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The Taiwan conflict

10 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: China, Taiwan ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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The Taiwan conflict

24.04.2006 um 16:52
Link: en.wikisource.org (external)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The controversy regarding the politicalstatus of Taiwan hinges on whether Taiwan, including the Pescadores (Penghu), shouldremain the effective territory of the Republic of China (ROC), become unified with theterritories now governed by the People's Republic of China (PRC), or become the Republicof Taiwan. Taiwan's political status is complicated by the controversy over the Republicof China's existence as a state.

Currently, Taiwan; Kinmen (Quemoy), Wuchiu(Wuciou), Matsu, off the coast of mainland Fukien; and Taiping (Itu Aba) and Pratas inthe South China Sea effectively make up the entire state known as the Republic of China(ROC). The ROC ruled territories on the continent that include mainland China, OuterMongolia and Tannu Uriankhai (part of which is present day Tuva) before its governmentwas relocated to Taipei in 1949.

Since the ROC lost its United Nation seat in1971 (replaced by the People's Republic of China (PRC)), most sovereign states haveswitched their diplomatic recognition to the PRC, recognising or acknowledging the PRC tobe the sole legitimate representative of all China, notably the United States in 1979. Asat 2006, it maintains official diplomatic relations with 25 sovereign states, although defacto relations is maintained with many. Agencies such as the Taipei Economic andCultural Representative Office and American Institute in Taiwan are operating as de factoembassies.

The ROC government has in the past considered itself to be the solelegitimate government over China, as well as its former territories. This positionstarted to be largely ignored in the early 1990s, changing to one that does not challengethe legitimacy of PRC rule over mainland China, although the ROC's claims have never beenrenounced through a constitutional amendment. Different groups have different concepts ofwhat the current formal political situation of Taiwan is. (See also: Taiwan independence,Chinese reunification, and Cross-Strait relations)

In addition, the situationcan be confusing because of the different parties and the effort by many groups to dealwith the controversy through a policy of deliberate ambiguity. The political solutionthat is accepted by many of the current groups is the following perspective of the statusquo: that is, to unofficially treat Taiwan as a state and at a minimum, to officiallydeclare no support for the government of this state making a formal declaration ofindependence. What a formal declaration of independence would consist of is not clear andcan be confusing given the fact that the People's Republic of China has never controlledTaiwan since its founding and the fact that the Republic of China, whose governmentcontrols Taiwan, considers itself a de jure sovereign state. The status quo is acceptedin large part because it does not define the legal status or future status of Taiwan,leaving each group to interpret the situation in a way that is politically acceptable toits members. At the same time, a policy of status quo has been criticized as beingdangerous precisely because different sides have different interpretations of what thestatus quo is, leading to the possibility of war through brinkmanship ormiscalculation.


Wikipedia: Political status of Taiwan

Taiwan, or the Republic of China is one of world's scenes, with a very high'war-potential', besides the Iran and North-Korea this little nation is a possiblestarting point for the next world war.

What do you think? Do the Taiwanesepeople have the right of sovereignty? And does Taiwan belong to China?


sator ehemaliges Mitglied

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The Taiwan conflict

24.04.2006 um 19:21
pretty complicated.

ive read several wikipages. now im a bit confused and dontknow where to start with. ^^

taiwan is correctly seen a souvereign state? thePRC and taiwan (the ROC) are claiming to represent "China". no? in the last decade taiwanofficialy did not insist on representing "China" in the UNO, and also did not officialyinsist on souvereignity and the name "Republic of China" (politic of five no's).

now taiwan insists on independence and want to be accepted as souvereign state (alsoby their western protector: the USA) and dont want to be integrated as long as their isno democracy in PRC.

i wonder that even the USA dont accepts taiwan assouvereirgn state. and i ask myself how the chinese want to solve the taiwan-problem. arethey satisfied about the present status? dont seems like. why not maintain it? "onepeople - two states". means taiwan stays democratic? sounds ok to me.

i thinktaiwan should yield. military china isnt so easy to handle like iraq or iran and chinesegov. is insisting on unity. taiwan is yet another former chinese terrritory on the list,they want to integrate again. the present status, as they say, is not unlimited.


in order to continue the discuss led in thread:http://en.allmystery.de/themen/pr24355

...This act also requires the UnitedStates "to provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character", and "to maintain thecapacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercionthat would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people onTaiwan." However, it does not necessarily require the United States to take anymilitary action against the PRC in the event of an attack.

well.. thereaint anything additonal to say.

and to quote a chinese general:

“Ifthe Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone onChina's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” General ZhuChenghu.

the USA wont risk a military conflict with PRC and even a nuclearwar in order to prevent an ally from annextion or guaranteeing independence/souvereignityto them or what else. its much wiser to support taiwan only with highly effectivedefensive weapon systems.


