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kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
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29.04.2006 um 10:38
Link: en.wikipedia.org (external)

Today's Issue: Reincarnation

First some basic information from Wikipedia, thefree encyclopedia

Reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again", as adoctrine or mystical belief, holds the notion that some essential part of a human being(or in some interpretations, any living being) can survive death in some form, with itsintegrity partly or wholly retained, to be reborn in a new body. This part is oftenreferred to as the Spirit or Soul, the 'Higher or True Self', 'Divine Spark', 'I' or the'Ego' (not to be confused with the ego as defined by psychology).

In suchbeliefs, a new personality is developed during each life in the physical world, basedupon past integrated experience and new acquired experiences, but some part of the beingremains constantly present throughout these successive lives as well. It is usuallybelieved that there is interaction between predeterminism of certain experiences, orlessons intended to happen during the physical life, and the free-will action of theindividual as they live that life.

This doctrine is a central tenet withinHinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Surat Shabda Yoga, Spiritism, some African religions, as wellas various other religions teachings and esoteric philosophies. Most modern Pagans alsobelieve in reincarnation as do some new Age beliefs. Reincarnation is traditionallyunderstood to be akin to the Buddhist concept of Rebirth, but in fact the two conceptsare very distinct philosophically - Buddhism teaches reincarnation is not of a permanentself or soul but says the opposite view is also an error (See: neti neti). An advancedBuddhist and an advanced Hindu would likely perceive the phenomenon of reincarnationidentically.

For the whole article please click on the link.

It isin my estimation fascinating, that so many people even in our western countries seem toaccept reincarnation as true instead of the conviction of a heaven or hell.
Why arethere only those two ideas, one of the rebirth and one of a paradise? Do you personallybelieve in reincarnation?



02.05.2006 um 21:29
I´m a katholik, but I think there is some true in the reincarnation..
perhaps youknow the film in tv "Travel in a fewer life"
there people talked about there lifebevore under hypnose and when they went to the place, they found out, that all was true,what the people told to them...



08.05.2006 um 19:40
actually i don't really believe in reincarnation. but sometimes i can remember thingsthat i've seen before but i never were there. expecially when i dream. some people willsay, that it's normal when you dream weird things... but it isn't.

i also thinkthat there could be something between heaven and hell. the nothing. when we think nowvery... uuum... "reincarnatish" we could say, that most people who died come in thisbetween thing... the nothing. that's what i think.

kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
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08.05.2006 um 20:01
I am personally not able to imagine a "nothing".




09.05.2006 um 14:36
then just imagine that there's something between heaven and hell ;)



16.06.2006 um 20:19
thats relly difficult,but I think life is beetwen heaven and hell...*LoL*



17.06.2006 um 12:58
then most people ARE already dead.... oO



20.06.2006 um 06:17
I believe in reincarntion.....but that does not mean, there is not hell orparadise....where does an enlightened being go to when he has reached enlightmend...whyshould nirvana be a state of being nothing? why exist if the true existence would benonexistence?

i believe in reincarnation. i also believe that some beings commitso bad things, that they even do not get the chance to reincarnate anymore. they will bekilled forever.



26.06.2006 um 21:02
wow,so many questions,so few answers...



28.06.2006 um 04:51
yes....and so many answers without saying anything....



23.11.2006 um 20:32
the thing that you will be reincarnated or not just depends on what relegion you´re amember of ;)

formyself i think it could be possible



05.12.2006 um 18:56
why not?
