Link: (extern)hmm wer auf Freaks steht, vergöttert halt Klein ALex ^^
So ziemlich alles wasder liebe Alex erzählt, ist undokumentiert !
Naja und das es seine Anhänger nichtstört, wird wohl am Alter der Zielgruppe liegen ;o)
Hier mal ein paar seinerhellseherischen Fähigkeiten *g*
(oder kann man das schon Paranoid nennen ? ^^)
The government can control the weather. (All conspiracy guys believe this. What's thedeal?)
The Mafia was started by Julius Ceaser's grandfather.
"Vaccines arekilling our children--mainstream news." (Direct quote from InfoWars 12/27/01. No sourcescited.)
SWAT team guys can't satisfy a woman. (InfoWars, 12/27/01. You never know howAlex Jones "knows" anything. Did the SWAT guys open up to Alex...or weas there some studydone? Alex didn't say.)
Texas is run by the Masons. (Is that why Texas has the worstschools in the world?)
"Cell phones have been proven in hundreds of major studied tocause brain tumnors. There's no debating it." (Also no references or citations given.Alex says he sources everything, but he sources almost nothing he says. When you can findthe source, you always discover that Alex has completely garbled it.)
Drinkingfluoridated water causes your IQ to go down 10 points. (No documentation. No reference.No nothing.)
Devil-worshippers run the country. (But only angry white guys with IQ'sin the mid-80's can perceive it!)
The government is afraid of smart people. (Explainswhy they leave the conspiracy guys alone.)
Cell phones cause brain tumors. "It's likeproven."
The NRA are gun grabbers. (This shows you just how far to the right Alexis..)
There are government-run white slavery rings. (Alex didn't have time to saywhat government. He said there were lots of stories about this in the back of thenewspaper. As usual, the statement is completely unsourced.)
Hitler blew up theReichstag. (Blew it up? I thought he radio-controlled some planes into it. Or was it amissile...?)
Columbine was a government op. (Rule 1 for conspiracy nuts: anything youdon't like is a government op. No proof required.)
Wal-Mart is a Defense Departmentfront. (No proof required.)
Bill Clinton is a CIA agent. (Better you should ask,who's NOT a CIA agent in Alex's comic-book fantasy.)
Illegal aliens get to go to thefront in emergency rooms. (They should--for keeping our economy afloat year after year.)
They put mercury in your vaccines to brain-damage your children. (Hence the 9/11Truth Movement.)
The Aztecs would take hallucinogenic enemas and cut their penisesoff. (Ah, the Sixties!)
Alex Jones has correctly predicted everything that hashappened in the last 10 years. (Can you spell M-E-G-A-L-O-M-A-N-I-A? I thought youcould...)
FEMA has a giant private army. (They just can't find it.)
Everyone istalking about world government. (No they're not. As used by normal people, the phrase"new world order" simply means a change in the world order. It has no implication ofworld government. Conspiracy nuts are stupid--what can I say?)
Vaccines havebrain-damaged millions of babies. (Based on a misreading of CDC documents. Alex Jonesmisreads everything in order to keep his fantasies flying.)
You can't succeed inacademe unless you agree that 80% of the population has to be killed off. (That's allthose stuck-up academics talk about.)
Black helicopters are real. (You create yourown reality, dig.)
Illegal immigrants get free tuition and discounts on theirTwinkies. They always go to the front of the line in emergency rooms. (It's part of thetakeover.)
There's a worldwide takeover going on, perceptible only to dumb whiteguys...
...but everyone is waking up. (Conspiracy nuts always say "everyone is wakingup." It's part of their delusional system--like their imagined ability to predict thefuture.)
The ruling elite of the world worship Moloch. (The evidence for this is ablurry video of the show at Bohemian Grove. Alex thinks the Bohemian Grove show is real.)
The secret rulers of the world can live forever. (No one knows where this comes fromor why Alex believes it. I think it came from a dream Alex had. As far as I know, therulers of the world continue to die normally.)
The elite have openly announced thatthey want to kill 80% of us. (But, oddly, in all the world only Alex Jones noticed thesestartling admissions!)
