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Musik für Meditation

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Musik für Meditation

09.12.2020 um 00:56
Youtube: Popular Saraswati Mantra With Lyrics 108 Times | सरस्वती मंत्र | Mantra For Studies & Knowledge
Popular Saraswati Mantra With Lyrics 108 Times | सरस्वती मंत्र | Mantra For Studies & Knowledge
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Sarasvati (Sanskrit सरस्वती Sarasvatī f., „die Fließende“,in Bali Saraswati) ist eine indische Göttin der Weisheit und Gelehrsamkeit und eine der populärsten hinduistischen Göttinnen. Im Tantra genießt sie als blaue oder dunkle Sarasvati Verehrung. Sie soll sich aus der vedischen Sprachgöttin Vac entwickelt haben.

Sarasvati gilt als weibliche Kraft (Shakti) des Gottes Brahma und als weibliche Personifikation des absoluten Urgrundes Brahman. Die hinduistische Mythologie stellt sie als Tochter, Schöpfung und Gattin von Brahma dar. Diesem scheint sie untergeordnet; in der Glaubenspraxis jedoch gilt die Anbetung hauptsächlich ihr, während die Verehrung des Brahma weitgehend verschwunden ist. Als Vac („Wort“, „Logos“), so ein anderer Name, verkörpert sie das personifizierte Wort, die perfekte Rede. Weitere Beinamen sind Mahavidya („die große Weisheit“), Brahmani („Frau des Brahma“) und Jagaddhatri („Herrin der Welt“). Mit ihr identifiziert man oft auch die Göttin Gayatri. Sarasvati ist die Göttin des Lernens, der Sprache, der Wissenschaften, der Künste, der Dichtung, der Literatur, der Schrift, der Weisheit, des Tanzes, des Gesanges und der Musik. Sie gilt als „Mutter der Veden“, Erfinderin des Sanskrit-Alphabets und der Devanagari-Schrift. Sie wird besonders von Schulkindern, Studenten, Philosophen und Intellektuellen verehrt. In einem wichtigen Buch der Verehrer der Göttin, dem Devi Mahatmyam, bildet sie als achtarmige Maha Sarasvati (große Sarasvati) zusammen mit Maha Kali sowie Maha Lakshmi eine der weiblichen Trimurti.
Wikipedia: Sarasvati

(wäre evtl. was für unsere Wissenschaftler?)


Musik für Meditation

10.12.2020 um 01:41
Youtube: Red Tara Mantra | Powerful Devi Mantra | Mantra for Love and Magnetism |  Kurukulle Mantra |红塔拉(菩萨)咒
Red Tara Mantra | Powerful Devi Mantra | Mantra for Love and Magnetism | Kurukulle Mantra |红塔拉(菩萨)咒
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Red Tara Mantra for evocation of Love

Red tara mantra:

English: Oṁ Kurukulle Hrīḥ Svāhā

Tibetan: ༀ་ཀུ་རུ་ཀུ་ལླེ་ཧྲཱིཿསྭཱ་ཧཱ.

Hindi: ओं कुरुकुल्ले हूं ह्रीः स्वाहा
Kurukulla wird häufig mit der Roten Tara (tib.: sgrol ma dmar mo) gleichgesetzt, obwohl sich viele Darstellungen Kurukullas von Darstellungen der roten Tara unterscheiden. Gleichfalls wird sie als eine buddhistische Dakini, die aus dem Lande Uddiyana stammt und als Göttin angesehen.

In ihrer Form als Rote Tara stellt Kurukulla die im buddhistischen Vajrayana verehrte Form der Mahavidya Lalita dar. Sie repräsentiert die Liebesmacht der Bodhisattva Tara und ist in den Mythen für ihre Fähigkeit bekannt, die Wesen zu verzaubern, widerspenstige Gegner zu befrieden und sie auf ihre Seite zu ziehen. Daher wird sie als Aspekt der Liebe verehrt.

Im Hevajra-Tantra wird Kurukulla als Emanation des Shri Hevajra gesehen.

Die Meditation über Kurukulla soll dem Glauben nach Energie und Kraft fördern.
Wikipedia: Kurukulla


Musik für Meditation

23.01.2021 um 12:35
Youtube: om mani padme hum
om mani padme hum
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find ich schön meditieren und singen :)


Musik für Meditation

24.01.2021 um 17:13
Youtube: Kundalini awakening meditation music | Awaken the goddess within | 432hz healing | Kundalini yoga
Kundalini awakening meditation music | Awaken the goddess within | 432hz healing | Kundalini yoga
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Kundalini is a Sanskrit term from ancient India that identifies the arising of an energy and consciousness which has been coiled at the base of the spine since birth, and is the source of the life force (pranic energy, chi , bio-energy) that everybody knows. Yogic science suggests that this energy triggered the formation of the child in the womb, and then coils 3 ½ times at the base of the spine to hold the energy field in stasis until we die, when it uncoils and returns to its source.

