Black-Metal Thread
Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 12:00@FirstOrder
(Was ist ABMS?) :ghost:FirstOrder schrieb:Gibt es eigendlich auch guten, unpeinlichen BM aus Deutschland? @snafu Iis ruhig weil @snfu hat das ABMS hinter sich. Glaube ich...

Secrets of the Moon - Lucifer Speaks
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Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 12:03God,
Grant me light
Light in my heart, light in my tomb,
Light in my speech, light in my seeing and light in my hearing
Light in my skin, light in my hair
Light in my flesh, light in my blood and light in my bones and light in my spirit,
Light before me, light behind me,
Light to the right of me, light to the left of me,
Light above me, light beneath me,
Increase my light
Forever into all directions
O God, strenghten my light and give me the greatest light of all,
The light of your darkness,
Grant me light, God of night.
Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 12:45Katharsis
Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 13:27Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 14:32Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 14:36Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 14:39Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 14:57Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 15:04Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 15:19Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 15:36Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 15:38Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 15:42Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 15:47Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 15:50Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 16:16Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 17:13Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 17:25Black-Metal Thread
06.02.2013 um 17:52ok, wusste gar nicht dass sowas existiert(e). @FirstOrder