Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee
17.08.2012 um 10:51Dennis Åsberg
if everything goes according to plan, we go out again in approximately one week.
investigation continues, we will take more samples, more photos and movies, and identify the object if we can.
before when we were there we saw only 30 cm.
We will also try to find the hole .... and if we do, we will bring down a kammera.
We will also look at object 2.
Now we hope that everything works and that the weather is good.
if everything goes according to plan, we go out again in approximately one week.
investigation continues, we will take more samples, more photos and movies, and identify the object if we can.
before when we were there we saw only 30 cm.
We will also try to find the hole .... and if we do, we will bring down a kammera.
We will also look at object 2.
Now we hope that everything works and that the weather is good.