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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

1.415 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Musik, Jugendkultur, Popkultur ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

05.03.2011 um 10:28

Built to Spill rockt, Danke für den Tipp :)

2x zitiertmelden

Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

05.03.2011 um 10:30
New and for Sale geht auch gut ins Ohr :D

FiatLuxFan Diskussionsleiter
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

05.03.2011 um 13:26

Sehr guter Song von"Kitchens of Distinction",ich hab schon gesehen das es in der Abteilung noch vieles gibt,das ich nichtmal vom Namen her kenne.
Zitat von JimmybondyJimmybondy schrieb:Built to Spill rockt, Danke für den Tipp
Ja,die rocken noch(bzw. wieder) genauso gut wie in den Anfangstagen.Jedenfalls sehr wichtige und erstklassige Band des Genres.
Von"Keep it like a Secret"(99):
Youtube: Built to Spill - Carry The Zero
Built to Spill - Carry The Zero
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Youtube: Built to Spill - You Were Right
Built to Spill - You Were Right
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"There's nothing wrong with Love"(95)
Youtube: Built To Spill - Stab
Built To Spill - Stab
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"Ancient Melodies of the Future"(2001):
Youtube: Built to Spill - Trimmed and Burning
Built to Spill - Trimmed and Burning
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........gibt noch viel mehr..... :)

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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

05.03.2011 um 14:30
Ich muss einfach noch einen POSTAL SERVICE Song bringen,der hier ist vielleicht der schönste der Platte"Give Up"(2003):
Youtube: The Postal Service - Nothing Better
The Postal Service - Nothing Better
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Will someone please call a surgeon
Who can crack my ribs and repair this broken heart
That your're deserting for better company?
I can't accept that it's over...
I will block the door like a goalie tending the net
In the third quarter of a tied-game rivalry

So just say how to make it right
And i swear i'll do my best to comply

Tell me am i right to think that there could be nothing better
Than making you my bride and slowly growing old together

I feel must interject here you're getting carried away feeling sorry for yourself
With these revisions and gaps in history
So let me help you remember.
I've made charts and graphs that should finally make it clear.
I've prepared a lecture on why i have to leave

So please back away and let me go
I can't my darling i love you so...

Tell me am i right to think that there could be nothing better
Than making you my bride and slowly growing old together
Don't you feed me lines about some idealistic future
Your heart won't heal right if you keep tearing out the sutures

I admit that i have made mistakes and i swear
I'll never wrong you again
You've got a lure i can't deny,
But you've had your chance so say goodbye
Say goodbye

Die seeligen SILVER JEWS haben was ähnliches produziert:
Youtube: SILVER JEWS  Tennessee
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I saw the river playing in the valley
Rushing 'round a bend and skipping stones
I saw the meadow wobble in the moonlight
I've come to get my girl and take her home

Her doorbell plays a bar of Stephen Foster
Her sister never left and look what it cost her
We're gonna live in Nashville and I'll make a career
Out of writing sad songs and getting paid by the tear

Marry me and leave Kentucky
Come to Tennessee
'Cause you're the only ten I see
You're the only ten I see

I've looked through offices and honky-tonks for men man enough to be
Mr. and Mrs. Tennessee
Mr. and Mrs. Tennessee

Punk rock died when the first kid said
"Punk's not dead, punk's not dead"
You know Louisville is death, we've got to up and move
Because the dead do not improve

Goodbye you suckers and steady bad luckers
We're off to the land of club soda unbridled
We're off to the land of hot middle-aged women
Off tot he land whose blood runneth orange

Marry me and leave Kentucky
Come to Tennessee
'Cause you're the only ten I see
You're the only ten I see

I've looked through offices and honky-tonks for men man enough to be
Mr. and Mrs. Tennessee
Mr. and Mrs. Tennessee

More lyrics:
All about Silver Jews+The:


Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

06.03.2011 um 22:25
The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows
Youtube: The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows (w/ lyrics)
The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows (w/ lyrics)
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Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles on their 1966 album Revolver.

"Tomorrow Never Knows" is the final track of The Beatles' 1966 studio album Revolver. It is credited as a Lennon/McCartney song, but was written primarily by John Lennon. Although it was the first song that was recorded, it was the last track on the album.

The song is significant because it contains the first example of a vocal being put through a Leslie speaker cabinet to obtain a vibrato effect (which was normally used as a loudspeaker for a Hammond organ) and the use of an ADT system (Automatic double-tracking) to double the vocal image.

"Tomorrow Never Knows" ends the Revolver album in a more experimental fashion than earlier records, which contributed to Revolver's reputation as one of the group's most influential and expressive albums.

Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream
It is not dying, it is not dying
Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void
It is shining, it is shining
That you may see the meaning of within
It is being, it is being

That love is all, that love is everyone
It is knowing, it is knowing
That ignorance and hate may moum the dead
It is believing, it is believing
But listen to the color of your dream
It is not living, it is not living
Or play the game existance to the end
Of the beginning, of the beginning,
Of the beginning, of the beginning,
Of the beginning, of the beginning,
of the beginning...
Klingt für mich immer noch recht frisch.(gerade was den Sound angeht) :D


Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

07.03.2011 um 00:37
Meiner Meinung nach ihr bestes Album.

FiatLuxFan Diskussionsleiter
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

07.03.2011 um 16:44

Jo,ist wirklich zeitlos gut und klingt nicht angestaubt.Da haben sich viele Indiebands bedient,genauso wie bei VU,Neil Young,den frühen Pink Floyd oder Rolling Stones.

Ich bring auch mal was altes,den Krach/Feedback bei dem Song hat man bei vielen späteren Bands ähnlich gehört: (Video: NEIL YOUNG & CRAZY HORSE - Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black))

FiatLuxFan Diskussionsleiter
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

07.03.2011 um 17:00
Ah genau,noch ein Beispiel für eine durch einen Vocoder gejagde Stimme:

Youtube: Yet Another "9/11 Was An Inside Job" Song
Yet Another "9/11 Was An Inside Job" Song
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Ich mag diesen Song,kann auch nichts dafür ;-)

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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

18.03.2011 um 00:32

Sehr schöner Song der Band "Autolux",klassische Indiemucke zum abhängen. :)
Ich dachte wegen dem Vid. es wäre ein Duo wie die White Stripes,aber Wiki hat mich aufgeklärt,der Bass ist auch nicht gerade zu überhören...

In Tagen wie diesen kann etwas Krach nicht schaden,kann man in letzter Zeit öfters mal gebrauchen.^^
Wollte "Bacardi" von Nada Surf bringen,aber gibts nicht mehr...

Modest Mouse sind fürn Anfang nicht verkehrt (Video: Shit Luck- Modest mouse)

Youtube: The Thermals - Power doesn't run on nothing
The Thermals - Power doesn't run on nothing
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Youtube: Wolf Parade - Fancy Claps
Wolf Parade - Fancy Claps
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The imitation picks you up like a habit
Writing in the glow of the TV's static
Taking out the trash to the man
Give the people something they understand

A stickman flashing a fine-line smile
Junk bond trader trying to sell a sucker a style
Rich man in a poor man's clothes
The permanent installment of the daily dose

And you tell off when you tell it like it is
Your world's no wider than your hatred of his
Checking into a small reality
Boring as a drug you take too regularly

The athelete's laugh, the broken crutch
The first true love that folded at the slightest touch
Brought down like an old hotel
People digging through the rubble for things they can resell

"Happy Holidays," said Sid the Saviour
The leaving lover that I still favor
I won't take your medicine
I don't need a remedy
To be everything I'm supposed to be
I don't want nobody else
I can do it by myself
We're meant to be together

Now I'm a policeman directing traffic
Keeping everything moving, everything static
I'm the hitchhiker you'll recognize passing
On your way to some everlasting

Better sell it while you can
Better sell it while you can
Better sell it while you can
Better sell it while you can

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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

18.03.2011 um 00:35
Man i rule i'm so cool!

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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

22.03.2011 um 13:21

Ich wollte dir noch eine Band empfehlen,habe ich zwar vor kurzem schon aber ich weiß nicht ob du das alte Material kennst.Hör dir mal wenn du Zeit und Lust hast diesen infernalischen Krach an.Da können sich die Schwermetaller eine grosse Scheibe abschneiden:
Metal-Talk (Seite 116)
:D (Video: Mogwai live@La Route du Rock 2001- You don't know Jesus)
Hier gehts ab ca. 4:00 los... (Video: Mogwai live@La Route du Rock 2001- Christmas steps)

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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

22.03.2011 um 13:23
Wikipedia: Mogwai
Wikipedia: Built to Spill


Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

22.03.2011 um 13:25

Klaro, hierzu haben sie einen Soundtrack beigesteuert.

Youtube: Ex Drummer - deutschsprachiger Trailer
Ex Drummer - deutschsprachiger Trailer
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Aber Achtung, bei dem Film haben auch die angesprochenen Metaller einen offenen Mund.^^

FiatLuxFan Diskussionsleiter
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Der Indie-Rock(Nerd)Thread

22.03.2011 um 13:27

Ich habs mir eh gedacht,an MOGWAI kommt man nicht vorbei,geniale Band. :)
