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Too many weapons...

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ehemaliges Mitglied

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Too many weapons...

01.04.2006 um 20:51

in the U.S. every household has three guns. So what do you think about this?Are there too many guns? Wouldn't be one gun enough for an household?

Well, asMichael Moore pointed out, THIS is not the problem, but FEAR is the problem. So, when thesocial system even more goes down, or everyone fears about losing his/her job etc.wouldn't you think that 200 million guns are way too many. Think about it. What, if theresomeone decides to stupidly kill people (amok), don't you think with three guns he cankill even more people? And everyone can buy a gun. I think there should be apsychological test if one can use a gun.

What do you think about the situation?Should U.S. government react? But then they must be careful not to suppress the citizens!


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But the best way of falling
Is falling in Love


Too many weapons...

04.04.2006 um 13:37
of course there are too many weapons, but i think it's not only a problem in the U.S.
i mean, don'T you think that there is this problem - violece and fear - all over theworld!?!

donT fOrgeT sMiLiNG =)


Too many weapons...

07.04.2006 um 12:24
i don´t not think there are really to many weapons ....it´s a dangerous country with bigwilderness and so on :)

the canadians also have many many weapons, but theydo´nt have the same problem with it....so the reason that causes so many deaths byweapons in the US must be another.

maybe fear, maybe ....

we should notforget, that the first thing, that every dictatorship does is to restrict weapon laws, sothat a maybe existing opposition has no chance to defend...

真 善 忍


Too many weapons...

11.07.2006 um 15:24
what would be if nobody wants to use weapons. it would be not necessery to protect hislife.

unfortunatly, so i think, too many illegal weapons mixed up with drugs,you know, things like that... causes many murders.

i am very sad about that,just imagine you would loose a good friend, because he/she was shot.


Too many weapons...

11.09.2006 um 23:35
Yes, it's not that EVERY houshold has three wea pons -but take the average - you might beright. But to carry a concealed weapon in public places is illegal.
and : No, I donot think that there are too many weapons. Should it become illegal to own weapons thekillings will not be less anyway.


Too many weapons...

12.09.2006 um 11:49
Hi Royalb,

What do you mean when you say the killings will not be lessanyway
If you were right, why would the number of murderers in Europe be muchunderneath the one in the U.S.A.?

Your belief is obliviously erroneous.


conspiration Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Too many weapons...

02.10.2006 um 18:34
As Michael Moore pointed out in his movie "Bowling for Columbine", the main reason forthere are so many more murders in USA than in any other country is not the availabilityof weapons. In Canada, there are even more weapons per household than in USA, and theyhave a lot less murders. The main reason for murder is fear. In USA people grow up withhaving fear. In the earlier days, they feared about black people, who remained strange tothem, and of course feared about other aliens like latin people.
In these days theirfears are about terror, and the black people have been replaced with islamic people. Theythink, there is a threat from outside, but the greatest threat indeed are theirselves.

But I still think they have too many weapons. In New Orleans, while "Katrina"ruined the city, we became aware that even in proud USA, when there are no guardiansaround, in a civil-war-like situation they would rape women and children, kill people,raid stores.

So USA are in need to defend against the nature they destroy (seeKyoto Pact).

Best wishes,

corn ehemaliges Mitglied

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Too many weapons...

13.10.2006 um 11:59
I totally agree with Moores opinion, that fear is one - if not the most fundamentalreason for the situation in the U.S. today and I also see the obvious extreme fear ofterror that makes the people overreact in many spheres of their daily lives.

ButI think that there is another "quality" of fear that leads to these forms of violencethat we are actually talking about. Regarding Moores Film, there were also a fewstatments of M. Manson on a much more basic and subliminal fear, which were quite similarto my perspective.

I have been to the states a lot and sometimes for severalmonths and I almost felt sorry for the U.S. people because of the non-stop subliminalindoctrination - not by political or religious organisations - but by commerciallyorientated companies infiltrating every little corner in peoples lives with theirmarketing and advertising strategies.

The messages are diverse but they all leadto one lasting feeling of fear.
Fear that you might have a lack of this or might showdeficits of that. So people keep consuming, whatever it is. It is a constant pressurethat most people cannot even make clear for themselves.

This automatically leadsto the next level of subliminal fear which is envy.
And now look at the completerange of the american society - from the starving namless and homeless people to theaverage 2.5 children families of John Doe to the wealthy insanity of the Hiltons - afertile ground for envy.

In a country where there are such strong psychologicalneeds created in new forms everyday and in a country where success and decline livedoor-to-door so envy is persistant and in a country where you can get a gun not only onthe streetcorner but in regular shops...

...it is only a small step to go outand murder to satisfy your needs or at least to get rid of your frustration for a fewmoments.

Too many weapons? Here is my answer:

Of course it is better torestict the tools for murder than too keep them available and even advertise them whenyou want to start lowering the murder statistics, because very slowly but surley in somedecades there will be less weapons around and less opportunities for murder - simple.

But this is neither mature thinking nor a strong action towards the goal of lessmurder.

The actual disease has to be eliminated and not only the symptoms!

The desease is fear and the virus is commercial media!

How to deal withcommercial media might be another thread, but here is a statement by Jello Biafra: "Don´thate the media - become the media!"

I guess we start right here as we arereading and writing...

- CORN -


Too many weapons...

17.11.2006 um 14:04
in germany you get take to the police if you would have a kalashnikov

but inamerka no problem

someone comes into your proberty ( in texas no problem shootat him )
in germany you would take to police if you shoot at him .=P

andfear in germany you don t have fear of get killed 1 % has guns a pistol or a gun for hunt(only with weaponpapers) but in amerkia you have fear cause of the weapons you don t needsomethin like weaponpaper . everyone can have one weapon =P



Too many weapons...

17.11.2006 um 14:04
or am i fault ?


Too many weapons...

23.11.2006 um 20:55
in usa the right to own a weapon is written down in the bill of rights.
but like ingermany you need a gun licence to use the weapon.


Too many weapons...

24.11.2006 um 15:31
Hi onlinefreak,

I think you're wrong, if my memory is correct, in the bill ofthe rights it is granted to defend your home (if necessary with a weapon). But of courseit is correct, that you may not buy a weapon in Germany, without having a license.

Oh, and by the way, even if there are more restrictions in Germany than in America,stuff like in the Columbine Highschool are happening in Germany too, as we've seenthroughout the last days.


Too many weapons...

24.11.2006 um 19:49
there're to many weapons, but this is not the only problem.
if i live in a big city iwould think about to have a weapon
in my apartment to protect me and my family.

i agree con's opinion:

fear is the most important aspect.
the media makethe people to fear everything:
"your neighbor could me a murderer, so take care"

michael moore's "bowling for columbine" shows the aspect
of fear and the mediaexactly.