Dick Cheney writes papers saying terrorism isn't real. (Alexwouldn't say what papers. Though he talks incessantly about documentation, Alex Jonesalmost never says where he gets his information, much less why it's dependable.)
TheU.S. Government went around Italy blowing up school busses full of children...& admittedit. (Twirling their moustaches & going "Nya-ha-ha-ha!" Alex hears a lot of admissions noone else can hear.)
The left-right political spectrum is bogus (This is the dominantparadigm of stupid people today! They never offer a shred of proof. It's just tooself-evident to prove, when you're as smart as these guys.)
There are little wires indollar bills that keep track of what you buy. (Somehow.)
Vicente Fox can morph into agreen devil. (Alex says he saw him do it. Honest. This vision occurred when Fox visitedTexas, c. 2003-4, & Alex bullhorned him.)
The Communist Chinese Army has taken overthe Massachusetts Port Authority. (Maybe it's some kind of brain seizure with Alex.)
Noam Chomsky is a mongoloid idiot. Also an agent.
There are Illuminati symbols onStarbucks coffee cups. (The Illuminati leave clues visible only to angry white guys withIQ's in the mid-80's.)
Exits on tollroads are 50 miles apart. (It's a takeover opnlyAlex Jones could see! Who woulda thought?)
Jacques Cousteau wanted to kill 80% of us.(Jacques, too? I wonder why he didn't live forever?)
Margaret Sanger gave & receivedawards from Hitler. (When the Nazis weren't burning her books.)
There are live AIDSviruses in the corn. (This means no sex with the corn.)
91% of Americans are Nazis.(Alex says anyone who favors gun control is a Nazi; 91% of Americans favor mandatoryhandgun registration; that's a lotta Nazis, Alex.)
The United Nations goes aroundAfrica, sterilizing women at random (twirling their moustaches & going "Nya-ha-ha-haa!")
The Founding Fathers were basically stupid (they were Masons––but they didn't knowabout the secret conspiracy so obvious to Alex & his friends)
Masons can commitmurder. They make a secret sign to the judges and are immediately set free. This has beensolidly confirmed.
All throughout history, governments have always been Evil. (Betyou didn't know that. Like most of the Patriots, Alex is an anti-government bigot. Hefrequently poses as a historian, but no real historian subscribes to Alex Jones's badcomic book.)
Power outages are government plots.
Illegal immigration is agovernment plot.
The counterculture is a government plot.
Vaccines are ayou-know-what.
Thumbscanning is a government plot.
Environmentalism is agovernment plot.
The National Seatbelt Initiative is a bloody government plot.
Feminism is a government plot.
Tollroads are a gummint plot.
This web page isa government plot.
Your mother is a government plot.
The goddam drug culture is agovernment plot. (Alex Buzzkill Jones.)
Cell phones are a government plot.
WalMart is a government plot. (A Defense Department front. It's all out there in theopen...but only Alex Jones can see it. Far out.)
Sports are a governmentplot...somehow.
Antidepressants are a government plot. (Better you should say "What'sNOT a government plot?")
All domestic terror attacks are government plots. (Pulledoff by the most incompetent administration in history, fooling everyone in the worldexcept angry white guys with IQ's in the mid-80's.)
The bad guys plant clues in TVshows and tell you what they're going to do on TV. (Though only one man in the world canperceive these clues. Think of the burden this puts on Alex.)
The government bringsin all the drugs. (All of them! Only Alex Jones knows this. No documentation. No nothing.Just another bad dream Alex mistook for news.)
Arnold Schwartzeneggar is a knownNazi. (Only Alex knows this. Someone alert the Kennedys.)
Arnold Schwartzeneggar ispart of an Austrian plot to take over America. (Alex really has it in for Arnie. He has aweb page devoted entirely to ad hominem attacks against the ex-terminator.)
Skull &Bones is part of an English plot to take over America.
The United Nations is part ofa (very slow) plot to take over America.
