29.10.2004 um 19:07habt ihr schon mal von dieser sprache gehört? es ist eine indio-sprache, gesprochen vom gleichnamigen volk der aymara in den anden. aber nicht irgendeine indio-sprache. geheimdienste - z. b. mi6 und nsa, aber auch russische stellen - widmen dieser sprache besondere aufmerksamkeit, denn sie scheint, obwohl seit jahrhunderten bekannt, erfunden worden zu sein. sie ist so logisch und perfekt, dass sie sich direkt in mathematische algorythmen umwandeln lässt.
hier ein auszug aus einem text, auf den ich zufällig auf der suche nach infos zu dem atlantis/antarktis-thread stieß. die im text erwähnte schwester serghetti ist eine angesehene linguistin in diensten des vatikans, die der papst in die antarktis geschickt hat, weil offenbar selbst der vatikan an einen möglichen "atlantis-fund" durch die amis dort glaubt:
Building on the work of Bolivian mathematician Ivan Buzman de Rojas, Serghetti used the ancient Aymara language of the Andes to translate English into more than 26 languages.
"The rigid, logical structure of Aymara itself is ideal for transformation into computer algorithm," she said at the time. "Its syntactical rules can be spelled out in the kind of algebraic shorthand that computers understand."
Since then the U.S. National Security Agency has been trying to get its hands on Serghetti's system, according to one codebreaker from Britain’s MI-6 intelligence branch who tried and failed to recruit Serghetti. "The Aymara language is so pure that the NSA suspects it didn't just evolve like other languages but was constructed from scratch," the MI-6 source said.
In fact, the earliest Aymara myth says that after the Great Flood, strangers attempted to build a city on Lake Titicaca—Tiahuanaco with its great Temple of the Sun—but suddenly abandoned it and disappeared.
According to legend, they came from the lost island paradise of "Aztlan," the Aztec version of Atlantis. "In other words," said one Meso-American linguist, speaking on condition of anonymity, "Sister Serghetti may well know the language of the Atlanteans."
noch ein zitat zu aymara:
"Aymara is based on a three value logic system giving a capability of expressing modal subtleties which many other languages can only express clumsily. Guzmán de Rojas has suggested that it be used as an intermediary language for computerised translation."
http://lantis.tv/amp/releases/mission.html (Archiv-Version vom 22.10.2004)
hier ein auszug aus einem text, auf den ich zufällig auf der suche nach infos zu dem atlantis/antarktis-thread stieß. die im text erwähnte schwester serghetti ist eine angesehene linguistin in diensten des vatikans, die der papst in die antarktis geschickt hat, weil offenbar selbst der vatikan an einen möglichen "atlantis-fund" durch die amis dort glaubt:
Building on the work of Bolivian mathematician Ivan Buzman de Rojas, Serghetti used the ancient Aymara language of the Andes to translate English into more than 26 languages.
"The rigid, logical structure of Aymara itself is ideal for transformation into computer algorithm," she said at the time. "Its syntactical rules can be spelled out in the kind of algebraic shorthand that computers understand."
Since then the U.S. National Security Agency has been trying to get its hands on Serghetti's system, according to one codebreaker from Britain’s MI-6 intelligence branch who tried and failed to recruit Serghetti. "The Aymara language is so pure that the NSA suspects it didn't just evolve like other languages but was constructed from scratch," the MI-6 source said.
In fact, the earliest Aymara myth says that after the Great Flood, strangers attempted to build a city on Lake Titicaca—Tiahuanaco with its great Temple of the Sun—but suddenly abandoned it and disappeared.
According to legend, they came from the lost island paradise of "Aztlan," the Aztec version of Atlantis. "In other words," said one Meso-American linguist, speaking on condition of anonymity, "Sister Serghetti may well know the language of the Atlanteans."
noch ein zitat zu aymara:
"Aymara is based on a three value logic system giving a capability of expressing modal subtleties which many other languages can only express clumsily. Guzmán de Rojas has suggested that it be used as an intermediary language for computerised translation."
http://lantis.tv/amp/releases/mission.html (Archiv-Version vom 22.10.2004)