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Capitalism vs. Socialism

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octavios. Diskussionsleiter
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Capitalism vs. Socialism

07.10.2006 um 14:25

From an American point of view, Capitalism is simply owningwhat one produces. Socialism is when the state or government controls or owns the meansof production.

Most Europeans are in favor of Socialism because they have neverexperienced capitalism. They understand almost nothing about it.

For MostEuropeans, Capitalism means Big Large American Corporations attempting to enforce aMonopoly and harm the average person.

If you sleep in a bedthat you have purchased with your own money, THAT is capitalism.

If you drive acar that you have paid for with your money, and you own your car, THAT is capitalism.

Capitalism is You Owning what you produce - that is All.

Capitalism is NOT about taking the funds or money of someone else. That is NOTcapitalism.

In America, it is the Employer who decides whom to hireand whom NOT to hire. That is his choice. But anyone can become an employer. Anyone canown a company. In America, you are not obligated to get the permission of the governmentin order to start a company. In Europe, a person often finds that starting a business isvery difficult because of having to get permission from all of the government officials.

The European system of work (employment) is much more complicated and much moredifficult.

In America, there is no requirement for you to Stop working after 35hours. (To be forced to Not work more sounds very Fascist and Anti-democratic). InEurope, there are laws that prohibit a company from being able to stay open for longerhours of buisiness. In America, a business can stay open for as long as it wants to andIT decides (or the owner decides) when to open and when to close.

In Europe,the Government decides when to allow a sale on merchandise. In America, You - the owner -decides when to have a sale.


octavios. Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Capitalism vs. Socialism

07.10.2006 um 14:27


Most of the Large International/Transnational corporations donot practice Capitalism in anycase.

Most of them practice a PARTICULAR Method(kind) of Capitalism called "Immoral Capitalism".

Most AmericansREJECT any Capitalism which Hurts or Harms people. Americans believe in PositiveCapitalism or Moral Capitalism, where profits are made, and then also used TO HELPothers. This is the result of Christian background of America.

Other countriessometimes have Capitalism which is selfish and harmful to others. Americans reject this.The American people are very generous. Other people think that Americans help othersbecause Americans have so much money. That is not true. Many Americans are NOT rich, andsuffer economically. But they still give to others in order to help them.

Multinational Corporations often attempt to HARM others - including their ownWorkforce. Many large corporations are Unkind to their employees. Those are not"American" corporations. They are International and Transnational corporations thatpractice Immoral Capitalism.


1x zitiertmelden

Capitalism vs. Socialism

03.11.2013 um 03:46
Zitat von octavios.octavios. schrieb am 07.10.2006:Multinational Corporations often attempt to HARM others - including their own Workforce. Many large corporations are Unkind to their employees. Those are not"American" corporations. They are International and Transnational corporations that practice Immoral Capitalism.
That's true! Capitalism has become global nowadays.
But is there any moral Capitalism? Who defines morality?


Capitalism vs. Socialism

13.11.2013 um 15:25
My simple definition is

Capitalism: Stronger wins, weaker lose
Pro: Incentive to become better
Cons: brutal law of nature, inequitable distribution

Socialism: All are equal
Pro: No loser, no favor
Cons: Low/no incentive to become better

In my opinion is a mix of both the solution. We must find a fair distribution.
Please do not laugh, for me "Star Trek" is the best example:

-there exists no money on earth
-hunger problems are solved
-energy problems are solved
-question of distribution is solved
But people still make an effort to reward more, the focus is: Personal development training and do something for all, you get glory and honor!
