Hip Hop - Kultur
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Hip Hop - Kultur
08.07.2011 um 23:04Hip Hop - Kultur
08.07.2011 um 23:25@Sira
naja, jeder hat mal nen Ausrutscher...was kein Ausrutscher ist, der Track hier, auch wenn das Video von irgendwelchen Typen Panne ist.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h49cfFlnDm4 (Video: Die 90er)
Headliners - 90er
naja, jeder hat mal nen Ausrutscher...was kein Ausrutscher ist, der Track hier, auch wenn das Video von irgendwelchen Typen Panne ist.
Headliners - 90er
Hip Hop - Kultur
08.07.2011 um 23:29das steckt mir fest, versuch ich später noch mal^^
Hip Hop - Kultur
08.07.2011 um 23:41leider ist dieser Mann schon von uns geganen, aber seine Musik bleibt uns für immer erhalten...
Rest in peace Guru
Rest in peace Guru
Hip Hop - Kultur
08.07.2011 um 23:48ein Veteran was Rap angeht, die Melodie bekannt, der Track den meisten wohl eher nicht.
Die beste Entschuldigung in Form eines Songs die ich kenne :)

Die beste Entschuldigung in Form eines Songs die ich kenne :)

Jeru the Damaja - kick rocks
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Hip Hop - Kultur
08.07.2011 um 23:57@NeoDeus
Das Album von Jeru hat auf jeden was, kritisieren kann man eigentlich nur die Beats, aber das ist nichts Neues ;)

Fast mein Liebligstrack von ihm:

("Cause ain't no fiends coming in between me an my dreams
See what I mean black? I gets the paper")
Microphone thugs flip keys and shit
Remember the 80's when niggas was acting crazy?
The mean streets raised me
I used to live dangerously
Admist crack-selling armed dangerous felons
Plus murderers, drug spot burglars
Niggas doing anything to acquire that paper
Live the life of crime but got saved by the rhyme
Peace to all my niggas doing time on top of time
Plus the ones gunned down in their prime
I made it this far because of divine design
Diamond chains the sun still outshines
I get you drunk off my drink like that champaigne wine
As long as there's breath left, I father the fatherless
If shit was real Brooklyn would snatch that chain off your chest
Don't fess, we know why you rock that vest
Hard on records, but really pussy, check it
I do this for me, and not the paper, strictly 100%
("Cause ain't no fiends coming in between me an my dreams
See what I mean black? I gets the paper")
It started way before Super Rhymes
Peace to mom dukes for enduring hard times
God bless all the victims of my past life crimes
I do this for the ghetto youth living like Good Times
Flipping rhymes saved me from the obvious traps
In '97 studio hustlers puch crack on wax
And breaking backs, but faking jacks
If it wasn't for contracts, they wouldn't bust caps
So, destroy your people and collect huge stacks
Fat axe, and platinum plaques
Come bring it back, rewind it that old gangster bullshit
Got the youth running around criminal minded
Not a player hater, just don't chase the paper
Got a little deal so some heads caught the vapors
So stupid motherfuckers throw your guns in the air
To all my niggas that ain't make it past their 19th year
I do it for me, and not the paper, stictly 100%, nah mean?
("Cause ain't no fiends coming in between me an my dreams
See what I mean black? I gets the paper")
Sinister plots, every week who got shot
Spots like the Enterprise kept the neighborhood hot
Niggas bugging out so some receive toe tags
Resting up north with fag or sporting shit bags
When I think back it's so sad
All the niggas that I had, who'd ever figure that it'd get so bad?
So I retreat with a pen and a pad
Hide your chain when you ride the train
For writing rhymes about automatic weapons
I'd rather steer the youth in the right direction
Drop a bomb, destroy the temple's ?sen section?
Little girls already sexing
Hard rock shorties is flexing
But I stick to my lessons, no stress
Cause if shit was real, Brooklyn would snatch that chain off your chest
Don't fess, we know why you rock that vest
Hard on records, but really pussy, check it
I do this for me, and not the paper, strictly 100%, know what I'm saying?
("Cause ain't no fiends coming in between me an my dreams
See what I mean black? I gets the paper")
Das Album von Jeru hat auf jeden was, kritisieren kann man eigentlich nur die Beats, aber das ist nichts Neues ;)

Jeru the Damaja - Airplay
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Fast mein Liebligstrack von ihm:

