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14 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mysteriös, Portugal, A Curva ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
Diese Diskussion wurde von KittyMambo geschlossen.
Begründung: es ist und bleibt ein professioneller kurzfilm=)
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02.04.2010 um 16:25
Jetzt mal ganz ganz ernst bitte über dieses Video Diskutieren ich liefere auch einige Fakten mit!!

Viele meinen dass video seie echt udn wirklich passiert, tatsächlich gibt es ein Mädchen Namen Teresa Fidalgo dass 1983 in Portugal an der Stelle Starb, und angeblich soll es auch diesen Unfall gegeben haben. Doch hat jemand genauere Fakten?? Beweise??
Nur gerüchte helfen mir nicht weiter!!

Es wird gesagt dass hätte der Portugisische Filme Macher *David Rebordão* nur erfunden !

Doch was stimmt wirklich??

Mein Fazit und meine Festellungen:

1. man achte auf dass video bei ab und zu verschwindet dass Handy am Amaturenbrett des Fahreres!! Einbildung oder tatsächliche Warheit? (vielleicht filmt die kamera auch nur unschärfer oder tiefer und man sieht dass handy nicht!!

2) Am Ende als dass Mädchen in die Kamera schreit , sieht man fäulnis etc in ihrem gesicht oder nur ein kamera fehler?? oder nur mit absicht so gemacht dass es wie echt aussieht??

3) der angebliche Geist schreit in die Kamera udn verschwindet dann!! so kennt man es zumindest, doch warum taucht er danach nochmals auf (Normal erschreckt er die leute und ist weg) doch man stoppe dass bild nach dem schreien der Dame, und man sehe bei 9:15-9:16, die dame nochmals normal sitzend in die Kamera Blicken?? ein fehler beim hochladen schneiden ?? oder ist dass Video doch echt??

Sollte jemand sagen dass es echt ist dann bitte ich um Beweise dafür!!! ich habe obwohl behauptet wird dass mädchen gibt es wirklich und sie ist wirklich da gestorben, noch keine Beweise wie (internet seiten die darüber berichten ) gesehen!!

Wenn man behauptet dass Video wäre Fake dann bitte auch nur mit Beweisen von Glaubwürdigen seiten, und nicht von irgendwelchen Meinungen !!

Hier nochmals was angeblich der Portugisische Filmmann zu dem Film Sagte!!

auf der Seite * (Archiv-Version vom 25.02.2010)* doch in wiefern ist diese Seite Glaubwürdig und nicht einfach nur so erfunden??

The Teresa Fidalgo accident and the subsequent fake video of her supposed “haunting” of a certain road in Sintra have spawned too much attention from web denizens. Some of us who had no inkling as to the capitalistic motives of Mr. Rebordao were led to believe the vehicular accident of the trio – Tiago, David and Tania – was true and that Teresa the ghost girl can really appear in flesh in front of a camera. That was a bit sneaky but the virality of such a video did the trick for Mr. Rebordao’s business. Now many people visit the “A Curva” site for more info. Curiosity is such a strong force to reckon with. Learn the lesson from Pandora, people.

Anyways, I’m very thankful for s0ulless for reposting the English translation of David’s message at the A Curva site. s0ulless also was considerate in placing a link back to my post. LOL! I was happy about that.

s0ulless did point out logically that the video couldn’t have been real in the first place. Case in point was the disappearing cellphone on the dashboard. And also if it were true then there would have been public records and news articles on the accident.

However, there really was a Teresa Fidalgo who died in 1983. And the video David made is dated 2003. Three years later there’s another car accident on that stretch of road on April 2006.

The video clip that’s been floating around the web is not the original. It has been heavily edited and served its purpose in raising the interest of people. It’s suppose to whet the appetite of the public for the real film. Once curiosity gets hold of a person’s interest, the desire for more is inevitable. This is viral marketing and it’s being applied brilliantly by Mr. Rebordao.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)



02.04.2010 um 16:32
Ähm, du solltest dich erstmal fragen: Wieso stellt jemand, der wegen einem Geist, einen (vermutlich) tödlichen Unfall hatte, sein Sterbevideo auf Youtube online ????

Wenn es ECHT wäre, hätte man weniger Chancen es online zu finden, weil die Polizei bei einem Unfall alles eintütet und bestimmt nicht überall rumzeigt. ;-)
Denn es könnte, aufgrund des Mädchens, welches sich eigenartig verhält, auf die Ursache des Unfalls hinweisen.

Vondaher hilft eine Minute logischem Denken und man kann es als Fake abstempeln.....



02.04.2010 um 16:36
Ich habe mich bei Wikipedia und Google informiert und das gefunden:
i have looked by wikipedia and found this:
David Rebordão is the creator of this short film. The entire clip and production procedures are available on his website on DVD format. This ghost is not real. It's just a short film made by David Rebordão.
Hoffe es hilft dir!!!!!
Hope it helps you!!!!



02.04.2010 um 16:39
Auf Deutsch:david Rebordao ist der Erfinder von diesen kleinen filme..(Nicht so wichtig)...Der Geist ist nicht echt. Es ist nur ein kleiner Film von david Rebordo gemacht.



02.04.2010 um 16:39
Kann mir dass jemand grob übersetzten?? Am Ende listet der Typ auf warum dass Video alles ein Fake sein soll an was er dass erkannt hat!!!

Aber zu @Gorgarius was meinst wie schnell sich sowas verbreitet (: vielleicht is es ja echt so passiert und wurde nur nachgespielt, dann hätten sies aber kürzer gespielt und ned 10 minuten wo se nur doof rumfahren wer kuckt sich sonst sowas an??

hier was ich dazu gefunden habe... Allerdings nicht so gut verstehe da ich ned so toll im Englisch bin ):

Latest – This is NOT(despite having said this a million times, there are still ****** like ‘dangerous‘ who leave comments like him/her… i’ve since disabled comments for this relatively old thread) the website of David Rebordão.

David Rebordão’s site is at: (Archiv-Version vom 25.02.2010). David Rebordão is the creator of this short film. The entire clip and production procedures are available on his website on DVD format. This ghost is not real. It’s just a short film made by David Rebordão.

According to this site (Malditang Pinay), the content of (Archiv-Version vom 25.02.2010) are as follows:


My name is David Rebordão and I am the author and producer of the short film “A Curva”. After months of speculation, stuffed of fantastic theories about the film, the moment of the revelation arrives.

This website was created for you to know all the truth about the facts that gave rise to the most watched Portuguese short film of all time. Despite of several versions of the film that exist of for free download by available to all cybernauts, in this website you can acquire the complete version with twelve minutes of duration in DVD.

The DVD brings also an interview where I am going to relate all the trial of creation, my reactions about the spread of the film all around the world, the several forums that were created to talk about of the film, and to all the stories that were created from the imagination of the cybernauts. I also reveal the strategy that was behind the creation of the film, always with the objective of calling attention of the public for the others projects that are being developed.

I am going make movies for people; movies that can amuse.”

I’d like to thank Monica for providing the links and StoneColdDeath for confirming the language (Portuguese) used in the video.


This clip has been making waves. Some news stations even included footages of this clip in their reports.

It was reported that an accident happened (28th April 06) on a particular stretch of road, which most Portuguese believe to be haunted, and that the cause was, ahem…, the ghost of Teresa Fidalgo. Teresa Fidalgo is a gal who unfortunately died in 1983 at exactly the same spot, also in an accident.

Personally, I don’t think this clip is the original. Even if it is, it could have been edited. Someone pointed out several flaws in this video including the one shown below.

I’m just kind of curious. If this is not a hoax, the local police should have all the records, including how the actual Terasa Fidalgo look like. So it shouldn’t be that difficult to prove if the hitchhiker is indeed the ghost of Teresa. The authenticity of the video can then be established. (To start with, there don’t seem to be any concrete evidence that suggests such an accident actually happened in 1983.)

Anyway, I believe that ghosts cannot be captured on camera in such solid human form. In fact, they don’t even appear in such complete forms to the human eye. How do I know? Keep guessing… ^^

Below is the clip with english subs I found on YouTube. The action starts about 4 mins into the video. So you’d just might want to skip through. Anyway, I won’t recommend this to those with heart condition. You have been warned! Click on the play button to continue.

Why s0ulless strongly believe it’s a hoax:
1. If you noticed, there were no other vehicles, no obstacles on the road at all. The car was on a straight road, travelling at low a speed and out of a sudden, it seems that the car just overturned.

2. Seems like the camera had been ‘dropped’ (I have strong urge to use the word ‘placed’) at a deliberate angle. It is doubtful that the camera actually remained intact (and running), with not even a scratch on its lens. The camera’s movement in this sense (a crash) is especially doubtful. The impact and manner of the ‘crash’ is also questionable.

3. The mobile phone image that kept appearing (and disappearing) and the slight ‘pixelation’ towards the end suggest that the video could have been edited. It is worth noting that the mobile phone was removed/simply disappeared just before ‘Teresa’ appeared. The mobile phone could have been used to produce the distortion effect on the camera. (It is possible to produce such effects depending on type of recording equipment and/or mobile network used.) – see below

4. As for the blurry effect/distortion when the ‘Teresa’ entered the car. How i should i put it? You can try switching on/off your mobile phone (or make a call) right in front of a cam or even your CRT monitor. See the effects. (Don’t do this repeatedly, it damages your hardware component!) – This distortion, and the ‘pixelation’ towards the end, do not fit together. ‘Pixelation’ usually occurs when there are interference on digital equipment or due to some ‘post-production’ glitches. The effect when ‘Teresa’ entered the vehicle, however, suggests that an analog equipment could have been used instead OR the clip could have been post-edited. (I won’t go into details here but again I’d like to stress that it is possible to produce such effects depending on type of recording equipment and/or mobile network used. I use ‘could’ as I could be wrong too. For info on how the effects were produced, please visit David Rebordão’s website or read this article.)

5. There are suggestions on other forums that this group of youths came from Brazil, not Portugal. (someone derived this from the variation of Latin which they used.) – StoneColdDeath had confirmed later that they are Portuguese.

6. A search on google and yahoo! did not indicate any official record of the 1983 accident in the first place. Most sites found boil down to local belief, rumour etc. There is no concrete evidence to even suggest that the 1983 accident, or this video, is authentic. (I probably did a lousy search. If anyone finds anything, please provide the link here. thanks.)

7. Personal experience and articles from professional paranormal groups have convinced me that it is unlikely to capture so-called ‘ghosts’ (in simple terms) in such solid human forms. It may appear to an individual as such but it is almost impossible to capture this on camera. In most instances, ‘ghosts’ are often captured on cameras as ‘orbs’, shadows, balls/flashes of lights etc.

8. The information about David’s survival, how the police found the video and how ‘Teresa’ died at the same spot… All these were gathered SOLELY from the subtitles of the clip.

9. Last but not least, these are of course, my personal opinion. I’d very much appreciate any comments or links to sites that indicate otherwise.



02.04.2010 um 16:41
wie gesagt dass hab ich auf ner andren seite gefunden ): allerdings zählt er unten auf was seines erachtens dass video zum fake macht nur da ich ned so gut in englisch bin versteh ich dass nicht könnte mir einer die Fakten so grob übersetzen??



02.04.2010 um 16:44
Trotzdem,ob echt oder fake,ist es eines der wenigen Videos die es gibt,wo es mich grusselt. *zitter*



02.04.2010 um 16:47
ER erzält das der Film nicht echt ist und das er sehr stolz darüber ist das sein film sich so toll verbreitet hat und am ende erzählt er noch wie sie das gedreht haben damit es echt wirkt.



02.04.2010 um 16:50
Mhm kann mir jetzt jemand die aussagen von oben so grob übersetzen?? ):

hier noch ein Paar aussagen die ich zu dem video fand:

i saw the clip and yes it is fake you can tell right before the girls says she dead look at the speedamator right before the blury part comes up and after it goes away its a different speed and the landscape is all different which means they stopped for awhile and then proceded. Also a spirt or ghost can take the form of a human but when it does its usally a strong presecnce and not really a good. one. i seen many of them in my life even thou im young but still seen from walking dolls, little goblins or demons, to ghost. i always loved seeing and reading about spirts cause ghost are real and some are dangerous.

Wahaha…i think this video not real.That handphone are simply appear and that mph/kmh speed are simply change.

