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![Youtube: Fides Inversa - Hanc Aciem Sola Retundit Virtus (The Algolagnia Divine) [Full - HD]](/static/th/yt/29XocBPXdKs/hqdefault.jpg)
Fides Inversa - Hanc Aciem Sola Retundit Virtus (The Algolagnia Divine) [Full - HD]
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Decollatio 10:11
"O lord, dost not blame such sin on them!"
So said the protomartyr stoned to death by the slaves of the Empire. And later on, the one who prayed thee, God, to be taken up into heaven by unmolating his fleshy shell for the Foundation Rock. Us a Good Father, Thou didst
claim for him, the pontifer of Thine ecclesia, to be offered
as sacrifice. Yet, when his keen as sacred as worthless words "Domine, non sum dignus!" were uttered, was the
cross turned upside down. Either for them or Thine only Son, no winged herald came. Only towards Abrahams second son. Thou didst show magnanimith. Sirteen centuries later, followers of Thy Word forced the Magus of Infinity to eye the crucifix. Awaiting to be wrapped by deadly flames, he did despise the mooden state where Thy flesh perished by fearlessly turning his eyes away. No more righteous deed hath ever been achieved!
2. Suicidium 10:44
Desperate rectlessness, indulgent failing so worldly rest undergoeth a premature self-inflicted fading. Ever deemed, as a sin and vice, hath such deed been God's dilemma over damnation. On the horns of it, hence cometh the Evil crept as hope hath surrendered to induce the damned hands to action. Namelessly buried then will no longer injure the living. "The wise man will live as long as he ought, not as long as he can. Nature hath arranged one man in to life, but thousands of mans out". May his blood soaf the ground if the path to the fulfillment of his plans will be hampered by adverse fate. Was! Hence his name will live on branded with infamy. "O Lord, that soul is unworthy of the eternal rest!" "Amen!" O mortals, do listen to the Philosopher of the Cave: may ignominious burial be given to the fool flying from fate by taking his own life out not of misfortune but of a slothful and cowardly soul. Be the highest rank bestowed to the martyr fallen on the battlefield, instead as he fought for no army but himself. Self-aware annihilation, deliberate mutilation: fair crimes to claim a right ertorted from the Father being not, in truth, its holder.
3. Homicidium 12:47
Mors Principium Est
Such is the gift offered to thee to reach salvation
In morte, vita
Dost acknowledge it, dost not disdain it, dosn not despair, as the Carnifer is the saviour. His hand, his dagger do act to grant thee grace, whilst thy spilt blood bath yet tainted the ground where thy dead head lieth. Tainted is the ground and so is the act that, full of pureness as Cain carried it out, will lead to damnation. What have you done? The voice of your brothers blood is crying to me from the ground. And now you are cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to reicive your brothers blood from your hand; From now on, when you till the ground, it won't yeld its good harvest to you. You shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth. "No, I shall be crowned!" For envy, for vengeance... Thus, where doth the difference lie, if the murderer is always granted salvation? So, praised be the Carnifer in the heights! Praised be his dagger tainted by the blood of a son ascended to the Father through a deed committed by whom will be eternally unloved!
Ave Carnifex! Ave Mors!
4. Algolagnia Divine 12:20
"Cum actis, cum ore, cum core
laudabimus mortem,
humana salvationem.
Sit gloria mortis
Sit gloria finis
Terrena vacuitas
Voluptatibus divinis"
When man sinned, God erecuted the penalty on him. What more righteous deed than ascending to the divine by questing after eternal lore? What more thoughtful deed than the one done by the high-minded snake, commanded to crawl, rather than flying, and be crushed by a woman whose childbearing was unnatural and conception loathsome, inhuman abnormal? Glorious and bright, judicious and right, the Morning Star is thus forced to fade before the despotic Sunlight giving life... and death.
When an sinned, God erecuted the penalty on him. Sin was the end and death yet the beginning. Ceaselessly I will choose sin, and I will sin for even a sole beam of the Star catching and illuminating me, rather serving the one who doth not illuminate but darken with light.
And once his avenger will come to me, I will fir my eyes on his and let him seize me. And whilst he will draw his blade across my throath, my stare will pierce him. And proudly that son consciously sinning will go away. Yet, he will not die, but God Almighty will. Yet, he will no longer be one of His sons, but an Almighty God himself.