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Invocation and experiences of/with ghosts

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kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
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Invocation and experiences of/with ghosts

21.05.2006 um 21:39
It happened that the last thread which treated this topic was deleted by me, because of awriting mistake in the title and the missing editing function ;)

No matter why,I am going to reopen this topic at this point.

What kind of experiences did youpersonally made with invocation in general? Has anybody here every seen some kind ofapparition? I'd like to know your opinion.

As I've already written in the lastthread,
"I've never seen a ghost and I also believe, that they are just a kind ofdelusion. But a good pal of mine stayed in an Irish boarding school for half a year, andnow she has the certain belief that ghosts subsist. "

Kind regards,



Invocation and experiences of/with ghosts

14.06.2006 um 21:03
I have had a couple of experiences with ghosts. My best friends house is haunted. I tryto avoid contact with him... he's creepy.

kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Invocation and experiences of/with ghosts

16.06.2006 um 10:44
Hi sophialee,

So what exactly were your experiences?
And what do you mean,describing your friends house as "haunted".



Invocation and experiences of/with ghosts

25.07.2006 um 11:57
Are you looking for a ghost kikuchi? I`m sorry but I have not seen him yet. That was theexperience of mine.

best regards



Invocation and experiences of/with ghosts

10.08.2006 um 20:18
Hy Kikuchi!

I never made invocations with ghosts; I think that is verydangerous...

But I`ve often made experiences with dead people.
There arecognitions with lucid-feeling, hearing and smelling.

It isn`t easy to describethis feelings and there are many people don`t trying to understand situations like these.


Invocation and experiences of/with ghosts

17.10.2006 um 15:12
*YAWN* im tired excuse me


Invocation and experiences of/with ghosts

22.11.2006 um 15:01
ghosthunting on allmy^^

i have never seen a ghost


Invocation and experiences of/with ghosts

23.04.2015 um 06:00
I never did it and never will but in the past this was quite popular as you can read here:

