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Hip Hop - Kultur

18.883 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Musik, Gesellschaft, RAP ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Hip Hop - Kultur

11.01.2011 um 11:02
Heiligs Bleche, 23 Jahre hat es gedauert, bis ich den ultimativen Rap-Song aller Zeiten gefunden habe. Ich muss ihn nochmal posten, kann nicht widerstehen:

Youtube: "Poppa Large"- Ultamagnetic MC's
"Poppa Large"- Ultamagnetic MC's
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Kool Keith, Du bist Gott!!!!!!!!


Hip Hop - Kultur

12.01.2011 um 13:31

Endlich jemand der auch schwiezerdütsches Zeug bringt,ich dachte schon ich sei der einzige der den Dialekt versteht.^^
Dazu noch Ösi-Styles wie der Schüttelreim-Track von Kayo & Phekt(kannte ich nicht). *Thumbs up!* :)
Ich kenn nicht viel aus der Schweiz,aber das Zeugs ist Dope.
DIESES LIED habe ich jetzt ewig gesucht,ich hatte es vor 10 Jahren mal von VIVA2 aufgenommen und vergessen wie der Typ heisst,das war glaub ich der erste schweizer Raptrack,den ich gehört hab.
Youtube: Spooman - Füür & Flamma (Videoclip)
Spooman - Füür & Flamma (Videoclip)
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Und das,SK sind sowieso auf jedem Album spitze gewesen.
Youtube: Sektion Kuchikäschtli - Lampafiaber
Sektion Kuchikäschtli - Lampafiaber
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Und der Track ist allein wg. dem Video Bombe:
Youtube: Gimma  Superschwiizer
Gimma Superschwiizer
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1x zitiertmelden

Hip Hop - Kultur

12.01.2011 um 14:11
Ich glaub von MB1000 hat auch noch niemand was gebracht,die Jungs waren derbe.Besonders die erste LP"Auf Platte" war gut.
Youtube: MB1000 Abriss
MB1000 Abriss
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Und einige Tracks von"King",dem zweiten Album.
Das Atze Alda,der Bauarbeider Alda... :D


Hip Hop - Kultur

12.01.2011 um 16:15
Zitat von FiatLuxFanFiatLuxFan schrieb:ich dachte schon ich sei der einzige der den Dialekt versteht.^^
bist du auch - aber ich werd immer besser darin, das zu verstehen :D

bisher kannt ich schweizer rap nur von features, aber ich hab mir jetzt mal das album "ufojugend" von larry f geladen, was mir mit jedem mal anhören besser gefällt. ist wirklich sehr schön und vielfältig geworden.

Youtube: Larry F. feat. Samira & Joker - Chum zrugg
Larry F. feat. Samira & Joker - Chum zrugg
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Hip Hop - Kultur

13.01.2011 um 00:55
Darf ich vorstellen: Allschwil Posse, die Schweizer Rap-Elite (unbedingt auf den Text achten). ^^

Youtube: Allschwil Posse - Summer
Allschwil Posse - Summer
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Hip Hop - Kultur

13.01.2011 um 10:25
Youtube: Freundeskreis: Esperanto
Freundeskreis: Esperanto
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Freundeskreis, ein Meilenstein des Deutsch-Hop!
Exellent! Nur sind die Jungs langsam reifer geworden...und das klingt noch geiler als damals!

Youtube: creme de la creme_drei chinesen mit ner Tüte Gras
creme de la creme_drei chinesen mit ner Tüte Gras
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Immerwieder geil! :D

Und ich bin überheblich, weil ich mit ruhigem Gewissen sagen kann, dass ihr nur Scheiße, die sich Hip Hop nennt, hört! :D


Hip Hop - Kultur

13.01.2011 um 12:57
Halleluja, hallo du da, ja du da
siehst du dich nicht auch, ab und zu mal
allein auf weiter Flur, nur von Einzellern umgeben
die sich zur Musik von Zweizellern bewegen
Ihr Leben nach dem Wort von Dreizellern leben
und all' ihre Moneten den Vierzellern geben
Bist auch du ein Fernsehen-Gernseher
obwohl du beinahe kotzt, wenn du dann einmal glotzt
Zapp, zapp: Gescheiterte, Gescheitelte
Zapp, zapp: Verblühte, Vergnügte
Zapp, zapp: Oh Gott, was'n Schrott
Doch der Finger kann nicht drücken, auf den kleinen roten Knopp!
Ist auch dir die Übernahme durch's Digitale nicht geheuer
Die PC-CD Paranoia
Wo alles nur noch piept, inklusive Eier
Nur noch die Daten zählen, als wär' die Welt 'n Flyer
Wird im Winter nett geraved, wird's im Internet gesaved
Alle schön mit Online, näher dran an Bonn sein
Siehst du dich nicht manchmal auch im ICE nach Eschede
als einziger der's ahnen kann, der alle warnen kann
Und dann schaust du dich um, siehst das Grauen um dich 'rum
Du weißt, die sind zu dumm, um dir zu
glauben und du bleibst stumm
Die wollen es doch nicht checken, na sollen sie doch verrecken
mit Vollgas und Grinse-Fressen ins Ende des Schreckens!