This good video

hi and the only thing i have to say is that it was scary made my heart stop but it is fake ive got proof[not official just something i found in my home] got my bros mobile phone and turned it off then on my pc screen shook and waved they made it wave and shake to look scary like Teresa was liek haunting around them and when she said "I died…" she turn right, just right at the same time camera turned i dont get it and how did she keep human form then a sec later turned with scrapes ans scratches on her face and she made conttact with a living human being that is a solid figure. I went to Portugal and bought a history book about ghosts and mathematics and witch craft it said teresa was a real girl and 3 men killed her and her family and they had passed the same spot were she died. there was a car accident and the women in the passenger street was injured by the steering wheel. her arm twisted on it and evyerone else wass fine they had prob got the same book as me and put evyerthing together they read out of it and made it look cool and scary thank you for reading but this is true

Hats off to the guys who have made this video, i would say it was an intelligently made video, though with a few flaws. There is no question about this video being fake, since it is evident throughout the video’s running time. The dialogues were extra ordinary and philosophical (not something which we speak during a long tiresome journey)and the tapping of the driver’s finger in the wheels show how nervous he was, though I thought he was an above average actor.
While the so called ghost points out to the location of her accident, there is an editing done during which the cell phone which was not there suddenly appears. You have to watch the video carefully to note this.
Hats off to the person who acted as the ghost because she was indeed a very good actor, she was sucessful in bring the gloomy, sad expression in her face which we usually associate with ghosts, who might have been either murdered or killed in accidents. The expression in her eyes and the sudden turn of her neck when the camera was facing towards her though revealed that she was acting, but have to say, she made a very convincing ghost.
I am sure the supposedly dead people Tiago & Tania will be alive and kicking , somewhere in Brazil or Portugese and i am sure that if given an oppourtunity in life, the brains behind this video will become a very sucessful hollywood film maker



02.04.2010 um 16:53
Ja, es ist nicht echt!! alles nur gespielt....



02.04.2010 um 16:54
Hab ich doch eben !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!und das ganz du dir nicht auch deutsche sachen raussuchen und was du eben reingesetzt hast sagen sie das der Film gut ist und sehr viel erfolg hatte.



02.04.2010 um 16:54
ganz nett aber hallo, gehts euch noch gut!?... Geister die trampen, ins Auto einsteigen u. noch rumlabern dann völlig abdrehen ''Fäulnis'' im Gesicht, nicht sehr originelle Textur rübergeschmanscht u. dann das 'Gebrüll'...

die Leute im Vid sind alles echte Menschen, keine Geister, nur die Story ist es nicht

wer sowas für 100% wahr hält, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen



02.04.2010 um 17:00
Kann mir keiner von OBEN die fakten am Ende erklären als er aufzählt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, warum es nicht wahr ist?? ):

Mhm es wirkt hald so real dadurch dass es mit ner handycamera gefilmt ist, und der geist wenns einer ist auf einmal sein wahres gesicht zeigt, den geister können sich ja tarnen auch als Menschen.

Aber was mich au noch brennend interessiert, kennt jemand ne Seite wo Teresa fidalgo beschrieben ist den es soll den unfall den die hatte ja tatsächlich da gegeben haben und laut einigen sollte auch 2006 nochmals dort ein unfall passiert sein an genau der stelle,

Siehe hier *This clip has been making waves. Some news stations even included footages of this clip in their reports.

It was reported that an accident happened (28th April 06) on a particular stretch of road, which most Portuguese believe to be haunted, and that the cause was, ahem…, the ghost of Teresa Fidalgo. Teresa Fidalgo is a gal who unfortunately died in 1983 at exactly the same spot, also in an accident.

Personally, I don’t think this clip is the original. Even if it is, it could have been edited. Someone pointed out several flaws in this video including the one shown*

was hat es damit auf sich und gab es teresa fidalgo echt gibt es da irgendwelche beweise, weil viele sagen dass video ist fake aber den unfall gabs echt und die frau hatte dort echt auch mal ein unfall!!



02.04.2010 um 17:02
äähhhhhhhhhhh, danke! Guck dir die ganze Seite mal an wann hat jemand außer GCFan dran geglaubt??????


Dieses Thema wurde von KittyMambo geschlossen.
Begründung: es ist und bleibt ein professioneller kurzfilm=)