Kundalini may unravel and arise from the base of the spine (or sometimes from the feet) due to spiritual practices, or in response to life events, and when this happens it may move gradually, uncoiling like a snake, or quickly and explosively, into the gut, the heart or the head. This event can be startling and chaotic, frightening or blissful, and it usually triggers months and years of new sensations and changes in the person who awakens it. It may feel like the body’s wiring has moved from 110 to 220, and it takes time to adapt to it. It is understood in the eastern tradition to be a significant adjunct to spiritual realization, but it is rarely recognized as such in western traditions, although Christian mystics have often been said to have intense energetic or physical problems.

It is possible to find acknowledgement of this spiritual movement in many yogic and tantric traditions, Tantric Buddhism, Taoism, gnostic mystical tradition and some Native American teachings, and indigenous societies. An image of a rising snake in the body signifies its existence in the esoteric art of many cultures. The capacity to intensify and raise energy in the body has been explored for thousands of years. It is a natural human potential.

Kundalini awakening offers a profound opportunity for those called to follow a spiritual path. It gradually releases many patterns, conditions and delusions of the separate self. It can be threatening to the ego-structure because a person may feel a loss of interest in their old life and identity, and consciousness may go into unfamiliar expansive or empty states that are disorienting. It also makes people who are unfamiliar with it afraid they are ill or losing their minds. So understanding is important.

Like any energy of creation (prana, electricity, atoms) this energy can be activated and misused by those who are not spiritually motivated or have not completed this process and are therefore not free of personal patterns. It is very helpful to understand the process and the intention of your own life force as it awakens you so that you may discover wisdom, love and authentic direction in your own life. Simplicity, contentment, unconditional acceptance and presence are hallmarks of an awakened life.

If you want to live your life with greater awareness and intention, one way to enter this state of heightened attention is to practice meditation. A specific form of meditation that may be particularly helpful is Kundalini, which focuses on primal energy. Kundalini meditation is a way of channeling your energy and releasing yourself from stress and living on "auto-pilot."

Purpose of Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini meditation is part of Kundalini yoga and is meant to move energy through the body. It is based on the concept that energy at the base of the spine (also known as the root chakra) needs to be released through the seven chakras of the body and then out through the crown chakra above the head.

This process of releasing energy from the body has the purpose of creating a system of communication between your mind and body to relieve mental, physical, and spiritual issues. This system of bringing awareness to your body by connecting with your breath is intended to facilitate being present, establishing a new rhythm, and communicating with a higher version of yourself.

Kundalini meditation is not a set of beliefs or religion. Instead, it's a system for evoking energy inside yourself and developing mind-body awareness.

The practice should be thought of as a technique, as opposed to a belief system, that helps people clear away the clutter of the world and access the inner self. Additionally, rather than providing instant relief, enlightenment, or "uncoiling," proponents say that perseverance and consistent practice is needed to achieve optimal benefits.

Just like taking a shower each day cleanses your physical body, yogis view Kundalini meditation as a way to cleanse your mind. It's a method to rejuvenate after a stressful day, manage stress in the moment, and/or counteract tiredness. It also aims to help balance your energy (or chakras) and calm your mind


Musik für Meditation



Musik für Meditation

28.02.2021 um 22:23
The mantra at the end of the Heart Sutra:
The key word is BODHI, a feminine noun in the vocative case, which means awakening. All the other words are also in the vocative feminine and therefore modify BODHI.

GATE means gone.

PARAGATE means gone to the further shore and is a stock Sanskrit expression used by Jains and Buddhists to refer to arahants. (The word PARA means the bank of a river opposite to the one on which one is presently standing.)

PARASAMGATE means completely gone to the further shore. (The prefix SAM is intensive in meaning: completely, thoroughly, altogether.)

SVAHA is an indeclinable particle from Vedic Sanskrit. It is said to be the name of the wife of Agni, the god of fire. It is used at the end of a recitation that accompanies a burnt offering made at a Vedic sacrifice (rather as "amen" is used at the end of a prayer in Christian liturgy). It cannot really be translated, since it is a performative word rather than a word that conveys meaning.

The whole mantra, literally translated, comes out a bit like this: "Oh awakening that has gone, gone, gone to the further shore, gone completely to the further shore. Amen."

More loosely translated, it means this: "You Brahmin priests with your fancy fire sacrifices aren't the only ones who get people to heaven. We can do it without killing animals and wasting trees. So there."
Quelle: Youtube: Teyata Om Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Soha | Praja Paramita Heart Mantra -Buddha
Teyata Om Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Soha | Praja Paramita Heart Mantra -Buddha
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Musik für Meditation

15.07.2021 um 11:56


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