Der Prozess Oscar Pistorius und der Tod von Reeva Steenkamp
16.10.2014 um 22:05
Da nimmt BBC den netten Umgang von OP unter die Luppe. M. Schultz will die Schwester nicht bedroht haben, sagt aber aus, dass er Strydom und Batchelor ihn für einen Mörder halten, der nun milde davonkomme.
Da steht also bezüglich Schimpfwort gegen Aimee Aussage gegen Aussage.
Da nimmt BBC den netten Umgang von OP unter die Luppe. M. Schultz will die Schwester nicht bedroht haben, sagt aber aus, dass er Strydom und Batchelor ihn für einen Mörder halten, der nun milde davonkomme.
Da steht also bezüglich Schimpfwort gegen Aimee Aussage gegen Aussage.
In recent days the public gallery in courtroom D has seen an influx of conspicuously muscular men who have sat close to Reeva Steenkamp's family. Marc Batchelor is a former footballer and debt collector who has clashed with Pistorius in the past. Mikey Schultz is a self-confessed killer and former boxer. Mark Strydom is, according to legal sources, on parole after serving time for attempted murder and assault.Wichtig auch, die Erwähnung, dass Masipa Pistorius kaum aufgrund fehlender Sicherheit eine Gefängnisstrafe ersparen könne.
At one point Mr Schultz and Mr Strydom sat, unexpectedly, on the bench reserved for the Pistorius family, and according to the defendant's brother Carl, Mr Schultz mouthed an obscenity at his sister Aimee, leaving her in tears. Mr Schultz told me later that he had done no such thing but agreed with Mr Strydom and Mr Batchelor that, in his opinion, Oscar Pistorius was "a murderer" who was "getting off lightly".
It's not easy to imagine Judge Masipa refusing to send Pistorius to prison on the basis that it would be unsafe for him - a ruling that would set an awkward precedent for South Africa's entire judicial system.