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A story of a father and three sons
10.01.2015 um 20:35Tonight I will tell you a story, friends.
There was a man, an old, good, powerful, kind and wise man.
He had three sons whose names where Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The man loved all of his sons equally and was delighted, when he saw them living in peace together and his face was cheerful.
One day, as kids just do, they came to their dad an Judaism asked:
"Dad which of us do you like the most?"
And Christianity and Islam also claimed:"Yeah, tell us which do you like most!"
The old man smiled softly and answered:
"But my dear boys, I love all of you equally, as every good father would do!"
And he turned around and enjoyed the sight of flowers and a blue sky and a warm, yellow sun.
The boys gathered but they were dissatisfied.
"He must love one of us most! One of us should be the greatest", they talked to each other.
"What could we do to learn about the truth?"
"Let`s impress him! Let`s do... some sports! Dad surely would like sports!
Let us all doin` different and call him and than we will see which of us he like most!"
And so they did.
Judaism went and became the best on running.
Islam went and became the fastest on riding.
Christianity went and became the best, the strongest playing football.
They all struggled to be the most loved by their dad.
And when they called their dad, they asked:
"Do you love me most?"
And always he would smile kind and answer:"I love you as you are, my son."
Finally they met again all together and the sons, just as kids do, they talked to each other and bragged:"Dad like me most!"
While doing so they became angry with each other and started fighting and hurting each other. And Judaism bet Christianity and Christianity hit a bloody wound to Islam and Islam stabbed Judaism.
At last they registered the face of their dad, now not kind and delighted anymore but sad and with worry lines on his forehad and with tears in his eyes.
And than he walked away over the fields, not looking back.
And the field was dark, there was roar in the sky and rain dropped and the sun hid her face.
His sons tried to follow him but despite Islam was the fastest on riding, Christianity the best and strongest playing football and Judaism the best on running, they couldn`t get near.
So they screamed:
"Dad, wait, why are you walking away? How can we get near you and be with you again?"
And without looking back, the man replied:
"You can get near me and be with me when you finally stop hurting your brothers and stop trying to figure out which of you would be the greatest.
For I love all of my children equally and can`t stand when they hurting each other, supposedly to my pleasure!"
There the sons stopped pursuing him and turned to each other and looked.
And behind the blood and dirt on their faces they saw not rivals anymore, but again their brothers.
They took water from their bottles and cleaned each others faces and healed each others wounds and talked to each other:
"Please pardon me, brother!"
And they pardoned each other.
There the rain stopped and the roar in the sky settled, clouds vanished and darkness faded.
And the warm sun showed her face again and the flowers on the green fields raised again their heads of beautiful colours.
And when the three brothers turned around, they saw their dad behind them, now smiling again and looking with delight over them.
The three sons, the three brothers had realized that there couldn`t be a greatest among them and there was no need to impress their dad - for as a good father he loved all of them equally.
There was a man, an old, good, powerful, kind and wise man.
He had three sons whose names where Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The man loved all of his sons equally and was delighted, when he saw them living in peace together and his face was cheerful.
One day, as kids just do, they came to their dad an Judaism asked:
"Dad which of us do you like the most?"
And Christianity and Islam also claimed:"Yeah, tell us which do you like most!"
The old man smiled softly and answered:
"But my dear boys, I love all of you equally, as every good father would do!"
And he turned around and enjoyed the sight of flowers and a blue sky and a warm, yellow sun.
The boys gathered but they were dissatisfied.
"He must love one of us most! One of us should be the greatest", they talked to each other.
"What could we do to learn about the truth?"
"Let`s impress him! Let`s do... some sports! Dad surely would like sports!
Let us all doin` different and call him and than we will see which of us he like most!"
And so they did.
Judaism went and became the best on running.
Islam went and became the fastest on riding.
Christianity went and became the best, the strongest playing football.
They all struggled to be the most loved by their dad.
And when they called their dad, they asked:
"Do you love me most?"
And always he would smile kind and answer:"I love you as you are, my son."
Finally they met again all together and the sons, just as kids do, they talked to each other and bragged:"Dad like me most!"
While doing so they became angry with each other and started fighting and hurting each other. And Judaism bet Christianity and Christianity hit a bloody wound to Islam and Islam stabbed Judaism.
At last they registered the face of their dad, now not kind and delighted anymore but sad and with worry lines on his forehad and with tears in his eyes.
And than he walked away over the fields, not looking back.
And the field was dark, there was roar in the sky and rain dropped and the sun hid her face.
His sons tried to follow him but despite Islam was the fastest on riding, Christianity the best and strongest playing football and Judaism the best on running, they couldn`t get near.
So they screamed:
"Dad, wait, why are you walking away? How can we get near you and be with you again?"
And without looking back, the man replied:
"You can get near me and be with me when you finally stop hurting your brothers and stop trying to figure out which of you would be the greatest.
For I love all of my children equally and can`t stand when they hurting each other, supposedly to my pleasure!"
There the sons stopped pursuing him and turned to each other and looked.
And behind the blood and dirt on their faces they saw not rivals anymore, but again their brothers.
They took water from their bottles and cleaned each others faces and healed each others wounds and talked to each other:
"Please pardon me, brother!"
And they pardoned each other.
There the rain stopped and the roar in the sky settled, clouds vanished and darkness faded.
And the warm sun showed her face again and the flowers on the green fields raised again their heads of beautiful colours.
And when the three brothers turned around, they saw their dad behind them, now smiling again and looking with delight over them.
The three sons, the three brothers had realized that there couldn`t be a greatest among them and there was no need to impress their dad - for as a good father he loved all of them equally.