Hip Hop - Kultur

13.01.2011 um 21:00


Hip Hop - Kultur

15.01.2011 um 00:35
Gestern erschien die Single zu "Rebell ohne Grund" von Prinz Pi, dabei war ein Bonustrack den man sich durchaus anhören kann:

Erinnert thematisch stark an sein "Stan" Cover:

Youtube: prinz pi - stan
prinz pi - stan
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joar, gefällt mir :ok:

und wer die single noch immer nicht kennt sollte das schleunigst nachholen, lohnt sich wirklich:

Youtube: Prinz Pi - Du bist (offizielles Video)
Prinz Pi - Du bist (offizielles Video)
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Hip Hop - Kultur

15.01.2011 um 05:49

Ja die Single ist extrem gut,ganz grosses Kino textlich und vom Beat."Neopunk" war auch eines der besten Alben der letzten Jahre,die Single lässt hoffen das er das wiederholen oder sogar toppen kann.

Ich hab auch was (nicht ganz)neues entdeckt,für Fans von Non Phixion,Ill Bill,Immortal Technique,Jedi Mind Tricks,Dead Prez etc. beste Mukke,ich hoffe das ganze Album ist gut.
Politische/Conscious Rapper kanns heute gar nicht genug geben,auch wenn jeder der genannten MCs VTs/Illuminati/NWO etc. als Thema hat,die Industrie(bzw.Politik oder "Elite") hat HipHop pervertiert und als Waffe missbraucht,um Gewalt,Hass und BlingBling in die Köpfe der Kids zu impfen.Das ist nicht im Sinne des Erfinders und unglaublich mies. :(
Die Gangster-Welle hat dann ja leider auch Deutschland erreicht,mir kann keiner erzählen das wäre nur wegen des Geldes passiert.
Youtube: Diabolic feat. Immortal Technique - Frontlines (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Diabolic feat. Immortal Technique - Frontlines (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
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Hip Hop - Kultur

15.01.2011 um 11:47
Ich poste noch 2-3 Tracks vom guten HipHop,bei dem die MCs den jungen Leute positive Inhalte vermittelten und sie motivierten.
Früher die Regel,heute die Ausnahme,und das hat fatale Folgen...
___________________________________________________________________ (Video: Gang Starr - Moment Of Truth)
[some Jamaican gwal]
No matta wat we fyace
We mus face de moment of trut baybe

Chorus: Guru

They say it's lonely at the top, in whatever you do
You always gotta watch motherfuckers around you
Nobody's invincible, no plan is foolproof
We all must meet our moment of truth

Verse One: Guru

The same sheisty cats that you hang with, and do your thang with
could set you up and wet you up, nigga peep the language
It's universal, you play with fire it may hurt you
or burn you, lessons are blessings you should learn through
Let's face facts, although MC's lace tracks
it doesn't mean behind the scenes there ain't no dirt to trace back
That goes for all of us, there ain't nobody to trust
It's like sabotage, it's got me ready to bust
But I can't jeapordize, what I have done up to this point
So I'ma get more guys, to help me run the whole joint
Cultivate, multiply, motivate, or else we'll die
You know I be the masterof the who what where and why
See when you're shinin, some chumps'll wanna dull ya
Always selfish jealous punks, will wanna pull ya
down, just like some shellfish in a bucket
cause they love it, to see your ass squirm like a worm
But just as you'll receive what is comin to you
Everybody else is gonna get theirs too
I ain't no saint, therefore I cannot dispute
That everyone must meet their moment of truth

Chorus: Guru

Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge
You may not know the harships people don't speak of
It's best to step back, and observe with couth
For we all must meet our moment of truth