Jeru The Damaja - Me Not The Paper (remix) dj premier
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("Cause ain't no fiends coming in between me an my dreams
See what I mean black? I gets the paper")
Microphone thugs flip keys and shit
Remember the 80's when niggas was acting crazy?
The mean streets raised me
I used to live dangerously
Admist crack-selling armed dangerous felons
Plus murderers, drug spot burglars
Niggas doing anything to acquire that paper
Live the life of crime but got saved by the rhyme
Peace to all my niggas doing time on top of time
Plus the ones gunned down in their prime
I made it this far because of divine design
Diamond chains the sun still outshines
I get you drunk off my drink like that champaigne wine
As long as there's breath left, I father the fatherless
If shit was real Brooklyn would snatch that chain off your chest
Don't fess, we know why you rock that vest
Hard on records, but really pussy, check it
I do this for me, and not the paper, strictly 100%
("Cause ain't no fiends coming in between me an my dreams
See what I mean black? I gets the paper")
It started way before Super Rhymes
Peace to mom dukes for enduring hard times
God bless all the victims of my past life crimes
I do this for the ghetto youth living like Good Times
Flipping rhymes saved me from the obvious traps
In '97 studio hustlers puch crack on wax
And breaking backs, but faking jacks
If it wasn't for contracts, they wouldn't bust caps
So, destroy your people and collect huge stacks
Fat axe, and platinum plaques
Come bring it back, rewind it that old gangster bullshit
Got the youth running around criminal minded
Not a player hater, just don't chase the paper
Got a little deal so some heads caught the vapors
So stupid motherfuckers throw your guns in the air
To all my niggas that ain't make it past their 19th year
I do it for me, and not the paper, stictly 100%, nah mean?
("Cause ain't no fiends coming in between me an my dreams
See what I mean black? I gets the paper")
Sinister plots, every week who got shot
Spots like the Enterprise kept the neighborhood hot
Niggas bugging out so some receive toe tags
Resting up north with fag or sporting shit bags
When I think back it's so sad
All the niggas that I had, who'd ever figure that it'd get so bad?
So I retreat with a pen and a pad
Hide your chain when you ride the train
For writing rhymes about automatic weapons
I'd rather steer the youth in the right direction
Drop a bomb, destroy the temple's ?sen section?
Little girls already sexing
Hard rock shorties is flexing
But I stick to my lessons, no stress
Cause if shit was real, Brooklyn would snatch that chain off your chest
Don't fess, we know why you rock that vest
Hard on records, but really pussy, check it
I do this for me, and not the paper, strictly 100%, know what I'm saying?
("Cause ain't no fiends coming in between me an my dreams
See what I mean black? I gets the paper")
Hip Hop - Kultur
08.07.2011 um 23:57das ist er in der Tat @Can , das Album ist auch schon wieder 4 Jahre her, aber echt höhrenswert.
Hier noch eiin Glanzstück von ihm, inhaltlich ganz großes Kino und nicht diese flache "ficken, saufen, fette Autos" Scheisse....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcOyQvp2ai8 (Video: Jeru The Damaja - Airplay)
Hier noch eiin Glanzstück von ihm, inhaltlich ganz großes Kino und nicht diese flache "ficken, saufen, fette Autos" Scheisse....
Hip Hop - Kultur
08.07.2011 um 23:58upps, da haben wir wohl uns überschnitten .... :D @FiatLuxFan
ich finde die Beats, eigentlich nicht schlecht von ihm. Sie sind etwas.... minimalistisch, aber das ist halt sein Markenzeichen. Bei ihm kommts halt auf die Texte drauf an und das sollte auch so sein.
ich finde die Beats, eigentlich nicht schlecht von ihm. Sie sind etwas.... minimalistisch, aber das ist halt sein Markenzeichen. Bei ihm kommts halt auf die Texte drauf an und das sollte auch so sein.
Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:03@NeoDeus
Die Beats der ersten beiden Alben wurden von DJ Premier zusammengehext, danach gabs erst Kritik bzgl. Beats.Textlich hat er aber nie nachgelassen. :)
Die Beats der ersten beiden Alben wurden von DJ Premier zusammengehext, danach gabs erst Kritik bzgl. Beats.Textlich hat er aber nie nachgelassen. :)
Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:08Ja Premier halt, was soll man zu ihm sagen... er ist ein Geschenk Gottes an die HipHop Kultur...

Gang Starr könnte ich endlos lang hören...einfach repeat und gib ihm. Das beste HipHop Duo ever.

Gang Starr - Mostly Tha Voice
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Gang Starr könnte ich endlos lang hören...einfach repeat und gib ihm. Das beste HipHop Duo ever.
Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:14Ja Preemo halt, da muss man wirklich nichts mehr zu sagen..

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Az - The format (Prod Dj-Premier)
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Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:15einer meiner Favourites....einfach der Kopfnicker schlecht hin
vom Moment of Truth Album - Song Nr.11
gefühlte 1 Million mal gehört :D
vom Moment of Truth Album - Song Nr.11
gefühlte 1 Million mal gehört :D
Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:18
Jeru The Damaja You Can t Stop The Prophet (HD Quality!)
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Jeru Tha Damaja - Ain't The Devil Happy
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Crooklyn Dodgers 95 - Return of the Crooklyn Dodgers
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Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:20Da rippt Jeru das Mic in 1000 Fetzen, der Beat ist auch Bombe...
Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:20ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich das mal zu dir sagen würde @Tyon aber echt geiler Scheiss was du geposted hast. Vorallem letztes "Crooklyn Dogers" Ace mein persönlicher Gott of Rap. :)
Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:22Das ist das beste Beispiel für "Hiphop is connecting people" @Tyon auch wenn wir sonst nicht einer Meinung sind. :D
Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:23denke auch hier bedarf es keiner Kommentare, außer rip BIG L
Hip Hop - Kultur
09.07.2011 um 00:30und wenn ich schon mal bei Masta Ace bin :D

einfach beautiful....
vom "Take A Look Around " Album, welches damals gefloppt ist, was ich bis heute nicht verstehen kann...

Masta Ace Inc - Slaughtahouse
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Masta Ace - "Beautiful" Live
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einfach beautiful....
vom "Take A Look Around " Album, welches damals gefloppt ist, was ich bis heute nicht verstehen kann...