The Taiwan conflict

26.04.2006 um 15:54
The Case is indeed a littlebit complicated, because even sinologists argue with eachother if Taiwan is really a party of the original China.

I can´t post any linksto this, cause i´m in China and it´s not so easy to find websites regarding this issuewithout being controlled by the government...

The Problem is, that the Taiwancan´t vote for themselves, cause if they do and declare themself independet the PRC willstart an invasion. If the US would not protect them who would ever trust them again als amilitary partner? Taiwan is the part of China that has a free democracy and so on, theycan not let them fall.
That´s why both sides make a politic of holding the statusquo. Even if China would be a real democracy i´m not sure, if the taiwanese would want tobe part of China, cause the original Taiwanese people have always been represt by the"chinese".

I think it would be fair to let them decide by their selfes, butuntil this can happen, many other things musst happen first...

sator ehemaliges Mitglied

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The Taiwan conflict

26.04.2006 um 18:03
"If the US would not protect them who would ever trust them again als a militarypartner?"

military assistance has not to be an intervention with troops. in thisexplicit case they have no other choice than support with weapons "only" and this is themaximum they can afford, otherwise we all would be pretty *censored*. so whats theproblem? why should no one ever trust the US? if i would been supplied withtop-weapon-technology by the BRD and the US id be very much delighted.

"Taiwanis the part of China that has a free democracy and so on, they can not let them fall. "

yes, as far as i understand, china want taiwan to stay democratic (one people -two states). right?


The Taiwan conflict

27.04.2006 um 07:08
e.g. if japan sees, that the us do not defend taiwan, why should they feel secure onlybecause the us says they protect them? of the they would look out to find other alliesand build a strong army bey themselfes.

taiwan gets modern weapons from the us,thats right, but not from the brd.
few years ago the taiwanese marine wanted to buyu-boats from germany but the germans said theuy won't sell them to taiwan, cause it isnot a safe region.
of course the same boats have been selled to israel....

uknow everyone laughs at this one people two systems stuffs. because a u see in tibet isdoes not work. usually tibet should be an autonomious region, but in fact is is not. inhongkong, they gave the system another name, cause averuone was laughing at this 1-2systems as practiced in tibet. and now everyone can see, wat the communists do to destroythe little democracy hongkong got from the british.

of course it would benice if taiwan could be a better example, but why not ask the taiwanese people first?because the communists know they don't want to jump into the mouth of the shark beythemselfs....

sator ehemaliges Mitglied

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The Taiwan conflict

27.04.2006 um 19:03
u cant compare taiwan with japan. and as addiction, japan is not allowed to build up anown army. the JDF (japanese defense force) is everything they got and are allowed tohave.

"..out to find other allies and build a strong army bey themselfes."

and who is considered to be an good allie? the chinese? ^^

"u know everyonelaughs at this one people two systems stuffs. because a u see in tibet is does not work."

so u hold on your opionion.. claiming war between china and the USA is thebetter option...


The Taiwan conflict

29.04.2006 um 11:46
I can compare what i want, but i don#t understand why i should not do that.

thejapanese and the chinese won#t get allied in the near future, but for states like northkorea china is definitive the only alley.
if many countries would not be alliedwith the us, we would have a system similar to the situation before the first world war.every state would need a big army and so on.

i don#t want war between china andthe us, i don´t like wars. i would like, that the taiwanese could choose for themselves,and for the case that the prc will invade china i hope the us will protect taiwan.

sator ehemaliges Mitglied

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The Taiwan conflict

29.04.2006 um 15:23
yes, of course you can. -.-
but it makes no sense. japan never been chineseterritory, never belong to china, so china will never desire japan to be integrated. itwould be a complete different situation if china would start an attack on japan.

i didnt allege that you like war, i just asked if you assume a war between armieslike china and the USA has, with their nuclear weapons, is a better option than onlysupporting taiwan with weapons and hoping there is a peacfull way to get out of thiscrisis?


The Taiwan conflict

11.07.2006 um 15:10
i have the opinion that a conflict takes time. the taiwan conflict, as this threat iscalled, obviosly depends of many factors i. e. unification yes/no.

i hope thingsgonna be better...


The Taiwan conflict

13.03.2016 um 23:46
I just think: If the Taiwanese People want independence from China, they should get it. De facto they declared their independence, but China does not accept it.

Whats the UNO saying to this conflict?