Verse Two: Guru

Sometimes you gotta dig deep, when problems come near
Don't fear things get severe for everybody everywhere
Why do bad things happen, to good people?
Seems that life is just a constant war between good and evil
The situation that I'm facin, is mad amazin
to think such problems can arise from minor confrontations
Now I'm contemplatin in my bedroom pacin
Dark clouds over my head, my heart's racin
Suicide? Nah, I'm not a foolish guy
Don't even feel like drinking, or even gettin high
Cause all that's gonna do really, is accelerate
the anxieties that I wish I could alleviate
But wait, I've been through a whole lot of other shit, before
So I oughta be able, to withstand some more
But I'm sweatin though, my eyes are turnin red and yo
I'm ready to lose my mind but instead I use my mind
I put down the knife, and take the bullets out my nine
My only crime, was that I'm too damn kind
And now some skanless motherfuckers wanna take what's mine
But they can't take the respect, that I've earned in my lifetime
And you know they'll never stop the furious force of my rhymes
So like they say, every dog has its day
And like they say, God works in a mysterious way
So I pray, remembering the days of my youth
As I prepare to meet my moment of truth

("You should know the truth
And the truth shall set you free" --> from _Who's Gonna Take the Weight?_)

Verse Three: Guru

Yo I got one lyric pointed at your head for start
Another one, is pointed at your weak ass heart
Now if I pull the trigger, on these fully loaded lines
You're gonna wish I woulda pulled a black nine, I mack dimes
Crack the spines of the fake gangsters
Yeah the bitin triflin niggaz, and the studio pranksters
Yo lookin at the situation plainly: will you remain G?
Or will you be looked upon strangely?
I reign as the articulator, with the greater data
Revolvin on the TASCAM much doper than my last jam
While others struggle to juggle, tricky metaphots
I explore more, to expose the core
A lot of MC's, act stupid to me
And we have yet to see, if they can match our longevity
But anyway it's just another day
Another fake jack I slay with my spectac' rap display
Styles, smooth but rugged -- you can't push or shove it
You dig it and you dug it cause like money you love it
The king of monotone, with my own throne
Righteously violent prone my words bring winds like cyclones
Stormin your hideout, blockin out your sunlight
Your image and your business, were truly not done right
Throw up your he-Allah-I now, divine saviors
You got no hand skills there's no security to save ya
No pager, no celly, no drop top Benz-y
I came to bring your phony hip-hop, to an ending
My art of war will leave you sore from the abuse
Cause you must meet your moment of truth

Chorus: Guru

They say it's lonely at the top, in whatever you do
You always gotta watch motherfuckers around you
No one's untouchable, no man is bulletproof
We all must meet our moment of truth
Youtube: Public Enemy - Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos
Public Enemy - Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos
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I got a letter from the government
The other day
I opened and read it
It said they were suckers
They wanted me for their army or whatever
Picture me given' a damn - I said never
Here is a land that never gave a damn
About a brother like me and myself
Because they never did
I wasn't wit' it, but just that very minute...
It occured to me
The suckers had authority
Cold sweatin' as I dwell in my cell
How long has it been?
They got me sittin' in the state pen
I gotta get out - but that thought was thought before
I contemplated a plan on the cell floor
I'm not a fugitive on the run
But a brother like me begun - to be another one
Public enemy servin' time - they drew the line y'all
To criticize me some crime - never the less
They could not understand that I'm a Black man
And I could never be a veteran
On the strength, the situation's unreal
I got a raw deal, so I'm goin' for the steel

They got me rottin' in the time that I'm servin'
Tellin' you what happened the same time they're throwin'
4 of us packed in a cell like slaves - oh well
The same motherfucker got us livin' is his hell
You have to realize - what its a form of slavery
Organized under a swarm of devils
Straight up - word'em up on the level
The reasons are several, most of them federal
Here is my plan anyway and I say
I got gusto, but only some I can trust - yo
Some do a bid from 1 to 10
And I never did, and plus I never been
I'm on a tier where no tears should ever fall
Cell block and locked - I never clock it y'all
'Cause time and time again time
They got me servin' to those and to them
I'm not a citizen
But ever when I catch a C-O
Sleepin' on the job - my plan is on go-ahead
On the strength, I'ma tell you the deal
I got nothin' to lose
'Cause I'm goin' for the steel

