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Hip Hop - Kultur

18.883 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Musik, Gesellschaft, RAP ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:05
Mann hab ich die Platte abgefeiert,unglaublich. Du kennst sie sowieso,was kennst du eigentlich nicht? ;-)


Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:07

Alter, merci merci merci wusste garnicht das Mr. Green ne Platte rausgebracht hat.

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Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:07
Aber das Pacewon Soloalbum "WON" ist auch eine Sünde wert. ;)


Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:11
Zitat von kidnapkillerkidnapkiller schrieb:Alter, merci merci merci wusste garnicht das Mr. Green ne Platte rausgebracht hat.
Beats macht er ständig,aber ich meinte natürlich"The only Colour that matters is Green",für mich das beste Album der letzten Jahre.
Aber ich kenne auch nicht sooo wahnsinnig viel neueren Hip Hop... (Video: Mr. Green "Classic Beats Volume 1")

Youtube: Pacewon & Mr. Green - Four Quarters
Pacewon & Mr. Green - Four Quarters
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Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:17

Naja du wusstest das Pacewon und Mr. Green n Solo Album hat ;D

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Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:26
Zitat von kidnapkillerkidnapkiller schrieb:Naja du wusstest das Pacewon und Mr. Green n Solo Album hat
Das muss man wissen wenn man 2011 noch Ami-Rap hört.^^

Das 2008er Marco Polo/Torae Album ist auch nicht so übel in der Boombap-Abteilung:

Youtube: Marco Polo & Torae - "Double Barrel" (Music Video)
Marco Polo & Torae - "Double Barrel" (Music Video)
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Youtube: Marco Polo & Torae - "Double Barrel" (Music Video)
Marco Polo & Torae - "Double Barrel" (Music Video)
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Da real Shit will neva Die nigga. :)

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Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:28
Sorry,den Track wollte ich noch bringen @kidnapkiller : (Video: Torae - Smoke Feat. Lil Fame & Rock)


Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:39
Marco Polo ist auf jeden n1
Zitat von FiatLuxFanFiatLuxFan schrieb:Da real Shit will neva Die nigga. :)

Youtube: MARCO POLO - Get Busy feat. Copywrite
MARCO POLO - Get Busy feat. Copywrite
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Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:46

Kennst du vielleicht mehr Boombap Zeugs in die Richtung(Pacewon&Mr.Green,Marco Polo) neueren Datums das fresh kommt? Wäre der Hit,aber das Fredy Foxxx Album werde ich heute noch bestellen.... :)


Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 21:50
Wenn man HipHop Tracks in einer Richterskala messen würde würde das Japan-Beben wahrscheinlich fast dagegen abstinken^^^^

Youtube: Diabolic - Soldier's Logic
Diabolic - Soldier's Logic
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Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 22:01

Meinste so was?

Kann ich nur empfehlen ist das ganze Album Dope.

Youtube: warlocks so cold
warlocks so cold
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Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 22:09
Youtube: Psycho Realm -
Psycho Realm -
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You're online type in a password from your own mind
What you think is top secret got insiders thinking they're all mine
Y2K year two thousand is when they go blind
Shut down machines scrambling while media co-signs
Predesigned programs that kill technology romance
Set up for chaos make you and destiny slow dance
So the storm lands microchip in your wrist and they'll insist
That this will make life easier troubleless
Hassle-free but actually none of this is for the best
Interest or the progress of society, buying me?
You can call me paranoid but paranoia's a defense mechanism
From those trying to destroy ya
Don't let them throw ya off course
Keep that money safe buried in your backyard
And beware of the pale horse

These tragic scenes unfold and cause panic
Organized crime families control automatically
Computer chip slanging to new age fanatics
Stuck to your PC screens like addicts
Madness and online freedom bandits
Create you a World Wide Web of sadness
This sick plan to assist the removal of democracy
Won't miss

We're caught in webs of mind control screens
And through world wide revolt you find tragedy
We fight the scenes
Enemies and computer chip slavery... tragedy

Computer components are considered Demonic Masonic
Made by the enlightened opponent they own it
They control it flood the market target the dormant
Claiming that they simplify but really complicate the moment
In a glance we think hollow follow the prize
Swallow the shallow lies strive where we wallow
Computer age stage millenium plague vague but certain
Open the curtain digital burden

Strangers link to you bring danger
Red sky signs of the weather
Being controlled a world wide light show
And they know the commands for rain, wind, snow
Codes punched in produce storms
And can't be stopped with the use of fire arms
Anti-government groups get shot
And we slide into the age of robot
Cops enforce world orders and bring static
And civilians and the uniformed go at it
Wild fights ignite in the middle of the night
Into the daylight
Reported acts to enslave on track
And we push our hack platoon to get started
Terrorists through e-mail drop bombs
>>> <<<


Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 22:45
kann man immer wieder doppen...

STEIG IN DEN TRAIN UND GENIEß DEN SOUND! (Video: Pierre Sonality und Funkverteidiger - Das schmutzige Leben)


Hip Hop - Kultur

26.04.2011 um 22:54 (Video: Pierre Sonality und Funkverteidiger - Wochenenden und Freitage)
