Der Gaming-Thread
14.06.2009 um 22:31
Die is mies, und fast so unbalanced wie "Schloss von Lord Felix"
Der Gaming-Thread
14.06.2009 um 22:32
Naja so unbalanced war die nicht, außer Felix, nach seinem Tod crusht er das ganze Spiel! :D
Der Gaming-Thread
14.06.2009 um 22:38
Darf ich mal fragen was ihr sonst so macht???
1x zitiertmelden
Der Gaming-Thread
14.06.2009 um 22:39
Darf ich mal fragen was ihr sonst so macht???
Lord Felix töten !11
Der Gaming-Thread
14.06.2009 um 22:40
Killing Floor und Left 4 Dead!
Rise of Nations nicht zu vergessen, unwürdiger :D
Der Gaming-Thread
14.06.2009 um 22:40
Gehts ihr ned fort, oder so???
Sitzt ihr wirklich die ganze zeit vorm pc???
1x zitiertmelden
Der Gaming-Thread
14.06.2009 um 22:44
Der Gaming-Thread
16.06.2009 um 13:15
" Der Entwickler CD Project werkelt bereits an einem Nachfolger des PC-Rollenspiels The Witcher.
Das verriert Michal Kicinski, einer der Mitbegründer des Unternehmens, in einem Gespräch mit dem polnischen Magazin CD Action. Weitere Informationen stehen derzeit allerdings noch aus. "
Sehr gut, The Witcher 1 war schon ziemlich geil, außerdem kamen in letzter Zeit sowieso keine RPG's die mich richtig ansprachen, bis auf Fallout 3, aber da gehen mir die Schusswaffen auf den Sack, The Elder Scrolls ftw!
Der Gaming-Thread
16.06.2009 um 14:16
Ja, genau, WC3!
Das war der beste Weltraumschooter, den ich je gesehen habe.
(Wing Commander, was denn sonst!)
Der Gaming-Thread
17.06.2009 um 15:19
Die L4D2 Boycott Group zur Game of the Year Edition von Left 4 Dead, die als neue Features nur den Survival Mode beinhaltet.
Seriously Valve? What the hell is up with this.
Valve added 'Versus' to two of the original campaigns (that should have *shipped* with versus in the first place) and added 'Survival Mode'. Looking at what they added compared to other GOTY editions out there, is it really fair to call this a Game of the Year Edition with exactly one new map?
For those of you late to the party, Survival Mode is an issue because they provided only ONE new map; all 15 other maps were recycled from Finales or the climax events in the 4 campaigns. Considering all the tools were already in the code base for Survival and that the maps took a few hours to make, tops?
There is no excuse for this.
Now... Where's the finished version of the SDK? Didn't Chet promise it would be released 'Shortly after E3'? We're comming up on the 2 week mark with absolutely no information from Valve. Valve has not given us anything but an ambiguous promise of 'content and updates' with no information on what exactly they are doing and no timetable for anything. We need to know when to expect things at this point, not 'soon' or 'in a few weeks' or 'In the comming months'.
Information. Now.
Further to this, an SDK which should have been out no more than a month or two after release is not even out of beta. We are 7 months late and had at least 3 promises of 'soon' from Valve. Where's the SDK at? You can make a whole new standalone game in 12 months but can't release an SDK? This stinks of lack of effort.
Sorry, Valve, but publicly asking for trust from the community, promising an SDK, content and updates multiple times, then releasing a GOTY edition while we're still waiting on promises?
That's a dick move.
Valve wants our trust? They have to earn it.
Thanks to the L4D2 boycott community once again for your continued support.
-The L4D2 Boycott Staff
Ich stimme KOMPLETT damit überein, Schweinerei, Valve.