You know I caught a C-O
Fallin' asleep on death row
I grabbed his gun - then he did what I said so
And everyman's got served
Along with the time they served
Decency was deserved
To understand my demands
I gave a warnin' - I wanted the governor, y'all
And plus the warden to know
That I was innocent -
Because I'm militant
Posing a threat, you bet it's fuckin' up the government
My plan said I had to get out and break north
Just like with Oliver's neck
I had to get off - my boys had the feds in check
They couldn't do nuthin'
We had a force to instigate a prison riot
This is what it takes for peace
So I just took the piece
Black for Black inside time to cut the leash
Freedom to get out - to the ghetto - no sell out
6 C-Os we got we ought to put their head out
But I'll give 'em a chance, cause I'm civilized
As for the rest of the world, they can't realize
A cell is hell - I'm a rebel so I rebel
Between bars, got me thinkin' like an animal
Got a woman C-O to call me a copter
She tried to get away, and I popped her
Twice, right
Now who wanna get nice?
I had 6 C-Os, now it's 5 to go
And I'm serious - call me delirious
But I'm still a captive
I gotta rap this
Time to break as time grows intense
I got the steel in my right hand
Now I'm lookin' for the fence

I ventured into the courtyard
Followed by 52 brothers
Bruised, battered, and scarred but hard
Goin' out with a bang
Ready to bang out
But power from the sky
And from the tower shots rang out
A high number of dose - yes
And some came close
Figure I trigger my steel
Stand and hold my post
This is what I mean - an anti-nigger machine
If I come out alive and then they won't - come clean
And then I threw up my steel bullets - flew up
Blew up, who shot...
What, who, the bazooka was who
And to my rescue, it was the S1Ws
Secured my getaway, so I just gotaway
The joint broke, from the black smoke
Then they saw it was rougher thatn the average bluffer
'Cause the steel was black, the attitude exact
Now the chase is on tellin' you to c'mon
53 brothers on the run, and we are gone
Youtube: Kanye West Crack Music
Kanye West Crack Music
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That's that crack music nigga
That real black music nigga


[The Game]
That's that crack music nigga
That real black music nigga


[Verse 1]
How we stop the black panthers?
Ronald Reagan cooked up an answer
You hear that?
What Jill Scott was hearin
When our heroes and heroines got hooked on heroin.
Crack raised the murder rate in DC and Maryland
We invested in that it's like we got Merril-Lynched
And we been hangin from the same tree ever since
Sometimes I feel the music is the only medicine
So we cook it, cut it, measure it, bag it,sell it
The fiends cop it
Nowadays they cant tell if that's that good shit
We ain't sure man
Put the CD on your toungue yeah, thats pure man.


[Verse 2]
From the place where the fathers gone,
The mothers is hardly home
And the...
Gonna lock us up in "Audy Home"
How the Mexicans say we just tryin to party homes
They wanna pack us all in a box like styrofoam
Who gave Saddam anthrax?
George Bush got the answers
Back in the hood it's a different type of chemical,
Am and Hammer baking soda
Raised they own quota
Writin when our soldiers ran for the stove cuz--
Cuz dreams of being 'Hova went from bein a brokeman ta bein a dopeman
Ta bein a president look theres hope man
This that inspiration for tha mos and tha folks man,
Shorty come and see if mama straight overdosin.
And this is the soundtrack,
This tha type of music you make when you round that--
Crack music nigga,
That real black music nigga.

[The Game]
That's that crack music nigga
That real black music nigga


God-how could you let this happen, happen, happen, happen, happen, happen?

La-la-la [etc.]

That's that crack music, crack music
That real black music, black music


[The Game]
That's that crack music nigga
That real black music nigga


That's that crack music, crack music,that real black music, black music

[Malik Yusef]
Our father, give us this day our daily bread ...give us these days and take our daily bread,
See I done did all this ole bullshit
And to attone I throw a little somethin, somethin on the pulpit.
We took that shit, measured it and then cooked that shit
And what we gave back was crack music
And now we ooze it through they nooks and crannies
So our mammas aint got to be they cooks and nannies
And we gonna repo everything they ever took from granny
Now the former slaves trade hooks for Grammys
This dark diction has become America's addiction those who ain't even black use it.


Hip Hop - Kultur

17.01.2011 um 14:07 (Video: bbo enterprises - dayz lik this)


Hip Hop - Kultur

17.01.2011 um 16:36



Hip Hop - Kultur

18.01.2011 um 16:33



Hip Hop - Kultur

18.01.2011 um 17:19
Krayzie Bone (Bone Thugs 'N' Harmony) feat. 2Pac: Game Tight

Youtube: Game Tight - Krayzie Bone Feat. 2PAC
Game Tight - Krayzie Bone Feat. 2PAC
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Auch etwas älter, original ist von 2pac - ambitionz az a ridah

Bizzy Bone: Weedman

und auch was von Layzie: the recipe (Video: Bone Thugs N Harmony - The Recipe [ExClusive]..!!!!!)


Hip Hop - Kultur

18.01.2011 um 17:25 (Video: snoop doggy dogg - Serial killa)

So, das letzte Schmückstück für heute. Jut ist
