Die Hundeselbstmordbrücke
05.05.2017 um 14:08@Dogmatix
In der englischen Wikipedia steht Genaueres über Beachy Head:
Da der Kreidefelsen durch Medienberichte über Selbstmorde bekannt ist, zieht er auch potentielle Selbstmörder aus anderen Teilen Englands an.
Es gibt dort etwa 20 Selbstmorde pro Jahr.
There are an estimated 20 deaths by suicide a year at Beachy Head.[12] The Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team conducts regular day and evening patrols of the area in attempts to locate and stop potential jumpers. Workers at the pub and taxi drivers are also on the look-out for people contemplating suicide, and there are posted signs with the telephone number of the Samaritans urging potential jumpers to call them.[13]
Deaths at the site are well-covered by the media,[14] and Ross Hardy, the founder of the chaplaincy team, says that this encourages suicidal people to choose the site.[13]
In der englischen Wikipedia steht Genaueres über Beachy Head:
Da der Kreidefelsen durch Medienberichte über Selbstmorde bekannt ist, zieht er auch potentielle Selbstmörder aus anderen Teilen Englands an.
Es gibt dort etwa 20 Selbstmorde pro Jahr.
There are an estimated 20 deaths by suicide a year at Beachy Head.[12] The Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team conducts regular day and evening patrols of the area in attempts to locate and stop potential jumpers. Workers at the pub and taxi drivers are also on the look-out for people contemplating suicide, and there are posted signs with the telephone number of the Samaritans urging potential jumpers to call them.[13]
Deaths at the site are well-covered by the media,[14] and Ross Hardy, the founder of the chaplaincy team, says that this encourages suicidal people to choose the site.[13]