Lesben haben höhere Scheidungsquote - lesbian bed death
06.06.2014 um 17:58Manche halten den "lesbian death bed" für ein Gerücht, aber scheinbar läuft es nicht so gut bei den Lesben mit dem Eheleben. Man könnte meinen es liegt daran, dass Frauen generell höhere Ansprüche haben. Glaubt ihr dass es wahr ist und wenn ja woran liegt es?http://living.msn.com/love-relationships/lesbian-couples-more-likely-to-divorce
Have you heard about these stats? Although lesbian/gay marriage and even civil unions haven't been around very long, early studies suggest that lesbian couples are 50-167 percent more likely to divorce than heterosexual couples, and nearly twice as likely to divorce compared to gay men.
Huh? We’re just winning the right to marry, and we’re already getting divorced en masse? — what gives? Well, social scientists have a few theories:
Women seem to "demand higher relationship quality" than men, as proved in studies of heterosexual divorce (women initiate divorce 70-80 percent of the time). Women also buy the vast majority of relationship books and initiate majority of relationship counseling. So maybe when two women are together, it's even tougher for both to feel satisfied in an ongoing way?
Some speculate that lesbians tend to commit to one another quickly — more quickly than in heterosexual pairings, where women tend to advocate for commitment but men tend to resist (a pattern that is probably biologically based for both sexes.)
Of course, we know we're up against a lot of stuff that straight people aren’t:
We face many more pressures, including discrimination, religious and familial judgment, and internalized homophobia.
Few of us grew up knowing long-term lesbian couples, and our marriages don’t receive the same societal support as straight marriages.
Since we’ve only recently won the right to marry, and still only in a minority of states and countries, our lesbian culture — and perhaps even our lesbian psyches – haven’t yet evolved to favor lasting marriage.