when he tried to get an approbation for his wooniversity
When he proceeds like that his final station will be "teaching" the penguins on the Ross shelf „grin“-Emoticon
12 Std. · Gefällt mir · 1
Kakasi Sándor Valeri Kravinik: " I will happily appear in court with all the documents i've collected over the years and Keshes "explanations" won't help him the least."
Have you collected many documents on M. T. Keshe for many years?
You have spent probably many hours to do that.
Congratulations! You are a real fan of him!
You deserve a prize!
6 Std. · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Yes. I am a fan - he is sooo funny „grin“-Emoticon
2 Std. · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Kakasi Sándor Go ahead - sue me „grin“-Emoticon
Just give my EMail address to the police or prosecutor:...Mehr anzeigen
49 Min · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
I mean this ones:
In a recent livestream "teaching" workshop, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, found it important to attack me for stealing plasma technology and blamed me to be unethical. You can see this attack on , in the first 15 minutes. Mr. Keshe forces me to give an honest and clear reply. So I will open HIS book, maybe sometimes in a cynical and sarcastic way, yes, but Keshe - in his almighty - begs for that, ... and there is stuff enough in the saga
Valeri Kravinik
Extend your vacation in Bad Häring, and relax. It's the first top post. :)
Valeri Kravinik
Or just scroll down and read the posts one by one.
Valeri Kravinik
Press Ctrl+F and enter our keywords in your search....
Valeri Kravinik
A PC-DOKTOR is not able to use search on a Facebook page???
Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen
Kakasi Sándor For your convenience:
23. Juli um 09:24 · Gefällt mir · 1
Kakasi Sándor Is this your personal reason for hate?
dabei seit 2012
Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht? 12.12.2012 um 11:54
habe-fertig schrieb:
Tust du dir diesen Schmonzes eigneltich ständig an?
Ich könnte das nicht. Mal kurz reinlesen - okay. Aber prinzipiell muss ich mir diesen Schwachsinn möglichst weit vom Leib halten, sonst verlier ich den Glauben an die menschliche Restintellenz (sic) (Restintelligenz) vollends.
Im Fall Cashe habe ich recht persönliche und emotionelle Gründe, und zwar wegen seiner Therapie - Versprechungen, da vor Jahren einer meiner besten Freunde, der gegen meinen dringenden Rat auf medizinische Behandlung zu Gunsten von Quacksalberei verzichtet hat, ziemlich elend gestorben ist.
Darüber hinaus hat es natürlich einen gewissen Unterhaltungswert, die Facebook - Gruppe seiner Anhänger aufzumischen:(...)
End of Quote
23. Juli um 11:24 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Translation:
Short Visit
Registered since 2012
Keshe Foundation - fraud and no end in sight? 12.12.2012 at 11:54
@ habe-fertig
habe-fertig wrote: Will you do this actual balderdash constantly?
I could not do it. Short time purely read - okay. But in principle, I have to keep this nonsense as far as possible from the body, otherwise I lose faith in the human intelligence rest completely.
In the case Cashe I'm right personal and emotional reasons, and because of its therapy promises since, has died quite miserable years ago one of my best friends, who has renounced to my urgent advice on health care in favor of quackery.
Moreover, it naturally has a certain entertainment value, the Facebook - shake up group of his followers...
End of translation
23. Juli um 11:24 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Robert Stankowic, I am sorry for your sufferings and hearing loss.
I wish you find peace in your soul, and get your health restored.
Your grandchild would need a joyful, wise grandfather, to show him the beauties of life, and guide him to have a happy and joyful life.
23. Juli um 09:52 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Try to change your emotions, and you will find that you are changing the world.
23. Juli um 09:54 · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Wow Mr. Holmes - it took you only a short time to find out, that my nick is not my real identity and because you have no arguments at all you try to use that to protect your "messiah" and "galactic ambassador".
Sorry for you, you failed. And btw. you are dead wrong where you assume that I hate Keshe. He is simply not important enough for that. I just try to prevent gullible and innocent people from falling for this con artist and his followers and lose money and perhaps even health.
And I will continue with that, no matter what you try „smile“-Emoticon
24. Juli um 07:27 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor It's hilarious that you post under many fake identities, while you have a real name and identity, too. You can't hide behind your finger. Under whatever name you would post or comment, your every statement bears the fingerprints of your character. Why ...Mehr anzeigen
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:03 · Gefällt mir · 2
Kakasi Sándor Yes, we are aware of your kid's play of conjurers, and we are aware of who is who there, and here on the Facebook.
Not because I would be "Mr. Holmes", but because you can't stop bragging to get the applauses of your admirers.
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:04 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Not because I would be "Mr. Holmes", but because you can't stop bragging to get the applauses of your admirers.
