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how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

12 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Back Then, Boyfriend, Falling In Love ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

11.05.2006 um 16:05
Some "lovestorys" a really interessting...

so, how do you become acquainted withyour girl- or your boyfriend?

I met my boyfriend on a party, a so called"zeltfestl".
we cost all the wines throgh, and then after about one week we became acouple...

it´s not a very interessting story.
but I´m happy about it! :D

so, write your storys!


how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

15.05.2006 um 20:09
Good evening,

Me and my girlfriend, we are both taking the same history classes.But until the end of January we didn't get in touch with each other at all.
Butthen, we made an excursion to Berlin, and on the way back we sat next to each other in anintercity express. We talked a lot and exchanged some personal information.


how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

30.05.2006 um 06:52
Maybe there is another interesting detail in my "love-story", it took about another 1 1/2months till we actually became a couple. ;)

Chiby ehemaliges Mitglied

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how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

14.07.2006 um 15:18
My last boyfriend ..

He was longtime just my best friend and one evening wekissed and .. yes ...
and after 2 month we broke up and now we're again bestfriends. So it doesn't matter because I love him in another way. ;)

elle ehemaliges Mitglied

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how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

02.10.2006 um 01:05
Me and my boyfriend actually got to know each other through the internet. But maybe thisis wrong: It just was like: "Hello" - "Hello" -"where are you coming from?"- "from..."-"hey thats funny, me to!" - " and in which part of the town do you live?"- "close tolake..."- "me to" - "what about meeting right now?" -"where?" - "close to lake..." -"half an hour?" - "ok"- "see you then"

Yes... not very exciting... -.- we nevertalked about beeing a couple, and I just asked him after a half year, what kind ofrelationship this is.
I didnt get an answer...
This was 2 years ago, and we arestill together...


how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

07.11.2006 um 20:40
i'm 26 and my boyfriend is 27. we are both from the same small village and we alreadyknew each other our hole lifes.
well, i really don'tknow why we don't got a coupleearlier.
about three years ago we were at a party in the neighbor village.
everything was normal like in former times, but suddenly it made "bang".
fromthis time on we are a couple.
we often talked about this situation and we are glad,that we are together.
and in our opinion it was the best ever happened to us.
ofcourse it could have happended years before, but who know how this walked on when we gottogether earlier.


how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

03.10.2013 um 14:55

First of all, I'm really sorry that it has taken me such a long time to answer.
I mean, 2006, has been 7 years ago, but in my opinion the topic is still interesting or in this case, even more then it was back then.

So what queue number does your "last boyfriend 2006" have by now? Are you still best friends?


how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

03.10.2013 um 23:46
Cool, a reactivation...
How i met my last boyfriend (now, since more than 4 years husband)?
A former female friend of me and i had a lot of conversations together (skype, telephone, emails, chat). One evening she told me that she found an old love of her again (i can not remember where, maybe "stayfriends" or something else). Well, they started contact again. A few days later this friend of mine and i used skype again, after a while she invited him to our conversation.

We started to write and talk, later my female friend said bye (it was evening). The guy and i continued our first contact and since this time we wrote and talked nearly every day.
After a few weeks our female friend invited us to her home, i had to tell her that i could not come around, my car didnt work (i did not have a clue what was wrong with my driving trash).
I told this guy my problem... and he decided to pick me up.

Long story short:
A few weeks after we met first, this guy and i were a couple.

Chiby ehemaliges Mitglied

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how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

06.10.2013 um 10:38
Hehe ... The last entry was on 2006, when I was a teenager and only 15 years old .. Funny too see what i was writing long long time ago.

Now I am 23, I live with my boyfriend since 2 1/2 years in a flat and i am happy. ;-)

And no: There is no contact to any of my friends of childhood, because after years you and your mind changes a lot.


how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

07.10.2013 um 10:09
Haha, thats very funny...! :D

The boyfriend of my story doesn´t "exist" anymore ;)

But now I´m happy with my new boyfriend and I´m pregnant ;) <3


how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

07.10.2013 um 13:55
@ single females

Anybody interested in becoming acquainted with your new boyfriend? Meee?

Thereafter you can post here and tell the people how wonderful it was. Back then, when you have met me for the very first time. whip2 1

Hope you love my suggestion. liebe wos24


how do you become acquainted with your girl-/boyfriend?

29.11.2013 um 21:20
i met my love on the internet, we just started chatting a bit, then came the first phone call via skype, then we met for the first time back in october...and bang :lv:
