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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

4.126 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Musik, Kultur, Dark ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 00:50
Ilario Alicante | Lovefest Serbia DJ Set | DanceTrippin

Youtube: Ilario Alicante | Lovefest | Serbia
Ilario Alicante | Lovefest | Serbia
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A.I. Diskussionsleiter
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 07:49
Zitat von DogmatixDogmatix schrieb:The Memoir - Page 1: Luigi Tozzi

Kaiser - Durch Den Geist (Luca Agnelli Remix) [LABRYNTH]

Youtube: Kaiser - Durch Den Geist (Luca Agnelli Remix) [LABRYNTH]
Kaiser - Durch Den Geist (Luca Agnelli Remix) [LABRYNTH]
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A.I. Diskussionsleiter
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 08:21
Diego Amura - Peruana [ETRURIA BEAT]

Youtube: Diego Amura - Peruana (Original Mix) [ETRURIA BEAT]
Diego Amura - Peruana (Original Mix) [ETRURIA BEAT]
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 09:24
Zitat von A.I.A.I. schrieb:Diego Amura - Peruana [ETRURIA BEAT]


On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 09:37
Shlomi Aber - Under Two Worlds [FIGURE88]

Youtube: Shlomi Aber - Under Two Worlds [FIGURE88]
Shlomi Aber - Under Two Worlds [FIGURE88]
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 09:38
Zitat von DogmatixDogmatix schrieb:The Memoir - Page 2: Exium
Perfekt für diesen Morgen!! :Y:

Pfirter - Earth Rising [POLEGROUP]

Youtube: Pfirter - Earth Rising - Seek EP - PoleGroup041
Pfirter - Earth Rising - Seek EP - PoleGroup041
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A.I. Diskussionsleiter
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 09:48
Jonas Kopp - Intelligent Seeker [POLEGROUP]

Youtube: Jonas Kopp - Intelligent Seeker - Seek EP - PoleGroup041
Jonas Kopp - Intelligent Seeker - Seek EP - PoleGroup041
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A.I. Diskussionsleiter
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 10:00
Kessell - Cloned Emotions [POLEGROUP]

Youtube: Kessell - Cloned Emotions - Chains of Abstraction EP - PoleGroup044
Kessell - Cloned Emotions - Chains of Abstraction EP - PoleGroup044
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A.I. Diskussionsleiter
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 10:16
Zitat von DogmatixDogmatix schrieb:Shlomi Aber - Under Two Worlds [FIGURE88]
Brilliant trifft es wohl ziemlich gut!

Kris Wadsworth - Omen [ODD EVEN]

Youtube: Kris Wadsworth - Omen [ODDEVEN11]
Kris Wadsworth - Omen [ODDEVEN11]
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 10:21
Zitat von A.I.A.I. schrieb:Dogmatix schrieb:
Shlomi Aber - Under Two Worlds [FIGURE88]
Brilliant trifft es wohl ziemlich gut!

Jonas Kopp - Chaos

Youtube: Jonas Kopp - Chaos
Jonas Kopp - Chaos
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A.I. Diskussionsleiter
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 10:38
Zitat von DogmatixDogmatix schrieb:Jonas Kopp - Chaos
Top notch

Pirupa feat. Brain Zoo - Lost In Music [OCTOPUS RECORDINGS] (Preview)

Youtube: Pirupa feat. Brain Zoo - Lost In Music - Octopus Recordings (Preview)
Pirupa feat. Brain Zoo - Lost In Music - Octopus Recordings (Preview)
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A.I. Diskussionsleiter
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 10:42
Alan Fitzpatrick - We Do What We Want [WE ARE THE BRAVE]

Youtube: Alan Fitzpatrick - We Do What We Want (Full Track)
Alan Fitzpatrick - We Do What We Want (Full Track)
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 10:48
Zitat von A.I.A.I. schrieb:Kris Wadsworth - Omen [ODD EVEN]

Kris Wadsworth - High [ODDEVEN11]

Youtube: Kris Wadsworth - High [ODDEVEN11]
Kris Wadsworth - High [ODDEVEN11]
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A.I. Diskussionsleiter
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 11:10
Zitat von DogmatixDogmatix schrieb:Kris Wadsworth - High [ODDEVEN11]

Boxia - Colour Sequence Orange [WE ARE THE BRAVE]

Youtube: Boxia - Colour Sequence Orange (Full Track)
Boxia - Colour Sequence Orange (Full Track)
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 11:28
slow journey ... fast zu ruhig ...

The Memoir - Page 4: Warmth

Youtube: The Memoir - Page 4: Warmth
The Memoir - Page 4: Warmth
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page 3 hol ich n ander mal nach ;)

Zitat von A.I.A.I. schrieb:Pfirter - Earth Rising [POLEGROUP]
zieht gut !!!


On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 12:15
Lewis Fautzi - Subconscious - The Ascension Of Mind LP - PoleGroup46

Youtube: Lewis Fautzi -  Subconscious -  The Ascension Of Mind LP -  PoleGroup46
Lewis Fautzi - Subconscious - The Ascension Of Mind LP - PoleGroup46
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 13:08
Zitat von A.I.A.I. schrieb:Kessell - Cloned Emotions [POLEGROUP]
wieso cloned? :ask:

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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 13:10
Kessell - Sensorium - Chains of Abstraction EP - PoleGroup044

Youtube: Kessell - Sensorium - Chains of Abstraction EP - PoleGroup044
Kessell - Sensorium - Chains of Abstraction EP - PoleGroup044
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On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 13:24
Zitat von DogmatixDogmatix schrieb:wieso cloned? :ask:
Versteh ich nicht :D

1x zitiertmelden

On a scale of techno to techno, how much techno do you techno?

10.07.2017 um 13:28
Zitat von A.I.A.I. schrieb:Versteh ich nicht :D
super track und die emotions sind doch nicht geklont :D
