Blinde auf LSD
05.01.2010 um 15:56es gibt verschiede wissenschaftler die der meinung sind das die menschheit gar nicht da wäre wo sie heute ist ,ohne den einfluss von psychoaktiven substanzen
dromeda23 schrieb am 08.11.2007:halli hallo ihr kleinen illuminaties ihr.ich frage much schon seit langen genau gesagt seid 20 minuten was eig passiert wenn blinde lsd schlucken würden. man bekommt davon ja hallutination, aber blinde denn auch?Ich denke, es kommt drauf an, warum er blind ist. Wer blind ist, aufgrund irreparabel zerstörte Rezeptoren, ist weiter in der Lage, CEVs wahrzunehmen. Ein Blinder auf LSD würde wohl ganz sicher CEVs erleben.
It turns out, they can, although this seems largely to be the case in blind people who had several years of sight to begin with, but who later lost their vision.(meine) Übersetzung:
Those blind from a very early age (younger than two years-old) did not report visual hallucinations, probably because they never had enough visual experience to shape a fully-functioning visual system when their brain was still developing.
It is evident that a normal retina is not needed for the occurrence of LSD-induced visual experiences. These visual experiences do not seem to differ from the hallucinations reported by normal subjects after LSD.
Such phenomena occurred only in blind subjects who reported prior visual activity. The drug increased the frequency of visual events such as spots, lights, dots, and flickers. However, the complex visual experiences reported by 3 subjects after LSD did not occur after placebo or in ordinary experience.
It is interesting to note that duration of blindness was not related to the occurrence of visual hallucinations; nor was intelligence, acuity of visual memory, or use of visual imagery in speech.