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:05 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor In fact, you identified yourself.
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:06 · Gefällt mir · 1
Kakasi Sándor Valeri Kravinik: "you are dead wrong where you assume that I hate Keshe. He is simply not important enough for that. "
Have you already forgotten your own words of 12.12.2012, when you explained your personal emotional reasons?...Mehr anzeigen
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:17 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor We don't have to guess your purpose. You are exposing it yourself:
"Der Zweck für mich ist es, dem Verrückten den Geldhahn kleiner zu drehen und ihn und seine engsten Anhänger immer wieder zu irritieren und wenn möglich, zu verunsichern, was bei Keshe...Mehr anzeigen
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
24. Juli um 09:42 · Gefällt mir
Jon Oberg Kakasi ??
24. Juli um 10:28 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor uatu? Have you posted your self-portrait? „grin“-Emoticon
24. Juli um 10:33 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir · 2
Valeri Kravinik Thanks for entertaining us „grin“-Emoticon
24. Juli um 23:24 · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Sandor - whatever you try - you lose before you even begin „grin“-Emoticon
24. Juli um 23:26 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Gute Nacht und süße Träume!
24. Juli um 23:55 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor

Mozart "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" I. Allegro
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Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.
Mozart " Eine kleine Nachtmusik" I. Allegro
Les Dissonances - David Grimal www.les-...
24. Juli um 23:57 · Gefällt mir · 1
Keith Metz Pure Genius, Mozart
Gestern um 02:13 · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Kakasi Sándor: Thanks, I enjoyed the very good performance.
Btw.: Yuor conclusion abot my hearing is dead wrong „smile“-Emoticon
Gestern um 06:55 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor I am glad to know about your hearing issue has been solved successfully with the cholesteatoma and tympanoplasty operation you have had seven months ago.
Gestern um 08:54 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Valeri Kravinik "Sandor - whatever you try - you lose before you even begin"
You are in confusion. I am not playing any games with you. And you are not at least a villain in this story.
Gestern um 09:09 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik I'm not in the least interested in being a villain, I am just interested in reality in this case „smile“-Emoticon
Gestern um 09:28 · Gefällt mir
Kakasi Sándor Valeri Kravinik: " I'm not in the least interested in being a villain, I am just interested in reality in this case „smile“-Emoticon"
Reality is that you are using several fake names to play your games intended to irritate and confuse people, who never harmed you.
You wrote in German language the following affirmation:
"My purpose is to diminish the money supply of this madman, and to irritate him and (his) closes followers, and whenever possible to play mind games occasionally to lead idiotic panic-actions. See the CO2 gans and Keshe's self-execution (the 'arsenic - poisoning')"
That is the reality according to your own words. Game over.
It's time that you find yourself a better game, instead of playing mind games, and dare to use your real identity instead of the many fake ones.
Quote (translated in English, see the original German version in the screenshot below):
(They found out my Facebook identity and banned me! I can't even see their pages anymore)
That's normal for me. With my number of alter egos I can meanwhile start
a village. "
End of quote.
For those, who are not clear about what I am talking,
Robert Stankowic (D.O.B. Feb 16 1944, lives in Poydorf, Austria) uses following fake names to post comments with intention to be irritating followers of the Keshe Foundation, and create fear, uncertainty and doubt:
Valeri Kravinik
Martin Singer
Bernhard Gladmüller
Kevin Lembauer
Robert Schwering
Jean-Pierre Mürrli
Kakasi Sándors Foto.
7 Std. · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Do a better research „grin“-Emoticon
And btw.: the post above yours is the reason. If you don't like this sue me. I will happily appear in court with all the documents i've collected over the years and Keshes "explanations" won't help him the least.
Do not hesitate - do it „grin“-Emoticon
13 Std. · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Btw.: I just have heard that Keshe has again troubles - now in Bari. I'll watch and comment „smile“-Emoticon
13 Std. · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Here goes - look at minute 39 in knowledge seekers workshop 71 - they kicked his ass when he tried to get an approbation for his wooniversity
When he proceeds like that his final station will be "teaching" the penguins on the Ross shelf „grin“-Emoticon
12 Std. · Gefällt mir · 1
Kakasi Sándor Valeri Kravinik: " I will happily appear in court with all the documents i've collected over the years and Keshes "explanations" won't help him the least."
Have you collected many documents on M. T. Keshe for many years?
You have spent probably many hours to do that.
Congratulations! You are a real fan of him!
You deserve a prize!
6 Std. · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Yes. I am a fan - he is sooo funny „grin“-Emoticon
2 Std. · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik Kakasi Sándor Go ahead - sue me „grin“-Emoticon
Just give my EMail address to the police or prosecutor:...Mehr anzeigen
49 Min · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir