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Hip Hop - Kultur

18.883 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Musik, Gesellschaft, RAP ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 00:28
Die Rassasination liegt bei meinem Bruder noch irgendwo rum. Geiles Ding auf jeden Fall, hast'e nichts verkehrt gemacht.



Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 15:29

Geiler Shit,wiedermal ein irrer Part von Kamp,mit dem ich mich mehr identifizieren kann als mir manchmal lieb ist. ;) :D

Deutscher Rap lebt,zumindest wenn man so Zeugs hört.
Youtube: kamp - nix scheissen
kamp - nix scheissen
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Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 16:24
Guter Remix,wenn nur der Rap nicht wäre:
Youtube: Money Boy - DubSwag (new vid)
Money Boy - DubSwag (new vid)
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Bei dem Typen geht die Hype-Post ab,unbelievable...


Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 16:45


Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 16:55
Youtube: Eminem - The Warning (Mariah Carey Diss)
Eminem - The Warning (Mariah Carey Diss)
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Only reason I dissed you in the first place was because you denied seeing me
Now I'm pissed off
Sit back homie relax, in fact grab a six pack, kick back while I kick facts
Yeah Dre sick track, perfect way to get back
Wanna hear something wick wack?
I got the same exact tat that's on Nick's back
I'm obsessed now
Oh gee, is that supposed to be me in the video with the goatee?
Wow Mariah, didn't expect you to go balls out
Bitch shut the fuck up before I put all them phone calls out
you made to my house when you was wild-n-out before Nick
When you was on my dick and give you somethin to smile about
How many times you fly to my house? Still trying to count
Better shut your lying mouth if you don't want Nick finding out
You probably think cuz it's been so long if i had something on you I woulda did it by now
Oh on the contrary, Mary Poppins, I'm mixing our studio session down and sending it to mastering to make it loud
Enough dirt on you to murder you
This is what the fuck I do
Mariah, it ever occur to you that I still have pictures?
However you prefer to do and that goes for Nick too faggot
You think I'm scared of you?
You gonna ruin my career you better get one
Like Ima sit and fight with you over some slut bitch cunt that made me put up with her psycho ass over 6 months and only spread her legs to let me hit once
Yeah, what you gonna say? I'm lucky? Tell the public that I was so ugly that you fucking had to be drunk to fuck me?
Second base? What the fuck you tell Nick, pumpkin?
The second week we were dry humping. It's gotta count for something.
Listen, girly. Surely you don't want me to talk about how I nutted early cos I ejaculated prematurely and bust all over your belly, and you almost started hurling and said I was gross, go get a towel you're stomachs curling?
Or maybe you do.
But if I'm embarrassing me, I'm embarrassing you and don't you dare say it isn't true.
As long as the songs' getting airplay I'm dissing you.
I'm a hair away from getting carried away and getting sued.
I was gonna stop at 16
That was 32
This is 34 bars. We ain't even a third of the way through.
Damn, Slim. Mariah played you. Mariah who?
Oh did I say whore, Nick? I meant a liar too.
Like I've been goin off on you all this time for no reason.
Girl you out ya alcholic mind. Check ya wine cellar. Look at the amounts of all the wine.

[ From: (Archiv-Version vom 12.08.2011) ]

Like I fuckin sit around and think about you all the time.
I just think this shit is funny when I pounce you on a rhyme.
But fuck it now I'm bout to draw the line.
And for you to cross it that's a mountain that I doubt you wanna climb.
I can describe areas in your house you wouldn't find on an episode of Cribs
A blow below the ribs if I hear another word so don't go opening your jibs cos every time you do it's like an over load of fibs
I ain't saying this shit again, ho. You know what it is.
It's a warning shot before I blow up ya whole spot
Call my bluffin and I'll release every fucking thing I got
Including the voicemails right before you flipped your top
When me and Luis were tryna stick two CD's in the same slot
(Slim Shady.... Slim Shady... I love you)
I love you too
Let me whisper sweet nothings into your ear, boo. Now what you say?
(It's nothing)
Ya so what I'll do
Is refresh your memory when you said I want you
Now should I keep going or should we call truce?
(You think you're cute, right? Hahaha)
You bet your sweet ass I do
(I'm Mary Poppins, B)
And I'm Superman, mmm
(Mary P. Slim Shady)
Comin' at you
So if you'll still be my (babygirl)
Then I'll still be your (Superhero, Oh my em.)
Yeah, I'm right here
(You like this)
Nope. Not anymore, Dear.
It cuts like a (knife) when I tell ya get a (life)
But I'm movin on with mine
Nick, is that your (wife)
Well tell her to shut her mouth then I'll leave her alone
If she don't (stick to the script) then Ima just keep goin
(I see Mary Ann. Mary Ann's saying cut the tape, cut the tape. Knife!)


Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 19:13


Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 19:22
Absolut geiles Ding, der Track, The Warning. EM und Mariah :D

Also ich muss ja sagen, das ich bei den meisten Acts so ziemlich alles verstehe, aber bei EM hab' ich regelrechte Schwierigkeiten, zu folgen. Das spricht für ihn @FiatLuxFan

Der Track "Insane" auch ziemlich krank oder?

Youtube: Eminem - Insane from Relapse with lyrics
Eminem - Insane from Relapse with lyrics
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Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 19:36
Zitat von CanCan schrieb:Der Track "Insane" auch ziemlich krank oder?
Ja,sehr krank,bei der "Slim Shady LP" war's "Brain Damage",wo uns EM wunderbar erklärt wo er seinen Dachschaden her hat.
Seine Vorliebe für bunte Pillen ist auch kein Wunder("My Mom") :D

Aber der Typ kann rappen über was er will,bei dem göttlichen Flow und der unglaublichen Technik geht alles klar. :)
Zitat von CanCan schrieb:Also ich muss ja sagen, das ich bei den meisten Acts so ziemlich alles verstehe, aber bei EM hab' ich regelrechte Schwierigkeiten, zu folgen
Genau aus diesem Grund wirst du noch sehr lange einen Heidenspass mit der Platte haben,er ist wirklich wieder der alte und gibt Vollgas.


Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 23:01
Hip Hop - Kultur ^^


Hip Hop - Kultur

23.03.2011 um 23:15
Wie wärs wenn du dich dorthin verziehst, wo du hingehörst?


Hip Hop - Kultur

24.03.2011 um 14:43
Wenn ich hier schon EM als lebende Legende abfeiere,bringe ich auch sein frühes Material.
Auf seiner ersten richtigen LP "Infinite"(1996) blitzte schon die Grösse und Genialität eines Weltklasse-MCs auf,die Platte verkaufte er aus dem Kofferaum seines Wagens,1000 Kassetten und 100 LPs wurden produziert,verkauft wurden ganze 250 Einheiten...

Die LP ist mittelmässig und enthält nur 10 Tracks,aber die Titelnummer ist legendär und gefällt mir bis heute:

Die"Slim Shady EP"(1997)ist da schon um einiges besser,einige der Tracks("If i had","Just don't give a Fuck","Just the two of us")haben es aufs Debutalbum geschafft,die anderen sind grossteils gut.
Youtube: Eminem - Low Down & Dirty (Slim Shady EP)
Eminem - Low Down & Dirty (Slim Shady EP)
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Der Rest ist Geschichte und mit ihr kamen unzählige Kritiker,hauptsächlich aus dem christlich-konservativen Lager in den USA...

Natürlich gabs promt eine musikalische Botschaft von EM,hier zusammen mit Jay-Z:

Motherfuckers -
say that I'm foolish I only talk about jewels (bling bling)
Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?
See I'm influenced by the ghetto you ruined
That same dude you gave nothin, I made somethin doin
what I do through and through and
I give you the news - with a twist it's just his ghetto point-of-view
The renegade; you been afraid
I penetrate pop culture, bring 'em a lot closer to the block where they
pop toasters, and they live with they moms
Got dropped roasters, from botched robberies niggaz crotched over
Mommy's knocked up cause she wasn't watched over
Knocked down by some clown when child support knocked
No he's not around - now how that sound to ya, jot it down
I bring it through the ghetto without ridin 'round
hidin down duckin strays from frustrated youths stuck in they ways
Just read a magazine that fucked up my day
How you rate music that thugs with nothin relate to it?
I help them see they way through it - not you
Can't step in my pants, can't walk in my shoes
Bet everything you worth; you lose your tie and your shirt

Since I'm in a position to talk to these kids and they listen
I ain't no politician but I'll kick it with 'em a minute
Cause see they call me a menace; and if the shoe fits I'll wear it
But if it don't, then y'all'll swallow the truth grin and bear it
Now who's these king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyrics
Who could inherit the title, put the youth in hysterics
Usin his music to steer it, sharin his views and his merits
But there's a huge interference - they're sayin you shouldn't hear it
Maybe it's hatred I spew, maybe it's food for the spirit
Maybe it's beautiful music I made for you to just cherish
But I'm debated disputed hated and viewed in America
as a motherfuckin drug addict - like you didn't experiment?
Now now, that's when you start to stare at who's in the mirror
and see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrased
And I got nothin to do but make you look stupid as parents
You fuckin do-gooders - too bad you couldn't do good at marriage!
(Ha ha!) And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don't
think you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereo
Cause here we go - he's {*Jigga joint Jigga-chk-Jigga*
And I'm the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it's just the

[Chorus: Eminem + Jay-Z]
[Em] RENEGADE! Never been afraid to say
what's on my mind at, any given time of day
Cause I'm a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talk
about anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE!
[Jay] Never been afraid to say
what's on my mind at, any given time of day
Cause I'm a {RENEGADE Never been afraid to holler
about anything {anything? Anything {ANYTHING!

I had to hustle, my back to the wall, ashy knuckles
Pockets filled with a lot of lint, not a cent
Gotta vent, lot of innocent of lives lost on the project bench
Whatchu hollerin? Gotta pay rent, bring dollars in
By the bodega, iron under my coat, feelin braver
Doo-rag wrappin my waves up, pockets full of hope
Do not step to me - I'm awkward, I box leftier often
My pops left me an orphan, my momma wasn't home
Could not stress to me I wasn't grown; 'specially on nights
I brought somethin home to quiet the stomach rumblings
My demeanor - thirty years my senior
My childhood didn't mean much, only raisin green up
Raisin my fingers to critics; raisin my head to the sky
Big I did it - multi before I die (nigga)
No lie, just know I chose my own fate
I drove by the fork in the road and went straight

See I'm a poet to some, a regular modern day Shakespeare
Jesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints here
To shatter the picture in which of that as they paint me
as a monger of hate and Satan a scatter-brained atheist
But that ain't the case, see it's a matter of taste
We as a people decide if Shady's as bad as they say he is
Or is he the latter - a gateway to escape?
Media scapegoat, who they can be mad at today
See it's easy as cake, simple as whistlin Dixie
while I'm wavin the pistol at sixty Christians against me
Go to war with the Morons, take a bath with the Catholics
in holy water - no wonder they try to hold me under longer
I'm a motherfuckin spiteful, DELIGHTFUL eyeful
The new Ice Cube - motherfuckers HATE to like you
What did I do? (huh?) I'm just a kid from the gutter
makin this butter off these bloodsuckers, cause I'm a muh'fuckin

[Chorus] - repeat 2X

Damit hat er wohl recht,alles Geschmacksache und jedes Land bekommt die Superstars,die es verdient. ;)
It's only Rock n Roll and I like it till i Die :)
Zitat von Full_of_RageFull_of_Rage schrieb am 20.03.2011:Hip Hop - Kultur der falsche Threadtitel,weil nur Videos geposted werden.Aber diese Kultur existiert noch heute,ob du das wahrhaben willst oder nicht.

Ich selbst war auch immer nur ein Fan der Mucke,andere reissen sich den Arsch auf für die Kultur,übrigens die grösste Jugendkultur der Welt,die künstlerisch mehr zu bieten hat als Metal.
Ich hoffe das Thema ist jetzt erledigt,lass den Leuten hier ihren Hip Hop und gut ist.


Hip Hop - Kultur

24.03.2011 um 15:08


Hip Hop - Kultur

24.03.2011 um 15:23
Eben, das ist es. Hier diskutieren zum Teil gestandene Männer und Frauen( @Sira) die mit der Musik aufgewachsen sind und für die, die Musik ein Teil der Persönlichkeit geworden ist. Bushido und Sido(kein Diss an die beiden) wird hier selten gepostet und falls einige Hip Hop nur damit in Verbindung bringen wollen, dann bitte schön. Kann man halt nicht ändern.

Aber ich finde dieses Gehabe einfach nur schlecht. Ich komm' ja auch nicht in den Metal Thread und fange an die Hörer zu verunglimpfen, da ich weiß das Heavy Metal und all die Facetten der Musik, eine Geschichte und Kultur haben, und das Menschen dieses als ein Teil ihrer Persönlichkeit angenommen haben.



Hip Hop - Kultur

24.03.2011 um 15:42

Ganz dickes WORD!!!

Ich bin aus dieser Phase seit Ewigkeiten raus,als ich rummgemotzt habe was wohl die beste Mucke ist,und glaubte dadurch lässt sich der Charakter eines Menschen bestimmen.

Das Hip Hop so einen üblen Ruf bekommen hat ist traurig,aber die alten Hasen(und auch viele junge Leute)wissen das es eine andere,sehr schöne Seite der Medaille gibt,die sich niemals leugnen lässt.


Hip Hop - Kultur

24.03.2011 um 16:12
Einer der besten und schönsten Classics:
Youtube: Gang Starr - Royalty(Best Quality)
Gang Starr - Royalty(Best Quality)
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Guru war einer der sympathischten MCs im Game und ein wundervoller Mensch.
Youtube: Gang Starr - Robbin' Hood Theory
Gang Starr - Robbin' Hood Theory
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If i wasen't kickin' Rhymes I be kickin' down Doors,creatin social change and defending the poor...
Keith Elam was born in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. His father, Harry, was a judge and his mother, Barbara, was the co-director of libraries in the Boston public school system. He attended Noble and Greenough in Dedham, Massachusetts for high school.[5] Elam graduated with a degree in business administration from Morehouse College in Atlanta[6] and took graduate classes at the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan. He later dropped out to pursue a hip hop career. Elam worked briefly in social services.
Wikipedia: Guru (rapper)
Wikipedia: Gang Starr


Hip Hop - Kultur

24.03.2011 um 18:35
regt euch doch net so auf war maln späßchen ^^

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