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Are you missing someone terribly...?

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Are you missing someone terribly...?

30.04.2006 um 12:01
I don't think that sounds stupid...

And I'm sorry about your loss... why didshe
die? Became too old? Or sickness/accident?


Are you missing someone terribly...?

01.05.2006 um 19:25
Becaus a car hit her.
And then her leg was hurt and when we were at the veterinaryshe nearly choked... so the veterinary put her to sleep.. :-(


Are you missing someone terribly...?

02.05.2006 um 12:13
awwww :(

why did she almost choke?


Are you missing someone terribly...?

02.05.2006 um 21:25
phu... i´m not an english-genie... i write this in german to you...:
sie hatte einenriss in der luftröhre, das herz war vergrößert und das ganze lungengewebe lag zu weitunten...

this stupid cars... :-(

and we also have another cat, which isa child of her.... he is very sad and lay the hole day on the chair, on which our catlaid all the time...
so we decided to get a new cat, that moritz (this is his name)is not so alone...


Are you missing someone terribly...?

03.05.2006 um 12:39

that sounds so sad :(


Are you missing someone terribly...?

04.05.2006 um 18:41
ts, super...
because of the one sentece I wrote about our cat in german to explain itto you, they locked me. *grrrrr*

yes, its sad, but we mad her a littlegrave with little roses :)


Are you missing someone terribly...?

05.05.2006 um 16:31
how cute :)

you could have explained it in a pm ;) I wouldn't mind hehe.


Are you missing someone terribly...?

05.05.2006 um 21:50
great idea @Kyria ;)


Are you missing someone terribly...?

06.05.2006 um 22:19
ok, the next time I´m going to explain it per pn! ;)


Are you missing someone terribly...?

03.11.2013 um 03:56
Zitat von ketchup1ketchup1 schrieb am 29.04.2006:Perhaps it sounds stupid, but I also miss my cat. She died yesterday... She was avery speciall cat, because we "survived" her as a baby cat (her mother had died and soher sibils). she was very thankfull about that and she always went with us, when we gofor a walk or she waited in front of the door for each of us, to come home...
Not stupid @ all!
I miss so many cats we had in the past:
Akelea, Kiwi, Pablo, Ciro, Puma, Xico, Panda.
Sometimes I miss my old friends. Some live far away in different countries…
…we Migrants have faced many losses but made a lot of new experiences.


Are you missing someone terribly...?

03.11.2013 um 03:59
Oh I miss my ex ex girlfriend, this cuty girl... :|


Are you missing someone terribly...?

03.11.2013 um 09:40
I miss my best friend :(


Are you missing someone terribly...?

03.11.2013 um 13:31
I miss... the old times.


Are you missing someone terribly...?

03.11.2013 um 22:09
I miss my girlfriend :|


Are you missing someone terribly...?

03.11.2013 um 22:47
Not anymore. We had good times, lot of beautiful memories.
But its over and there is no going back.

But that‘s just life. :)


Are you missing someone terribly...?

05.11.2013 um 13:24
All the money I once had. And sometimes also the heart, I once followed.


Are you missing someone terribly...?

15.11.2013 um 23:38
My brother back home, but Christmas is coming, so yay!


Are you missing someone terribly...?

25.11.2013 um 21:50
my grandma died a few years ago and i miss her every single day.
its pretty easy for me to talk about it but when i start to think deeper, there still appear some bad moments in my head that i remember as it was yesterday. dat hurts ..

there was a girl i had a "crush" on years ago. but she hurted me very bad. its still hard for me too see her and i guess i still "love" her. thinking about how awesome it could have been makes me upset every time. but in my case ppl always like me more less than i do like them. frustrating.

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Are you missing someone terribly...?

26.11.2013 um 11:59