Children's cartoons are part of agovernment plot to brainwash us. (Alex Jones is immune. Conspiracy guys are always immuneto the brainwashing they see everywhere. Nothing beats white-guy egotism!)
Organizedreligion is brainwashing us. (Doesn't Alex realize brainless people cannot brainwash?)
My cable show brainwashes you. (If that were true, people would be sending me money.)
The secret ruling elite of the world are putting up buildings that look like owls.(Only conspiracy people can see these owls, in case you were wondering. I wonder why theydon't build pyramids with eyes on top of them.)
Most major police chiefs are CIAoperatives.
Gloria Steinham is a CIA operative.
The voting-machine companies areopenly run by the CIA. ("Openly run by the CIA" sounds like an oxymoron to me.)
TheQuakers are communists. (Er...I thought communists were atheists. Of course, right-wingloonies have no concept of what communism is.)
All of Clinton's cabinet were Jewish.(Alex is not anti-Semitic. I don't know why he said this. Another dream, I guess.)
People in Holland have tattoos saying "Don't Kill Me." (Evidently a tougher countrythan we thought.)
Lyndon Johnson had John Kennedy killed. (I guess JFK was stupid,choosing LBJ as his running mate like that. Conspiracy guys are stupid, so they thinkeverybody is stupid.)
The UN has sold thousands of children into slavery & for snufffilms.
Gays are actively recruiting in our schools. (Why do right-wing loonies alwaysbelieve this?)
The government keeps "giant, honeycombed hives full of toddlersdrugged on lithium" (twirling their moustaches & going "NYA-HAHAHAHA!" Thegovernment...not the toddlers.)
The Rothschilds funded Hitler. (Some of theRothschilds were arrested by Hitler and ransomed back to their family; others escapedNazi Germany with only their lives.)
People in Africa tear off their arms afterreceiving vaccinations. (But then, we've all done that.)
The government is sprayingus with EVIL CHEMICALS contained in the contrails of planes (also poisoning themselves, Iguess. Shows you how ruthless the elite are.)
The United Nations goes around Africa,sterilizing women at random (twirling their moustaches & saying "Nya-ha-ha-haa!")
Every soldier who died in any war since the Civil War was a chump (you thought theywere heroes; turns out they were nothing but fools; how's THAT for patriotism?)
Antidepressants are a government plot to bum us out.
The United Nations is partof a (very slow) plot to take over America.
Mercury travels from Africa to Austin onthe Jet Stream. That's why Austinites have so many allergies.
IQ's are going down.(IQ's are going up.)
The cancer rate is up. (Most cancer rates are down.)
Duringhis inauguration, President Clinton openly gave the sign of Satan for all the world tosee. (They all worship Moloch, don't forget. I don't know how we get to Satan fromthere...but Alex says so.)
Alex Jones is saving humankind with his cable TV show,radio shows, & tapes (available for purchase, by the way).
Bad people aredeliberately putting cancer viruses, AIDS viruses, & mercury in our vaccines (twirlingtheir moustaches & going "Nya-hahaha!").
9-11 was only the beginning; there are goingto be lots of even bigger domestic attacks (six years and waiting on this incrediblywrong prediction).
Most Americans believe the government was behind 9-11 (this isbased on Alex's misreading of a Zogby poll; Alex misreads EVERYTHING)
They sacrificebabies at Bohemian Grove. (Try to imagine Richard Nixon sacrificing a baby. Or GWB. Iguess Cheney would do it, perhaps inadvertently.)
They only hire people with IQ'sbelow 100 to become police officers. (Like most "Patriots," Alex Jones is essentially acop-hater. He will say anything bad about the police.)
& finally...mypersonal favorite:
Alex Jones can predict the future, because he goes to theSECRET WEBSITES where the New World Order tells you EVERYTHING IT'S GOING TO DO!
Quelle: ^^
SO jetzt mal Spaß beiseite.
Mark Roberts hat sich mal die Mühe gemacht dem kleinen Ales mal ein wenig genauer aufdie Finger zu schauen. müssen alle VTler ganz laut schreien:
"Nexus ist ein bezahlter Desinformat" LOL